The Music Thread

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Aug 16, 2011
AFL Club
Other Teams
Given how fast the off topic thread moves these days, it's easy for things to be missed and buried.

I thought it would be a nice idea to have a dedicated music thread as so many of us like music and we could post things we like in here.

I've always loved seeing inside a musician's mind when they're working things out on the go.

The below is a great example.

Kenny Loggins of Footloose fame is going through the motions here as they're working out how to play it (with Darryl Hall's (Hall & Oates) band), and who is going to take what part.


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The artistic part of the brain is pretty amazing to witness for those who aren't that way inclined like myself
It's absolutely fascinating to see it.

On a similar path, I really enjoyed this a couple of weekends ago.

Still gotta watch this. Did they do My Happiness?
On the subject of watching creative minds at work, it doesn’t get much better than watching the Floyd lay down tracks for Dark Side of the Moon. Funny thing is you could literally do what Waters is up to in the comfort of your own bedroom now

I’ve just been looking at that song competition SM was going on about on the GD board. Can’t really understand what’s going on just seems to be a fight about who’s a boomer and who’s not. How does the competition work? Anyone know?

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It's a contest about something that is all about personal taste. Yawn.
Personally I think the concept sounds alright, but I couldn’t really make head or tale of what was going on. It seemed like a shitfight or something had taken over perhaps that was the problem
Personally I think the concept sounds alright, but I couldn’t really make head or tale of what was going on. It seemed like a shitfight or something had taken over perhaps that was the problem
I like talking about music. But the concept of arguing or having a contest about something like that seems pointless unless you're looking for a shitfight.
I like talking about music. But the concept of arguing or having a contest about something like that seems pointless unless you're looking for a shitfight.
Well music is completely subjective so there’s no right or wrong so I get what you’re saying. I don’t know I’m a bit of a sucker for stuff like that but it can get old pretty quick
WealstoneRaider Harry Styles is so ******* good.

This is exceptional. His vocal is outstanding.

How do I put this, well he’s got good taste in music I’ll give him that. He’s got one of those modern effeminate voices though for me, it just seems like he’s still trying to sound cool to teenage girls. He can sing though, bless him
How do I put this, well he’s got good taste in music I’ll give him that. He’s got one of those modern effeminate voices though for me, it just seems like he’s still trying to sound cool to teenage girls. He can sing though, bless him
Got some good chops on him, check out his cover of Sledgehammer. He knocks it out of the park.
I mean compare it Cruyffy to the live version I put up the other night. Can you really make a comparison? There was something in the air back then I reckon
Got some good chops on him, check out his cover of Sledgehammer. He knocks it out of the park.
Ok I’m gonna check that out now.

I will show you this that I came across. This is amazing and I’m seriously thinking of going to see them


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