Pre-season 2024

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Haha, yes, I’m actually a GWS member too and forgot which Board I was on! Any other week I’d be with you but definitely not this week!

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I have made this mistake plenty of times. It causes a bit more chaos when we post a post meant for the giants board on the non giants board though

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I have made this mistake plenty of times. It causes a bit more chaos when we post a post meant for the giants board on the non giants board though

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My big gotchas is using the right "we" on the right forum.

I made a post discussing the 2019 finals run recently - it was only after reading it back I realised how confusing it would be for others because it went, roughly, "we won week 1, we lost week 2, we won week 3, we lost the GF".

Pre-season 2024

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