AFLW - Carlton v Collingwood Season Opener Gameday Discussion/Autopsy

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Posting this again so Harker can see what it means to me

Neese, neese, neese.

MEB put forward a quality post that I haven't forgotten, some months back.
She described her desire to play football but wasn't allowed to because you and roughness of the game and so on.

If I had to describe the game tonight, it was schoolyard fare. Why should I not be able to say what I saw without it affecting the wider agenda?
Cheers Maggie. It was a brilliant atmosphere and a great crowd--full of girls and women :thumbsu:
Hope we get the same result every time the two teams meet ;)
Strange feeling, know of so many young girls that have been waiting for this.

Wasn't so long ago when they couldn't play once they turned 12.

I notice that the standard has been questioned on a number of boards and wondered what they were benchmarking against?
If I had to describe the game tonight, it was schoolyard fare. Why should I not be able to say what I saw without it affecting the wider agenda?

You can. Thats not the part that has peoples backs up. its the part where you told us all how insincere our enthusiasm was.

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Hey everyone, congrats Carlton all over us. Great occassion and will be great for girls that would like to make a career out of footy.

Given that they are part-timers, a high number come from other sports can only get better..

Know of a few families that aren't regular footy goers went tonight because of their girls wanting to go.

Enjoy, just don't carry this win over to the mens competition.

Maggi5 legit question. Apparently Eddie didn't front tonight. I realise you're admin runs like a Mercedes but surely he's ****ed this up .
Strange feeling, know of so many young girls that have been waiting for this.

Wasn't so long ago when they couldn't play once they turned 12.

I notice that the standard has been questioned on a number of boards and wondered what they were benchmarking against?
great point - no need to wake up maggie.........
Maggi5 legit question. Apparently Eddie didn't front tonight. I realise you're admin runs like a Mercedes but surely he's stuffed this up .
Can't disagree, apparently the boxing was more important.
Was there with my daughter and wife tonight, sitting near where I cheered Ashman et al as a kid in the mercurial days. Wow, what memories, and our women's team revive the spirit and passion of a Princess! Park win with aplomb.

Here's to a bunch of great athletes who my daughter can now admire and aspire to.

Very proud of my club tonight. Go Blues!

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Congratulations to our girls - loved the attack on the footy, co-ordinated defense, pack marks and loved the finish (goals)
Congratulations to the Carlton FC - the winning bid, recruits, the fan engagement, one club approach (coaching and player crossover)
Congrats to the AFL - well done for creating the league (belatedly) and well done for correcting the fixture (Princes(s) Park - the home of AFLW!)

I didn't know what to expect as I have never seen a women's game of footy other than a few highlights.
From the first bounce I was as invested in this game as I have been for 40 years with the boys
Carn the Blues!
Hey everyone, congrats Carlton all over us. Great occassion and will be great for girls that would like to make a career out of footy.

Given that they are part-timers, a high number come from other sports can only get better..

Know of a few families that aren't regular footy goers went tonight because of their girls wanting to go.

Enjoy, just don't carry this win over to the mens competition.

Nothing surer than some black n white tears come 6 May...;)

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Thy. I can only play one way and that's to relate what I see.
Now, it may not be the popular or PC view and I said what I said for a reason. Doesn't matter. Mods can clean me up as they often do.

The AFL will want the standard to lift irrespective of the efforts. One team scored one goal tonight in a 16 a side comp.
It will take time but in this day and age, we all want everything now, that time doesn't count for much. The AFL will be thrilled for the initial hit but they would know there is so coming down to go through.

We need this comp but expectations will need to be tempered and good management to followed through with.
What do you see? That's what I see.
See, I don't know. As far as spectacles went, yesterday was pretty good; the first match ever of a women's AFL, at our traditional home ground with the gates shut due to the ground being filled by people looking to watch girls footy? And to cap that off, Carlton won, and unearthed a few gems at the same time?

If we're talking about the game as spectacle, again, we continuously hear by fans that the classic eras of football occurred during the seventies and eighties; when games were rougher and players tougher. Part of that is the heavily contested nature of the contest, and while Collingwood were able to clear the ball and win it in close we were able to tackle them out of disposing well, and we ran all night. There were a few plays in there that were sublime; the one which ended in the final Vescio goal was quick and precise, nearly perfect in its execution, and all the more thrilling for it. Women were kept out of the game because it was supposedly too rough; both sides tonight displayed their strength, their toughness, and above all their fairness, and that is something the men can learn from. When the Collingwood player took the high tackle and had to be taken from the ground, the carlton player who tackled her apologised, and tried to make sure she was okay; is this sort of spirit wrong, or something not worth the celebrating? We celebrated players in the past for being tough as nails, yet as fair as can be; can we not rejoice that our women's game is the same?

But finally, it was a game of footy. We've had worse over the last few years; I hardly need to remind anyone of our wins last year against Essendon and Fremantle. It was a game of footy, and I ask you Harker, is it good enough to lose pretty or win ugly? And with the occasion on top of things, is it not enough that the women were playing, and that we were there, in force, to celebrate it?
Really proud to be a Carlton supporter right now. What a great day.

46k posts and you need me to tell you how being at a game differs from watching it on tv when assessing its "spectacle" factor?
I watched it on TV, and it was a fantastic spectacle.

On a personal note, I'm furious that everyone I had lined up to go with wound up flaking on attending, leaving me at home on the couch. Thankfully, the right kind of tears were shed in response to the events of the night.

Read this thread again the game again....and tell me what you really think.

Can't see the point of hyping something up, for what it wasn't. It will get better but it just wasn't as great as many have been suggesting.
Somewhere between VFL and AFL is an outstanding start once you consider a lot of the variables that aren't in the AFLW's favour, which Wook covers well:

Who cares? At this point the women have had exactly two months of access to professional coaches and facilities - about half of what we would consider a preseason for the mens side. If Kreuzer only had half a preseason we'd be using it as an excuse for why he played like crap for the year, but apparently for the women, they were expected by some to go out there and be the female incarnations of Polly farmer and ted whitten.
Exactly. For what was essentially a pre-season game, it was a good standard and played by semi-professional players (people who are likely working at least a part-time job during the week).

I'm excited to see how the standard develops over the next 6 weeks, and how that flows onto women's state footy.

pointless comparing
In today's world, maybe, but I saw plenty of players that I'd be happy to see at state level in the men's comp, and a few I'd be happy with playing in the AFL.

Bright future there (whether they want to have mixed leagues or not).

Sucks BIG TIME to be in the UK today! This sounds like one of those moments that you tell your grandchildren about because you were there, lucky enough to get inside a packed stadium......... Still quite emotional just from reading this thread!
I thought the AFLW was free internationally via WatchAFL?
Really proud to be a Carlton supporter right now. What a great day.

I watched it on TV, and it was a fantastic spectacle.

On a personal note, I'm furious that everyone I had lined up to go with wound up flaking on attending, leaving me at home on the couch. Thankfully, the right kind of tears were shed in response to the events of the night.

Somewhere between VFL and AFL is an outstanding start once you consider a lot of the variables that aren't in the AFLW's favour, which Wook covers well:

Exactly. For what was essentially a pre-season game, it was a good standard and played by semi-professional players (people who are likely working at least a part-time job during the week).

I'm excited to see how the standard develops over the next 6 weeks, and how that flows onto women's state footy.

In today's world, maybe, but I saw plenty of players that I'd be happy to see at state level in the men's comp, and a few I'd be happy with playing in the AFL.

Bright future there (whether they want to have mixed leagues or not).

I thought the AFLW was free internationally via WatchAFL?

Correct bud

Unfortunately I had to be at work quite early today when the game was streaming live.

I'm now booked in for a hot Friday night date with myself,, a 6-pack of Coronas, and the corner cushions on my couch.

Can't wait :footy: :) :thumbsu:
Love this photo. I think it captures the beginning of that excitement and love of the game we all had as kids.

I know it's only one game, but this is no gimmick, no token league... This is the real thing !

I was looking forward to this, but had no idea it would be this good. These players are skilled and fierce. Enjoyed every second of the game. Only problem for me is that it wasn't long enough. I could've watched eight quarters of that. I only wish Richmond had a side so we could smash them too...

Loved it!!!
Obviously none of us were around back in the 1800's when the VFL started. I cant see the standard being any different than what it was last night.

Woman's AFL is here to stay and watch the standard improve over the next 15-20 years as more and more girls take the game up for an early age.
It's as though we've been drinking out of punch bowl laced with ecstasy tonight.
So many hugs and insincere kisses.

Awful spectacle if the truth be said, but some great platforms laid by the AFL.
Gil would be gloating but it will take more than one match to keep the momentum going.

Guess there won't be many likes coming my way. Oh well. :)

Something about women taking a step forward tonight irk you Harker?

Yeh sometimes the skill wasn't so great but that was to be expected

Yeh free speech and all, but talk about captain kill joy
I watched on last night from the comfort of my couch and I thought it was a really great spectacle. Obviously there are going to be kinks to iron out, it was the first game afterall, but the turnout was surely beyond what anyone thought and overall, you surely cannot conclude that it was anything but a great night in football and especially so for women in football.

Clearly there are a few people around the traps who have no intention of giving the whole concept a fair go- I think they should just be ignored.

I look forward to the day when my own club has a women's team and can also get involved.

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