RDFL Thread 2010 (Part 2)

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Back to the umpires for a sec. Why on earth are there RDFL umpires being sent to the Ballarat FL anyway??? F**k em I say, look after your own first. Surely with full a full complement of RDFL registered umps available for RDFL matches , then it puts pressure on the entire fraternity to be performing to the best of his or her ability every week. Then couldnt you promote/demote due to form???
The OLD FELLA SEMMO please do us a favour and umpire the kids cause clearly u ave lost you marballs and are unable to umpire at a senior level anymore. Fair enough in having a go and keeping fit and all that, but the fact is we pay money to watch footballers to do there stuff not a umpire being a control freak and stuffing up a good game. Take my hat of to Wallan they played all over Woodend but We Have to realize umpires are a part of our game, they do a terrific job. But Semmo u have been a great servent to this league all many are saying mis time to back peddle a little and just do the juniors , And help the young upcomming Umps.. All the best......
Back to the umpires for a sec. Why on earth are there RDFL umpires being sent to the Ballarat FL anyway??? F**k em I say, look after your own first. Surely with full a full complement of RDFL registered umps available for RDFL matches , then it puts pressure on the entire fraternity to be performing to the best of his or her ability every week. Then couldnt you promote/demote due to form???

This argument has been going on for years. It’s almost being going on for as long as the semmo debate!! It goes back to when the league split years ago and we had too many umpires and the RDFLUA needed to offer the umpires some incentive to stay around. We have been umpiring other leagues since then. For the last two years it has been VAFA, before that it was the BalFL and the VAFA for about 10 years. We have stopped umpiring VAFA because the travel was ridiculous and by the time we bought e tags and petrol if just was not worth it. Last year when Gisborne was about to join the BalFL the BalFl approached us wanting to know if we would be able to help them out? We said yes but on our terms. As correctly stated previously we are only umpiring 3 games (1 u/18, 1 reserves and 1 senior) each round and we are not interested in umpiring finals, because as you say we need to make sure that our best umpires are umpiring our own league. This is not to say that our best umpires are not umpiring our league during the season. It is not like the best two umpires every week are umpiring Ballarat football. It would not matter if we were umpiring BalFL or not, it would just mean that those two umpires would be umpiring reserves football that week and that there would be 6 umpires two many. When we agreed to umpire BalFL we said that we would have to wait until April before we would commit. We have recruited 50 umpires this year, which is unheard of!! Yes most of them are kids and are running the boundary but about 5-10 of them are experienced umpires either returning to umpiring after some time off or from other leagues, so we are now in a good position where we are competing for spots, but the coaches believe in rotation, so no matter how good you are you will be umpiring in a lower grade during the season, so that everyone that is capable of umpiring senior football gets the opportunity to do so. To the person that said the senior group is a boys club you could not be further from the truth. I have umpired in other leagues and those associations have policies that stop new umpires from other leagues from umpiring certain grand finals, we would never do that. You do need to earn your stripes and prove yourself, but you would get more opportunity with us than what you would with other leagues and that is partly because we have the opportunity to umpire Ballarat Football.

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The OLD FELLA SEMMO please do us a favour and umpire the kids cause clearly u ave lost you marballs and are unable to umpire at a senior level anymore. Fair enough in having a go and keeping fit and all that, but the fact is we pay money to watch footballers to do there stuff not a umpire being a control freak and stuffing up a good game. Take my hat of to Wallan they played all over Woodend but We Have to realize umpires are a part of our game, they do a terrific job. But Semmo u have been a great servent to this league all many are saying mis time to back peddle a little and just do the juniors , And help the young upcomming Umps.. All the best......

Every week the argument comes from the losing side.. I understand the frustration in a loss like the Hawks were on the end of on the weekend, but there is no way that the umpire in question had an affect on the game.. I spoke to someone neutral at the game who said that the umpires did a good job, a good job at this level is all you can ask for..

I reiterate once more... Stop whining and get on with the game, you cannot get sent off then....
Every week the argument comes from the losing side.. I understand the frustration in a loss like the Hawks were on the end of on the weekend, but there is no way that the umpire in question had an affect on the game.. I spoke to someone neutral at the game who said that the umpires did a good job, a good job at this level is all you can ask for..

I reiterate once more... Stop whining and get on with the game, you cannot get sent off then....
In 2008 in the last quarter of a game at Lancefield, we had 4 players sent off, one player got sent off for saying, Semmo relax! may have cost us the game, since then we have reformed, say nothing!!!! you cant get sent off for saying nothing!!, you cant give away a 50 for saying nothing, you may even get a free kick for keeping your mouth shut. If i was umpiring a game and a plyer was giving it to me, i would give him nothing, it's human nature.
Is it true Lukey got picked to play two's but deciled to play. Just tried to compare crowd with round 1 Ram's V's Centrals, and nowhere near the crowd that showed up that day. It is true that the crowd was well behaved, I would have thought that no matter who the boy's played that you would still have supported them. I wish the Ram's were travelling as well as Fremantle. :rolleyes:

As Mongrel said, Luke is still a couple of weeks away from playing so was not picked to play at all. I'm assuming you meant to say"declined to play" and so I assure that when he is picked, he will come back thru the two's if that's what the coaches want. He's not the type of bloke that would get picked and say no just cause it's the two's. He'll be playing for a spot just like everyone else.
Not sure why the woodend guys are having a go at semmo considering it was the young umpire who sent all your players off and one of ours. You should be thankful semmo didn't send one of your players off when he gave the free kick for kicking one of our players.
not sure why the woodend guys are having a go at semmo considering it was the young umpire who sent all your players off and one of ours. You should be thankful semmo didn't send one of your players off when he gave the free kick for kicking one of our players.
true, but he sent our runner off and awarded a 50 meter penalty because the runner was "coaching", must be a fine line between that and delivering a message from the coach. And your player wasnt kicked on purpose mate. iD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW WHY THE YOUNG UMPIRE IN QUESTION SEEMS SO KEEN TO SEND PLAYERS OFF. HE DOES IT CONSTANTLY, AD EVEN THOUGH HE IS ONLY 17 OR SOMETHING, AND APPARENTLY IN THE AFL FUTURE UMPIRE PROGRAM HE SHOULD BE KEPT FAR AWAY FROM SEMMO AND DO GAMES WITH UMPIRES THAT ARE ON TOP OF THEIR CRAFT. HOW CAN YOU LEARN FROM A SPUD
true, but he sent our runner off and awarded a 50 meter penalty because the runner was "coaching", must be a fine line between that and delivering a message from the coach. And your player wasnt kicked on purpose mate. iD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW WHY THE YOUNG UMPIRE IN QUESTION SEEMS SO KEEN TO SEND PLAYERS OFF. HE DOES IT CONSTANTLY, AD EVEN THOUGH HE IS ONLY 17 OR SOMETHING, AND APPARENTLY IN THE AFL FUTURE UMPIRE PROGRAM HE SHOULD BE KEPT FAR AWAY FROM SEMMO AND DO GAMES WITH UMPIRES THAT ARE ON TOP OF THEIR CRAFT. HOW CAN YOU LEARN FROM A SPUD

Probably because of past experience, he doesn't want things to get out of hand again... But it is obvious that nobody will ever learn from a simple tip of keeping it shut.. Instead, a mental block that seems to make people believe that they can reshape the umpiring world with argument rather than realising that the quickest fix will come from within, rather than the umpires... Every action will result in a reaction, but lets just keep arguing and blaming the umpires, I am sure that eventually that will work, even if it hasn't by now after 100 years, if maybe we yell at them a little louder, and argue more often, surely it will improve in our eyes.. Oh, wait, it will never improve in our eyes until 100% of decisions go our way, until any player that gives away a free kick gets away with it.. The umpires are always wrong, one way or another.. Its all thier fault actually.. They are certainly the reason we argue all the time...

The first coach that can get his team to shut up at all times and just concentrate on doing thier job right rather than worry about what everyone else is doing will coach the perfect team.. But seeing as though there is no possible way that we are able to do this, we must spend all of our time blaming everyone else for our performance...
true, but he sent our runner off and awarded a 50 meter penalty because the runner was "coaching", must be a fine line between that and delivering a message from the coach. And your player wasnt kicked on purpose mate. iD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW WHY THE YOUNG UMPIRE IN QUESTION SEEMS SO KEEN TO SEND PLAYERS OFF. HE DOES IT CONSTANTLY, AD EVEN THOUGH HE IS ONLY 17 OR SOMETHING, AND APPARENTLY IN THE AFL FUTURE UMPIRE PROGRAM HE SHOULD BE KEPT FAR AWAY FROM SEMMO AND DO GAMES WITH UMPIRES THAT ARE ON TOP OF THEIR CRAFT. HOW CAN YOU LEARN FROM A SPUD

I was aware of the 50m against the runner, but I was not aware that he was also sent off. That decision confused the he'll out of me.

I toatally agree with you about the young umpire, when he sent a player off from each team for a bit of push and shove was a bit harsh. Apart from them 2 decisions I thought they umpired well.
Every week the argument comes from the losing side.. I understand the frustration in a loss like the Hawks were on the end of on the weekend, but there is no way that the umpire in question had an affect on the game.. I spoke to someone neutral at the game who said that the umpires did a good job, a good job at this level is all you can ask for..

I reiterate once more... Stop whining and get on with the game, you cannot get sent off then....

Hey little buddy, the umpiring in this particular game had heaps of influence on the result of the game 7 fiftys given to Wallan, 3 sent of to 1, And last 9 goals that came from free's TRY TELL ME THATS NOT HAVING AN AFFECT ON THE GAME YA MUPPET:thumbsdown: The facts are it was an umpiring DISASTER SEMMO no sleep in this week little mate as juniors kicks of early:D:D
Before i forget the 2nd send off they gave to Woodend the Umpires Didnt even Notify the Time Keepers there was a send of they had no idea he'd been sent off, until the player spoke to em at the end of the game. Awsome work gents :thumbsu::thumbsu:
true, but he sent our runner off and awarded a 50 meter penalty because the runner was "coaching", must be a fine line between that and delivering a message from the coach. And your player wasnt kicked on purpose mate. iD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW WHY THE YOUNG UMPIRE IN QUESTION SEEMS SO KEEN TO SEND PLAYERS OFF. HE DOES IT CONSTANTLY, AD EVEN THOUGH HE IS ONLY 17 OR SOMETHING, AND APPARENTLY IN THE AFL FUTURE UMPIRE PROGRAM HE SHOULD BE KEPT FAR AWAY FROM SEMMO AND DO GAMES WITH UMPIRES THAT ARE ON TOP OF THEIR CRAFT. HOW CAN YOU LEARN FROM A SPUD
Sprechen, i agree with you 100%, you are right!, but you, me and every other represenative from every club will not change a thing, we all must take the umpires out of the equation, I will say this for the last time, players need to keep their mouths shut and play the game, if any player gets ordered off the field for mouthing off, then we need to blame the player, the coach then needs to make an example of him to the rest of the team or it will cost that team in the long run, it's not rocket science, it's discipline.

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Probably because of past experience, he doesn't want things to get out of hand again... But it is obvious that nobody will ever learn from a simple tip of keeping it shut.. Instead, a mental block that seems to make people believe that they can reshape the umpiring world with argument rather than realising that the quickest fix will come from within, rather than the umpires... Every action will result in a reaction, but lets just keep arguing and blaming the umpires, I am sure that eventually that will work, even if it hasn't by now after 100 years, if maybe we yell at them a little louder, and argue more often, surely it will improve in our eyes.. Oh, wait, it will never improve in our eyes until 100% of decisions go our way, until any player that gives away a free kick gets away with it.. The umpires are always wrong, one way or another.. Its all thier fault actually.. They are certainly the reason we argue all the time...

The first coach that can get his team to shut up at all times and just concentrate on doing thier job right rather than worry about what everyone else is doing will coach the perfect team.. But seeing as though there is no possible way that we are able to do this, we must spend all of our time blaming everyone else for our performance...

I know, I know, I know. But keep your powder dry IMS until old Semmo umpires a kangas game and then we shall see that its not just the mouthing off that gets players into trouble with him.:confused:
Oh and the thing about junior reacting with a send off from a past experience is not the way to deal with certain situations. It can sometimes make it worse. I and all of us would never want what happened to him occur again, but, as I said sharing a game with Semmo and the way he goes about it is not setting the right umpiring example to the young bloke.
Hey little buddy, the umpiring in this particular game had heaps of influence on the result of the game 7 fiftys given to Wallan, 3 sent of to 1, And last 9 goals that came from free's TRY TELL ME THATS NOT HAVING AN AFFECT ON THE GAME YA MUPPET:thumbsdown: The facts are it was an umpiring DISASTER SEMMO no sleep in this week little mate as juniors kicks of early:D:D
Before i forget the 2nd send off they gave to Woodend the Umpires Didnt even Notify the Time Keepers there was a send of they had no idea he'd been sent off, until the player spoke to em at the end of the game. Awsome work gents :thumbsu::thumbsu:

Now I am a muppet...

I will tell you exactly what I see written above.

The umpiring in our 8 goal loss had a massive impact.. Our players just couldn't shut up, we had to argue the terrible decisions because we were second to the ball all day and comprehensively beaten, we had to show some spirit in one area, why not with our excellent arguing with the umpire.. Unfortunately, the umpires couldn't see that we were excelling in this area, they looked at it the other way and sent us off.. Our discipline was as bad as our performance really.. The time keeper wasn't even paying attention, too busy blaming the umpire for the team's undisciplined performance..

The umpire doesn't need to notify the time keeper when a send off occurs, he needs to show the interchange steward (umpires escort) a yellow card which, if the interchange steward (umpires escort) is in the correct position, then he would have no trouble seeing it.

I will say it again.. I will also go back to games when I myself think that the umpiring is poor, and have argued myself, the fact is, it is frustrating when you are second to the ball and getting thumped as a team, the easiest people to take it out on are the umpires, because the decisions don't go your way.. The only thing that impacted the result on the weekend, and in every game, was your team performance and discipline, unfortunately, you were completely outplayed by a more disciplined and determined opposition. The improvement can only come from one area, that is from you.. Stop pointing the finger and take responsibility.. I can assure you, that the Hawks premiership from a few short years ago came from exactly that, a disciplined team performance, every week..
Hey little buddy, the umpiring in this particular game had heaps of influence on the result of the game 7 fiftys given to Wallan, 3 sent of to 1, And last 9 goals that came from free's TRY TELL ME THATS NOT HAVING AN AFFECT ON THE GAME YA MUPPET:thumbsdown: The facts are it was an umpiring DISASTER SEMMO no sleep in this week little mate as juniors kicks of early:D:D
Before i forget the 2nd send off they gave to Woodend the Umpires Didnt even Notify the Time Keepers there was a send of they had no idea he'd been sent off, until the player spoke to em at the end of the game. Awsome work gents :thumbsu::thumbsu:
Yeh your absolutly right there Hawkers, if it wasnt for the poor standard of umpiring, Woodend would have thumped Wallan
Yeh your absolutly right there Hawkers, if it wasnt for the poor standard of umpiring, Woodend would have thumped Wallan
To be honest I didnt think posting the words " semmo-retire" was going to start such a shitstorm, but hey, I love reading other peoples opinoins and on here those opinions are always from the heart. I personally dont think his umpiring changed the outcome of the game, i was more commenting on Semmo's ability to be a fair and respectable ump. Woodend were flat, Wallan were not. FACT.:thumbsu:
We all know Semmo loves the spotlight and just waits for someone to open their trap. The fact is he brings down the whole reputation of RDFL Umpires which boast a plethora of talented officials. The sooner he retires the better. Although his 15-odd years of service can't be questioned. Turns up week in, week out despite copping a barrage of abuse each week (most of which he deserves :p)
This morning i heard a very interesting rumour that may indicate the wheels could fall off at Romsey, Morecroft will be unavailable this week against the Kangas.
I was told he will be meeting with officials at Marby Park and could make another mid season switch. If this does happen will Green also follow?
Not good for Romsey if true.
This morning i heard a very interesting rumour that may indicate the wheels could fall off at Romsey, Morecroft will be unavailable this week against the Kangas.
I was told he will be meeting with officials at Marby Park and could make another mid season switch. If this does happen will Green also follow?
Not good for Romsey if true.

I would think that Romsey would have Gary signed to a standard playing contract.. But there has been rumblings that things are not all well at Romsey, so who knows.. I would expect to see Gary this week, although not so sure about the big Yak who is a little sore.. If Moorcroft left, then I have no doubt that Green would go with him, but the only way I can see this happening is if the Coach is let go... Guess we will all wait and see what happens in the coming days and weeks...
We all know Semmo loves the spotlight and just waits for someone to open their trap. The fact is he brings down the whole reputation of RDFL Umpires which boast a plethora of talented officials. The sooner he retires the better. Although his 15-odd years of service can't be questioned. Turns up week in, week out despite copping a barrage of abuse each week (most of which he deserves :p)

Matt i was also at that game on saturday and they had the young bloke that got hit umpiring with Semmo again i thought this league would have learnt by now to look after up and coming umpires and stop putting them with this bloke he should be with someone who is not power hungry and teach this young bloke the rules if they keep doing this i can see things happening again because i beleive its a bloody disgrace and for all you people that stick up for him you want to have a bloody good look at yourselves because we will lose a young bloke who has a bright future and needs to be taught the right way and not semmos way stop putting this bloke in the spotlight its not right (stevie wonder would do a better job) and as for his decisions on the day its all about power
Every week the argument comes from the losing side.. I understand the frustration in a loss like the Hawks were on the end of on the weekend, but there is no way that the umpire in question had an affect on the game.. I spoke to someone neutral at the game who said that the umpires did a good job, a good job at this level is all you can ask for..

I reiterate once more... Stop whining and get on with the game, you cannot get sent off then....

he must have been watching the netballers then mate, semmo, wasnt to bad but that young bloke give me a break, he was disgraceful, if that was a good umpiring job then the standard of this league is laughable, the 2 umpires that umpired the cats hawks game the week before were terrific but that young bloke gee wizz very very ordinary, not taking away anything from wallan wanted the ball more and were 1st to it all day, btw iceman dont know what you are talking about one of our players kicking one of your blokes??? and good to see the local town drunk tapping on with the senior coach after the game to made for some good post game entertainment
he must have been watching the netballers then mate, semmo, wasnt to bad but that young bloke give me a break, he was disgraceful, if that was a good umpiring job then the standard of this league is laughable, the 2 umpires that umpired the cats hawks game the week before were terrific but that young bloke gee wizz very very ordinary, not taking away anything from wallan wanted the ball more and were 1st to it all day, btw iceman dont know what you are talking about one of our players kicking one of your blokes??? and good to see the local town drunk tapping on with the senior coach after the game to made for some good post game entertainment

The kicking incident happened in the 2nd qtr. Semmo called a ball up, then gave us a free kick for the woodend player kicking. Then semmo repeatedly reminded the player for the rest of the game that he was lucky not to be reported.
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