I don't understand. Is your name a reference to the bloc party album or not?That one at Ding Dong on Friday nights would usually play a lot of that post-punk muck everyone was listening to. The Strokes, Interpol, Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, even stuff like Klaxons got the odd nod.
The reality now is that an appreciation of that stuff has stalled a bit, on a wider scale at least. None of those nights seem to exist anymore, they were all deserted towards the end anyway. I think we'll see it pick back up again, as we all know, y'know, it's all cyclical, but that stuff is really untrendy at the moment.
Also, the rochey used to do a ripping indie/Brit pop night on a Friday but that maybe was before your time (c. 2006-7)