Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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The people running those Taiwanese semi conductor factories are already moving them to the US.

US production is sposed to start in 2026. So if China goes Taiwan it will probably be before then.

I wonder we'll finish this rebuild in time...
Yes, I was aware of that and i agree with your prediction. Production of plants in the US was flagged a couple of years ago I think, but the next 6 months could see China make their move whilst US is stretched to their limit as far as militarily is concerned. They tried it on with the blocking of supply already, flagging the desperate situation they recognise. The US is already falling behind in the techno-race and its the new frontier as far as military power is concerned. They are vulnerable (and in turn), so are we imo.

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LOL at the American bullshit hypocrisy as usual.

The Sepo's have banged their head. Wtf is wrong with them? They're better than nowt and just gonna get the world blown to bits, w@nkers.
The Sepo's have banged their head. Wtf is wrong with them? They're better than nowt and just gonna get the world blown to bits, w@nkers.

As I said before, this has always been their position and while I didn't agree with it, I did understand it from the realpolitik.

It was the sudden elevation of the ICC to major international institution that all should cooperate with over Ukraine that was the problem.

Very same President and Secretary of State too - the hypocrisy is utterly sickening.
They’re so arrogant that they don’t realise they can’t just gaslight everyone in this day and age. Just too much easily accessible information.

Yep, and the world is multi polar whether they like it or not.

Australia must do this too.

We should treat Israel exactly the same as any other nation who's head of state is accused of genocide.
Time to implement sanctions.

Although brings up another point, what to do with Australians who served in the idf, did they participate?
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We should treat Israel exactly the same as any other nation who's head of state is accused of genocide.
Time to implement sanctions.

Although brings up another point, what to do with Australians who served in the idf, did they participate?

We don't know what to do with our own war criminals lol

Dawning on the Israelis that Egypt aren't in their or the US pocket as they'd presumed.

They keep squealing about Iran, but the Iranians largely broke off support for Hamas after Hamas supported the jihadist insurgency in Syria.

Dawning on the Israelis that Egypt aren't in their or the US pocket as they'd presumed.

They keep squealing about Iran, but the Iranians largely broke off support for Hamas after Hamas supported the jihadist insurgency in Syria.

Shock horror Hamas emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 80's. The Muslim Brotherhoods goal was to rid the Arab world of British colonialism.

I'm perplexed at who that guy is, its like he has never picked up a book written the Middle East before.
After the fall of the Soviet Union the US should easily have instituted a century long Pax Americana and associated Golden Age.Instead they listened to ECONOMISTS, broke their own society and artificially hastened the rise of the one power that could challenge them in China.

Could argue that the advice of economists was just convenient cover for a wide range of American 'leaders' (from politics to business to culture) to quite deliberately choose individual enrichment over collective wellbeing. ;)

I figured that was a quite important take away from the article - that those benefiting from corruption in China or Russia are typically very careful to not jeopardise the collective good by taking too much.

In the West - and I very much include Australia - we have no such qualms anymore.

In most cases, the individuals enriching themselves within our economies lost all perspective on the importance of the collective good long ago.

The crushing Russian defeat of Ukraine/NATO this northern summer will demonstrate the facts on the ground.

A person can almost find themselves hoping that NATO does try to send it's colonial police force armies to intervene, because I'm not sure they're gonna learn any of the important lessons they should have learned by now otherwise...
The people running those Taiwanese semi conductor factories are already moving them to the US.

US production is sposed to start in 2026. So if China goes Taiwan it will probably be before then.

I wonder we'll finish this rebuild in time...

Did read recently that the US has nowhere near the amount of essential tech workers they need to operate these factories.

Considering we're talking about an administration which wasn't functional enough to make sure it had enough ammo in the pipeline to go starting wars, not having anywhere near enough trained technicians required to run the factories, but building them anyway, because they had to be seen to be doing something, is probably just one of a batch of 'minor oversights' they're more than capable of pulling off between now and then! ;)
What a horrible outlook for our children when the hands of their future rest in the hands of power hungry zealots the world over. Diplomacy is dead. We are in the age of self interest once again, where the horrors of global feudalism have been forgotten and the might of the sword rules supreme. All it would take right now to drop in to all out conflict is for China to seize their opportunity and take Taiwan and their semiconductor industry (the real goal). We are on the precipice, hopefully calm heads prevail.

Sorry for the rant.

Rant justified, IMHO.

Even bleaker, if by some miracle the Australian public somehow ended up with a chance to vote for a party which was going to end our alliance with the US so we could choose an independent, moral, economically better path forward, they'd just Whitlam us all over again. :mad:
Have to suspect Biden is in far deeper trouble than the mainstream media is putting out there...

Vulnerable Senate Democrats are distancing themselves from President Biden’s ailing brand after polls show him trailing former President Trump in several battleground states.

Democrats in tough races are breaking with Biden over border security, liquified natural gas exports, the Israel-Hamas war and tariffs on Chinese goods.

They’re staying competitive in the polls despite Biden’s low approval ratings and lagging position relative to Trump, but they are worried the president’s political brand will start weighing them down as Election Day nears.

“If you go out there and do a focus group, the focus groups all say, ‘He’s 200 years old. You got to be kidding me.’

And the worst part about it is for unaffiliated voters or people that haven’t made up their mind, they look at this and say: ‘You have to be kidding us. These are our choices?’

And they indict us for not taking it seriously,” said a Democratic senator who requested anonymity to discuss the alarm sparked by Biden’s weak poll numbers in battleground states.

Absolutely no doubt now that Trump will be able to argue from fact that American wage earners have been worse off under Biden, while the wealth of the investor class has risen like never before over the same period:


972 should really be commended for the way they've stepped up, been punching well above their weight for months breaking some of the most important stories...


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