The Burqa Can Be Banned

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Just as Adrain Bayley was found by a court to be a murderer and pedophile, Bolt was found to be a racist. If you want to defend him mate, that's fine, but you spould probably be aware of this, and perhaps realise that this is why anyone with a modicum of intelligence finds his worldview laughable.
Fortunately for the sake of free speech the talk of 18c getting repealed which is incredibly shocking law. In any other country like America where free speech is a free right there would be no debate on Bolt.

I guess then the same logic can extend to homosexuals convicted of sodomy when speaking on gay issues or towards Christine Milne speaking on protesting rights and the environment :rolleyes:.
I'll treat this the same way which you guys treat Bolt.
With incoherent misrepresentation and an entirely illogical use of the logical:
Fortunately for the sake of free speech the talk of 18c getting repealed which is incredibly shocking law. In any other country like America where free speech is a free right there would be no debate on Bolt.

I guess then the same logic can extend to homosexuals convicted of sodomy when speaking on gay issues or towards Christine Milne speaking on protesting rights and the environment :rolleyes:.
Although Andy to the states where racists fit in better sounds ok.
With incoherent misrepresentation and an entirely illogical use of the logical:

Although Andy to the states where racists fit in better sounds ok.
Nah it is not an incoherent misrprepresentation although you might wish for it to be.

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You have let your anti-Abbott views embarrass you - religious freedom doesn't mean that women should be oppressed by the men who insist upon the burqa and don't let women go out unless accompanied by a male relative - its a shame that happens in this free country.
Now your twisting things around.

Is your issue with people wearing the burqa, or is your issue with women being oppressed by men, because the two are very different arguments. I think you'd find most people in this forum would agree with the latter but not the former.

And before you say they are directly related (which I just know would be the next argument), no they're not, and you are generalising based on a few rotten eggs. Otherwise, under that pretense, all Catholic Priests are Pedophiles and we should ban the Catholic Church from Australia altogether.
You obviously are delusional and have not been to inner and central south western Sydney.
If you continue to attend mosques to prey, mottrain, you'll keep seeing them everywhere. Perhaps you should prey to Allah at home instead?
Now your twisting things around.

Is your issue with people wearing the burqa, or is your issue with women being oppressed by men, because the two are very different arguments. I think you'd find most people in this forum would agree with the latter but not the former.

- I disagree when the cloth is there to isolate women from society at the behest of men so men will not turn into sex crazed maniacs at the very image of a female.

- I dont care if a grown women decides to wear one and its her choice

- I'm uncomfortable seeing underage young girls in them - how is this "choice"

- They should be banned from secure premises just as someone dressed in black kaftan, black balaclava, and impenetrable wrap-round sunglasses appearing in our banks, in our courts, in our schools, in our parliamentary buildings - are.
- I disagree when the cloth is there to isolate women from society at the behest of men so men will not turn into sex crazed maniacs at the very image of a female.

- I dont care if a grown women decides to wear one and its her choice

- I'm uncomfortable seeing underage young girls in them - how is this "choice"

- They should be banned from secure premises just as someone dressed in black kaftan, black balaclava, and impenetrable wrap-round sunglasses appearing in our banks, in our courts, in our schools, in our parliamentary buildings - are.
I'm confused. What exactly are you arguing for and trying to advocate?
I'm confused. What exactly are you arguing for and trying to advocate?

Simple. I'm not a huge fan of the burka but it definately shouldn't be banned, unless a wearer wants to enter a Bank, an airport, any Parliament House or other places that require safety checks, then they should be required to meet the same requirements ALL Australians have to meet. Such as no balaclava’s or helmets.
How about the niqab Xsess?

See above. Remember many muslim countries have themselves applied restritions or in some cases banned the niqab. For example public servants in Malaysia are prohibited from wearing the niqab. The niqab “has nothing to do with [a woman’s] constitutional rights to profess and practice her Muslim religion” because it is not required by Islamic law. This follows restrictions or outright bans on face coverings in Syria, Turkey and Tunisia.

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See above. Remember many muslim countries have themselves applied restritions or in some cases banned the niqab. For example public servants in Malaysia are prohibited from wearing the niqab. The niqab “has nothing to do with [a woman’s] constitutional rights to profess and practice her Muslim religion” because it is not required by Islamic law. This follows restrictions or outright bans on face coverings in Syria, Turkey and Tunisia.
So you'd like Australia to follow the example of these beacons of democracy?
Turkey don't ban the Niqab for security reasons though. I'm quite sure its the same reason for Syria and Tunisia.

Do you know why Turkey ban the Niqab? Xsess
Turkey don't ban the Niqab for security reasons though. I'm quite sure its the same reason for Syria and Tunisia.

Do you know why Turkey ban the Niqab? Xsess

Nope but I am interested. Perhaps its because the burqua is a symbol of female oppression by men and a dumb piece of clothing?

So you'd like Australia to follow the example of these beacons of democracy?

I've said repeatedly, I'm no fan of female oppression but if Muslim women want to wear a Burqa or niqab let them. Until they want to enter an area banning facial coverings then they should be required to meet the same requirements ALL Australians have to meet. I'm just pointing out that this also happens in many Islamic countries, its not required under religious law - so its hardly a bridge too far. I'm intrigued by your use of the word democracy in support of what amounts to enforced female degradation
Turkey ban it because they don't want any cultural or religious symbolism in parliament (or they didn't, it has been making a comeback in recent years I think) was simply because they wanted to remain militantly democratic in procedure. They didn't even want the image of being religious or conservative when it came to making laws. This is because Attaturk embraced so much of Europe and the separation of church and state was considered fundamental to democracy.

The interesting thing about that example, is that we tried to bomb the Turks into our way of thinking and failed. Left to their own devices, with our democratic systems merely an example, they eventually embraced these reforms of their own accord.

There might be a lesson in that. I think, maybe.
Why has this become a pressing issue all of a sudden I wonder?

ASIO has upgraded Australia's terror alert to high in response to the rise in Islamic fundamentalism and the disturbing presence of "Australians" fighting with jihadists in Iraq. There's also been additional domestic incidents resulting in arrests, of suspects allegedly planning public beheadings and posting it on the internet. There was also a very serious incident in Victoria where a crazed would be jihadist tried to murder two policemen and was subsequently killed. This issue was raised by the PUP earlier this week.

Now... do you have an opinion on the burqa?
Veiled woman have lived in Australia for years and, correct me if I am wrong, there has never been a single issue with it in parliament, in banks or anywhere else. Why has this become a pressing issue all of a sudden I wonder?
Pure distraction - and it's amazing how happily some are willing to swallow it
As far as the burqa being banned in parliament within the vicinity of MP's I'm ok with it. It covers up your face and could be a legitimate security risk.

The Niqab should be fine though.
Pure distraction - and it's amazing how happily some are willing to swallow it

Do you think the government directed ASIO to lift the terror alert in Australia?
Was there or was there not - terror raids resulting in arrests?
Was there a serious incident last week or not?
Should we be concerned about 150 Australians fighting with ISIS?
Is it appropriate to discuss face coverings if only in a security context?
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