Official Match Thread Season 37 Round 17 - Baghdad Bombers v West Coast Wonders at Abdu Prison

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Agent93 Ambrose Burnside BEEG Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Moo Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 Raveneyes Reginald Perrin SBYM Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

Happy Friday 5 Wazzas, and welcome to probably the final edition of This Round In Warriors History for the season. "Why is it the last edition Bob?" I hear you type. Well it doesn't look like we've had many rounds beyond this point before so I'd be posting an empty space.

bob segue.png

And speaking of empty spaces, you're probably also asking why I'm posting this in a match thread that doesn't contain the words Coney Island Warriors or a variation thereof in the title. Well even though we're playing the Babylonians this week it seems as though we don't get our own match thread because reasons, so I've taken the liberty of hermit crabbing this one on our behalf.

There's one notable round 17 match that we can look back on, and it takes us to the final round of season 31 against who I presume will be our opponents this week. There was plenty to play for as not only were we in contention to take out the minor premiership that season but our boy harry000 was on the verge of winning the Fredal. And at the end of the match we had scored a respectable 18.5 (113) which, at an even more respectable 78.26%, was the 10th most accurate score in Coney Island history. We however forgot to defend and conceded 28.13 (181) which is the highest score that we've ever conceded, and when combined with our score makes the equal third most points in a game that we've been a part of (294). Didn't matter for the final ladder position though, we remained in third place en route to a prelim against the eventual premiers.

There were some big performances to go with the big score, and it was pretty much the Ghosts of Wazzas Past that were haunting the stats sheet apart from former captain TheInjuryFactory who had 21 disposals/7 tackles/1 goal. Some kid named DockerDen5215 (wonder what happened to him??) had 40 disposals, another kid named Dav (RIP in pireces) had 35 & a goal, another another kid named The Half Back (awww man :pensive: ) had 23 touches, 10 hugs and a goal, yet another kid named NaturalDisaster (who?) had 20 and 3 goals, some fella named Senhor Testiculo had 23 & 5 marks from CHB, former ruckdog and Warriors Lifer RelaxMax had 21 disposals/11 hitouts/5 tackles and the aforementioned harry000 put an exclamation mark on his ascension to the Fredal with 6 goals.

Enjoy what you can of the week Wazzas, make yourself at home here and if the gods allow we shall reconvene in a match thread of our very own at some later juncture.​

I think your very informative seminars would actually fit perfectly in the Old Boys syllabus.

I can see why they’ve made you an offer.

The rest of your posting has been excellent.

Carry on.
I think you are wrong there Kilroy. Our animals are well trained all ready.

Do you see our dogs and horses pissing on BLUEALLTHRU Mrs roses!

Ahhh No! Carry on
View attachment 1989536
Agent93 Ambrose Burnside BEEG Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Moo Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 Raveneyes Reginald Perrin SBYM Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

Happy Friday 5 Wazzas, and welcome to probably the final edition of This Round In Warriors History for the season. "Why is it the last edition Bob?" I hear you type. Well it doesn't look like we've had many rounds beyond this point before so I'd be posting an empty space.

View attachment 1989543

And speaking of empty spaces, you're probably also asking why I'm posting this in a match thread that doesn't contain the words Coney Island Warriors or a variation thereof in the title. Well even though we're playing the Babylonians this week it seems as though we don't get our own match thread because reasons, so I've taken the liberty of hermit crabbing this one on our behalf.

There's one notable round 17 match that we can look back on, and it takes us to the final round of season 31 against who I presume will be our opponents this week. There was plenty to play for as not only were we in contention to take out the minor premiership that season but our boy harry000 was on the verge of winning the Fredal. And at the end of the match we had scored a respectable 18.5 (113) which, at an even more respectable 78.26%, was the 10th most accurate score in Coney Island history. We however forgot to defend and conceded 28.13 (181) which is the highest score that we've ever conceded, and when combined with our score makes the equal third most points in a game that we've been a part of (294). Didn't matter for the final ladder position though, we remained in third place en route to a prelim against the eventual premiers.

There were some big performances to go with the big score, and it was pretty much the Ghosts of Wazzas Past that were haunting the stats sheet apart from former captain TheInjuryFactory who had 21 disposals/7 tackles/1 goal. Some kid named DockerDen5215 (wonder what happened to him??) had 40 disposals, another kid named Dav (RIP in pireces) had 35 & a goal, another another kid named The Half Back (awww man :pensive: ) had 23 touches, 10 hugs and a goal, yet another kid named NaturalDisaster (who?) had 20 and 3 goals, some fella named Senhor Testiculo had 23 & 5 marks from CHB, former ruckdog and Warriors Lifer RelaxMax had 21 disposals/11 hitouts/5 tackles and the aforementioned harry000 put an exclamation mark on his ascension to the Fredal with 6 goals.

Enjoy what you can of the week Wazzas, make yourself at home here and if the gods allow we shall reconvene in a match thread of our very own at some later juncture.​

Love your work, Bobby.
you're probably also asking why I'm posting this in a match thread that doesn't contain the words Coney Island Warriors or a variation thereof in the title. Well even though we're playing the Babylonians this week it seems as though we don't get our own match thread because reasons

View attachment 1989536
Agent93 Ambrose Burnside BEEG Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Moo Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 Raveneyes Reginald Perrin SBYM Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

Happy Friday 5 Wazzas, and welcome to probably the final edition of This Round In Warriors History for the season. "Why is it the last edition Bob?" I hear you type. Well it doesn't look like we've had many rounds beyond this point before so I'd be posting an empty space.

View attachment 1989543

And speaking of empty spaces, you're probably also asking why I'm posting this in a match thread that doesn't contain the words Coney Island Warriors or a variation thereof in the title. Well even though we're playing the Babylonians this week it seems as though we don't get our own match thread because reasons, so I've taken the liberty of hermit crabbing this one on our behalf.

There's one notable round 17 match that we can look back on, and it takes us to the final round of season 31 against who I presume will be our opponents this week. There was plenty to play for as not only were we in contention to take out the minor premiership that season but our boy harry000 was on the verge of winning the Fredal. And at the end of the match we had scored a respectable 18.5 (113) which, at an even more respectable 78.26%, was the 10th most accurate score in Coney Island history. We however forgot to defend and conceded 28.13 (181) which is the highest score that we've ever conceded, and when combined with our score makes the equal third most points in a game that we've been a part of (294). Didn't matter for the final ladder position though, we remained in third place en route to a prelim against the eventual premiers.

There were some big performances to go with the big score, and it was pretty much the Ghosts of Wazzas Past that were haunting the stats sheet apart from former captain TheInjuryFactory who had 21 disposals/7 tackles/1 goal. Some kid named DockerDen5215 (wonder what happened to him??) had 40 disposals, another kid named Dav (RIP in pireces) had 35 & a goal, another another kid named The Half Back (awww man :pensive: ) had 23 touches, 10 hugs and a goal, yet another kid named NaturalDisaster (who?) had 20 and 3 goals, some fella named Senhor Testiculo had 23 & 5 marks from CHB, former ruckdog and Warriors Lifer RelaxMax had 21 disposals/11 hitouts/5 tackles and the aforementioned harry000 put an exclamation mark on his ascension to the Fredal with 6 goals.

Enjoy what you can of the week Wazzas, make yourself at home here and if the gods allow we shall reconvene in a match thread of our very own at some later juncture.​
What is happening?

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Separation Anxiety in Quooty; there's always next season, how and when to change clubs.

Typical anxiety manifests in excessive concern, worry, and even dread of the actual or anticipated separation from the attachment to a club, a position on the field, those special lucky socks or even the season drawing to a close. Huge barriers are created by mining anxieties because when you look behind there's a huge mullock heap of worries that have been dug up, that prevent you from getting back home as well as even seeing where you thought was home and where these worries have been unearthed from there lies a huge hole, an endless abyss.
This hole that you dug in fretful worrying is way too big to bury all the bones in the world.
The bones of your captain, your enemies, your team mascot, last weeks chicken bones cast in that weird ceremony that they got you to do to get into the finals, the bones of Aunty Penelope and cousin Fred, all the bones at the Northcote butchers that you slaver over, all the bones that you could imagine are kept from you hiding in that place they call the museum, yeh all those really, really big bones will not fill that hole.
You can try to drop them all in one by one but they fall, and fall and fall never reaching the bottomless pit of unearthed worries. That's what separation anxiety does it creates a big hole, a shitload of mullock and all your hopes and dreams and bones go nowhere but into a very big hole.
Does the club care about your bottomless pit of bones, maybe but maybe not.
If you changed clubs would you still be digging that hole.
Probably because you are so used to digging and doing a geographical by changing clubs might, only work for a little while before itched to feel that dirt under your digging paws and started thinking of all those bones, that you must, absolutely must find and throw in the hole.
This is where you must look to the cats for help to break your self defeating anxious habits.
Look at them, they don't have a care in the world, they don't care about teams, scores, ladder positions and to them only mice trophies count and only then, if they can keep them in their owners beds. Look at what they do every day, they sleep, they stretch, they eat, they play and they only dig holes once a day and then, they shit in it.
Take a leaf out of the cat's 'Feline Maximised Operations Encyclopaedia' next time you worry about anything at all to do with Quooty. If it doesn't have the exact information you are looking for in a given situation, don't worry just make it up as you go along and if anything goes skew-whiffy blame it on the cat.

Inspirational Film;

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I think your very informative seminars would actually fit perfectly in the Old Boys syllabus.

I can see why they’ve made you an offer.

The rest of your posting has been excellent.

Carry on.
There is and has been no offer, it's a figment of El Capitano's nightmarish imagination and those scallywags who are teasing him.
Hey there DemurePrincess, last installment is in ^
How's your thread going? Has the paint dried yet?
Just on's like potty training you know.
They either train themselves (eventually) or they live in their own stinky mess.
Anyway...see yah around xx

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