The Greens

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You're right, we can't find common ground on this issue.
I respect you as a reasonable and intelligent poster. This isn't the thread for it, but I'd love to know why and how you came to that conclusion. Feel free to send me a PM if you want...or not. Up to you, mate.
So you support taxpayer money funding brainwashing via religious fairytales.

Very strongly negative! I can see how that would be popular among certain demographics.
As posted earlier, I support a government funded education for all, alongside higher funding for the public sector. If parents want to spend their hard earned cash on top of that to have their kids brainwashed or have better facilities, I support their right to choose.

Government funding of private schools ensures control over education standards. If a religious school wants to teach a science curriculum that includes creationism, pull their funding.
What does that have to do with the previous discussion?
I think I made it pretty clear that in a majoritarian system, the question of the relevance of the rights of a particular minority in the Greens’ policy thrust is exactly the same question as that of the Greens’ relevance as a minority party in the electorate as a whole.

In a majoritarian system, by definition, the majority calls the shots, while minorities, while entitled to a voice, have to find work-arounds in order to successfully prosecute their case.

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Is it a big thing? Let's not confuse the SRP with the real world. Views here are often extreme and heavily skewed compared to what I encounter from friends, colleagues, and family.

My views about organised religion are strongly negative; I'm an outlier in the real world. On social media, my position is fairly popular.
I’m glad you said the real world because I haven’t encountered the warped group think that is on the SRP in the real world.
I’m glad you said the real world because I haven’t encountered the warped group think that is on the SRP in the real world.
Yeah I don't think I've ever met anyone face to face that spend their day crying about private school funding lel.
Yeah I don't think I've ever met anyone face to face that spend their day crying about private school funding lel.
The SRP is mostly a bunch of incel white men who white knight for every minority group in hope of maybe one day getting laid. I SMFH at some of the things that get 'likes' here.

Imagine what this nation would look like if it was run by a majority SRP government. We'd be broke, still under lockdown, and either (a) heavily printing money or (b) taxing anyone earning 6 figures at 70% while keeping interest rates near zero.
The SRP is mostly a bunch of incel white men who white knight for every minority group in hope of maybe one day getting laid. I SMFH at some of the things that get 'likes' here.

Imagine what this nation would look like if it was run by a majority SRP government. We'd be broke, still under lockdown, and either (a) heavily printing money or (b) taxing anyone earning 6 figures at 70% while keeping interest rates near zero.
And Lydia Thorpe would be PM.
I am starting to come around on The Greens.
They are still ideological idiots who have zero idea how the world works but if I was a whinging little 20 something lefty I would vote for them over Labor.
Labor would seem just another political party catering for old rich white men (because they are) so not worth your vote.
I think I made it pretty clear that in a majoritarian system, the question of the relevance of the rights of a particular minority in the Greens’ policy thrust is exactly the same question as that of the Greens’ relevance as a minority party in the electorate as a whole.

In a majoritarian system, by definition, the majority calls the shots, while minorities, while entitled to a voice, have to find work-arounds in order to successfully prosecute their case.
I'm sure there are fringe minded types, left or right, that would be happy to have the majority impeded for the gain of the minority causes.
I am starting to come around on The Greens.
They are still ideological idiots who have zero idea how the world works but if I was a whinging little 20 something lefty I would vote for them over Labor.
Labor would seem just another political party catering for old rich white men (because they are) so not worth your vote.
Whom do you believe has an idea on how the world works?
I'm sure there are fringe minded types, left or right, that would be happy to have the majority impeded for the gain of the minority causes.
Indubitably. My point is that the reality of our majoritarian system is that all gains achieved for minorities are done so at the suffrage of the majority, and that Greens voters need to keep that in mind.

What’s got a chance of getting up, and what hasn’t, is a question all people involved in politics ask themselves a lot, but for those campaigning for particular minority interests, it is a part of the calculus that by definition never goes away.

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pocock is my kind of independent. don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good

conservative independent spender is growing on me too.

'Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather has acknowledged his opposition to the government’s $10 billion social housing fund is motivated by fomenting broader civil dissent against the growing wealth gap, prompting Anthony Albanese to label him and his party as policy frauds.'

“For the Greens political party this is not about the Australian people, this is about them,” he said.

“They want the issue, not the outcome. They deal in protest, we focus on progress.

“It is all about the game, not about the substance and this is exposed by that.”
'Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather has acknowledged his opposition to the government’s $10 billion social housing fund is motivated by fomenting broader civil dissent against the growing wealth gap, prompting Anthony Albanese to label him and his party as policy frauds.'

“For the Greens political party this is not about the Australian people, this is about them,” he said.

“They want the issue, not the outcome. They deal in protest, we focus on progress.

“It is all about the game, not about the substance and this is exposed by that.”
So Albo said this


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What he actually said was supporting the HAFF would not help the people who need housing, that it would do the opposite.

That the only way to get Labor to do what is required is via social pressure, and that doesn't come by caving to labor and letting them set the narrative.

Yes this is politics, yet the greens stand to benefit from this position, but only if people can understand their message.

If they believe labor they will put pressure on the greens to pass the HAFF as is

that is why every single Labor MP and many indepenents are now putting pressure on the greens publicly.

This is how our political system works unfortunately, whoever blinks first loses, and depending on who it is the people who need help the most will also lose

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