Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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The Murder of Rebecca Young - Ballarat

The Murder of Hannah McGuire - Ballarat * Lachie Young charged

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Almost 6 months since Samantha disappeared !

According to Police she is Dead, the result of a deliberate attack by a young man (POS) who they have in custody, and who will face court again next month. Media reports indicate that he ‘is not talking’ and has entered No Plea.

In its simplest form, THAT is the extent of my knowledge of this situation. It must be unbearable for her children, and for her parents.

( oh they found her phone )

With most murders there exists ‘reasons’ - sound or otherwise (depending on who’s making the judgement I guess).

Other than some stories about him being out on the town that night; possibly partying with drugs, since that seems the recreational go-to these days; and getting into a fight, which tends to be common place for alcohol fuelled young people, there appears to be nothing:
no link between SM & POS,
no reason why he would murder her,
no details from police to even hint at the said ‘deliberate act’, nor how they know for sure that she is Dead.

Would some learned person please explain why POS would not enter a Plea - why would he not say ‘Not Guilty’ or ‘I didn’t touch her’ etc. … or am I mistaken about him entering no plea ?
Is this just Police semantics, when the real situation is that ‘he hasn’t said he did anything to her & he hasn’t told us where her body is’ .

I just pray for genuine answers, mostly for her family; and if she was harmed by someone, that they pay a long, harsh penance.
Almost 6 months since Samantha disappeared !

According to Police she is Dead, the result of a deliberate attack by a young man (POS) who they have in custody, and who will face court again next month. Media reports indicate that he ‘is not talking’ and has entered No Plea.

In its simplest form, THAT is the extent of my knowledge of this situation. It must be unbearable for her children, and for her parents.

( oh they found her phone )

With most murders there exists ‘reasons’ - sound or otherwise (depending on who’s making the judgement I guess).

Other than some stories about him being out on the town that night; possibly partying with drugs, since that seems the recreational go-to these days; and getting into a fight, which tends to be common place for alcohol fuelled young people, there appears to be nothing:
no link between SM & POS,
no reason why he would murder her,
no details from police to even hint at the said ‘deliberate act’, nor how they know for sure that she is Dead.

Would some learned person please explain why POS would not enter a Plea - why would he not say ‘Not Guilty’ or ‘I didn’t touch her’ etc. … or am I mistaken about him entering no plea ?
Is this just Police semantics, when the real situation is that ‘he hasn’t said he did anything to her & he hasn’t told us where her body is’ .

I just pray for genuine answers, mostly for her family; and if she was harmed by someone, that they pay a long, harsh penance.
Standard practice to not enter a plea until all charges are finalised and a brief presented. Probably under legal advice to not say anything and reserve the plea
Standard practice to not enter a plea until all charges are finalised and a brief presented. Probably under legal advice to not say anything and reserve the plea
One cannot enter a plea until the committal hearing, This is not scheduled until August. The magistrate will then decide whether to proceed to trial or not. Only then can a plea be entered, and the option remains to enter no plea.

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One cannot enter a plea until the committal hearing, This is not scheduled until August. The magistrate will then decide whether to proceed to trial or not. Only then can a plea be entered, and the option remains to enter no plea.
Was responding to the last post. A preliminary you can plea but it is more an indication how you intend to.plea. Can also change.
Formal plea is not until the charges are officially read and put to the accused in the presence of a full court including jury pool.
Technically as well you're right you can reserve your plea at preliminary.
Also can be like the mushroom woman where a defendant can forego a prelim or the OPP can disregard a finding and go to trial.
Rarely a case gets kicked at prelim. It's used as a tactic really by both sides. Lay the charges and see what can stick at trial before finalising what you are running with vs lock witnesses into a version of events and see what holes you can poke in at trial.
In this case POS would be advised staying silent and discovering just what the police actually have on him. Then trial strategy/ defence will begin planning
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Was responding to the last post. A preliminary you can plea but it is more an indication how you intend to.plea. Can also change.
Formal plea is not until the charges are officially read and put to the accused in the presence of a full court including jury pool.
Technically as well you're right you can reserve your plea at preliminary.
Also can be like the mushroom woman where a defendant can forego a prelim or the OPP can disregard a finding and go to trial.
Rarely a case gets kicked at prelim. It's used as a tactic really by both sides. Lay the charges and see what can stick at trial before finalising what you are running with vs lock witnesses into a version of events and see what holes you can poke in at trial.
In this case POS would be advised staying silent and discovering just what the police actually have on him. Then trial strategy/ defence will begin planning
We are talking about 'entering a plea'.
The question asked was why POS had not done so. My response was that he has had no legal opportunity to 'enter a plea'. The earliest this can happen is at the committal hearing, but he is not required to enter a plea until an actual trial is convened.
The Facebook page Leave a light on inc
Posted about Samantha they didn’t have an update on the case just a standard post but one of the followers commented the below. Has anyone seen or heard this before ?

“Wonder if they ever investigated the channel 7 footage of two young guys looking through the trees behind the journalist. They told the journalist they were police and to move away but police have their uniform on at all times even in a search. These really young guys were just wearing high vis looking in the tree cavities .”

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The only thing of substance that I took out of this was this comment “Although in reality more questions than answers are likely to result from the hearing, which is expected to discuss things such as witness lists and what documentation or exhibits might still be required by Stephenson's defence team”
CCTV of what exactly though?
Considering Midvale shopping area is right there plus schools amongst other businesses I'd hazard a guess that there would be a vehicle in and out of the area (assuming he drove in and out of the area) or him entering/leaving on foot and returning later. Possibly trail cams also with similar.

Don't know why there'd would be an "unprecedented" amount though. It would seem counter intuitive to have heaps of useless vision.

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Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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