My idea for Powerplay

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Senior List
Apr 15, 2005
Other Teams
I was thinking of how the powerplay could be better the other night and this was my idea.

Why dont they let the batsmen choose when they want the powerplay?

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i prob did hear it somewhere else.

It wouldnt be the last 10 overs at all, they are already a slog fest, why make it easier? they can get 10 an over already at that point.
I would love this powerplay

First 10 overs

Overs 10-25 - 1 5 over block from the fielding captain to choose
Overs 26-40- 1 5 over block choosen by the batting side

Another twist I would love, the batsman can choose 1 area on the ground where the opposition cant put either of the 2 men in the deep. So they can either choose, fine leg area, 3rd man area, deep cover region, deep midwicket region or straight down the ground
eddiesmith said:
Another twist I would love, the batsman can choose 1 area on the ground where the opposition cant put either of the 2 men in the deep. So they can either choose, fine leg area, 3rd man area, deep cover region, deep midwicket region or straight down the ground
Thats like being a captain for the opposition.

The opposition should recognise a players strength, and can either, leave it empty and bowl balls where so he can't hit it there, or fill it up and tempt them with juicy balls in the slot.
YOTC said:
Thats like being a captain for the opposition.

The opposition should recognise a players strength, and can either, leave it empty and bowl balls where so he can't hit it there, or fill it up and tempt them with juicy balls in the slot.
Its one spot on the field, I get sick of these awesome cover drives just getting a single
don't want to make it too complicated... compulsary power plays between over 15 to 20, and 30 to 35 to break up the middle overs...
eddiesmith said:
People want to pick up the 15-40 over period of the game, that is boring, especially when Martyn is batting

it's all in your mind eddie. 10 years ago when 220-250 or so was a good score, the game was at its exciting best.

the game has evolved over time and people have worked out to work the ball in those middle overs and go nuts early which they never used to do. 0/40 off 15 was considered fantastic as i once remember. a couple of teams tried to change the way the 1st 15 overs were played with limited sucess until late 1995 the lankans revolutionalised the game. i can't see how the game is boring when 280+ is the norm these days.

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pluga_4 said:
it's all in your mind eddie. 10 years ago when 220-250 or so was a good score, the game was at its exciting best.

the game has evolved over time and people have worked out to work the ball in those middle overs and go nuts early which they never used to do. 0/40 off 15 was considered fantastic as i once remember. a couple of teams tried to change the way the 1st 15 overs were played with limited sucess until late 1995 the lankans revolutionalised the game. i can't see how the game is boring when 280+ is the norm these days.

no doubt the game has evolved but it has evolved to become boring in the middle overs when the field is back and the batsman just hit 1's, with the odd 2 or 4... years ago when batsman didn't hit out the fields would be less defensive and the batsman would be rewarded for playing good shots... now that the players have the ability to hit out more the fields are extremely defensive and the fielding side are quite happy to conceed singles to the batsman... 10 years ago that didn't happen to the extent it does today... i know i never bother watching one day games any more, and if i do it's only ever in the first 15 overs, or the last 10 overs of an innings...
eddiesmith said:
I would love this powerplay

First 10 overs

Overs 10-25 - 1 5 over block from the fielding captain to choose
Overs 26-40- 1 5 over block choosen by the batting side

I agree. That would be my idea too.
POBT said:
Maybe one day cricket is just a tired concept? Maybe it can't be jazzed up.

people still attend the games.

hey maybe some people could come up with some stupid ideas like.....10 runs if you hit the ball into the 2nd tier or the batting captain can nominate one ball in every 5 over block to be a "jackpot" ball with everything being worth twice its value. and if the batter goes out whoever is listed to come in next is out as well.

now who wants it jazzed up huh ???? :D
I like the idea of DOUBLE RUNS during Powerplay periods. Maybe only have 10 overs though... for example

1-5th overs
10th over
20th over
30th over
40th over
50th over

All runs are scored as double runs (maybe 6's as triple). Boundaries recorded against the batsman stay as single recordings though.
kaysee said:
I like the idea of DOUBLE RUNS during Powerplay periods. Maybe only have 10 overs though... for example

1-5th overs
10th over
20th over
30th over
40th over
50th over

All runs are scored as double runs (maybe 6's as triple). Boundaries recorded against the batsman stay as single recordings though.

surely a astatiticains nightmare now:D

you mean someone will better bevan's odi average ??? :)
All i know is that when a sport first creates an alternate version of itself to attract crowds, and then creates alternate versions of the alternate versions, and constantly tampers with rules to bring excitement to the game.....that essentially it all means there is something flawed with the game and it is beyond jazzing up beyond a point.

Cricket has benefited from ODI (fielding, aggressive strokeplay) but essentially has been swallowed up as well in a never-ending cycle of 'revamping' the sport for corporate dollars and tv ratings to the point now where there are absurd ideas brought in - like 100 dollars if you catch a six, or 8 runs for a super-six, bowl-offs, double runs, 'power-plays', etc, and overly legislated field placings to try to invigorate the scoring etc etc. In the process though, bowlers have been redundant and legislated out of the game all for picture-perfect pitches and shortened fields all for the "thrill" of slogging (which will ultimately create its own form of boredom or regularity.
pluga_4 said:
surely a astatiticains nightmare now:D ...

Not our job :D ... so why should we care about the finer effects :D :D

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