Polls Thread Mk III

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You’re still whinging when we won! What is it with you good folk over here? Democracy ran its course and the people had their say.


Still trying to run that line Lebs?
And ALP figures being questioned over dual citizenship after the whole "our procedures are tight" thing. That sort of hubris wasn't going down well before Dastyari thing blew up. Especially for Shorten's personal rating.

but we are being told people don't care? ALP figures did the right things just sloooow UK beaurocracy . surprised to be sitting here really.

Not sure if an issue which didn’t affect the coalitions numbers much would affect the ALPs

People enjoy seng polices squirm but would have quiet sympathy as the requirement seems archaic.

Now a PM who has wealth offshore lecturing about foreign influence? That’s ‘interesting’
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Turnbull's obviously going to want a bigger bump. He wants to stop the '30 Newspolls' narrative that he used himself as the reason to get rid of Tony. Watch for a well-timed diss from Tony's chronies next Newspoll.
And ALP figures being questioned over dual citizenship after the whole "our procedures are tight" thing. That sort of hubris wasn't going down well before Dastyari thing blew up. Especially for Shorten's personal rating.
Their procedures do still appear to be tight. Everyone had processed paperwork before the election day. Feeney has apparently lost a piece of paper from a long time ago when he did it. The others didn't get paperwork back in time, which Labor's legal experts believe will not make them ineligible. If it did then that foreign power could stop someone from being elected by delaying the paperwork.

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Encouragingly, they've been hovering around this figure for most of the year.

Monumental. That'd swing over a dozen seats, including everything in Brisbane if uniform. A Labor result better than that would probably predate the War.

I'm not entirely sure what's causing it though? They barely won a majority in the state election, and even if Turnbull is on the nose with Qlders, I don't think Shorten would have much appeal there either.
Encouragingly, they've been hovering around this figure for most of the year.

Monumental. That'd swing over a dozen seats, including everything in Brisbane if uniform. A Labor result better than that would probably predate the War.

I'm not entirely sure what's causing it though? They barely won a majority in the state election, and even if Turnbull is on the nose with Qlders, I don't think Shorten would have much appeal there either.

The Oz released the numbers today and 1 thing VERY noticeable was Shortens rating is lowest up there.
If it was anyone but Shorten there'd be 20 points in it.
If Shorten wasn't in charge, the policies and tactics would've been different. The attack lines would've been different. Etc.

Same as when people claim Sanders would've beaten Trump or that Hillary was the only one who could lose. It's fantasy stuff. There's no way to tell how things would go when a completely different person is in charge and is therefore the primary target of political opponents.

Having said that, the discipline from Labor does suggest that Albo's left faction is having enough of a say to stay happy, and Shorten's main strength appears to be negotiation. Hence why the Libs try and criticise him for being too Union (i.e. too worker friendly) and also for not being generous enough to workers. Contradictory.
If Shorten wasn't in charge, the policies and tactics would've been different. The attack lines would've been different. Etc.

Same as when people claim Sanders would've beaten Trump or that Hillary was the only one who could lose. It's fantasy stuff. There's no way to tell how things would go when a completely different person is in charge and is therefore the primary target of political opponents.

Still with this post-facto apologist spin.

Sanders would have shat it in & we all know it.....The Rust-Belt alone made all the difference & Bernie Bros had Trump covered there in spades....So can the crapola!
Still with this post-facto apologist spin.

Sanders would have shat it in & we all know it.....The Rust-Belt alone made all the difference & Bernie Bros had Trump covered there in spades....So can the crapola!

Agree on Sanders. He had the populist anti-establishment rhetoric of Trump without the crazy and xenophobia.

Hillary was a Washington bubble elitist. The exact prototype of what people were sick of.

Trump ran an almost left wing economic message: protectionism and anti-free trade, anti-wallstreet, against cuts to medicare, social security, railed against the establishment and elites.

Sanders had all that too and actually had a believable track record of doing it. Trump now in office is as big a sellout to the establishment that there has ever been.

Sanders will win in 2020 now that people have seen that Trump was all talk.
Sanders will win in 2020 now that people have seen that Trump was all talk.

There's no way in hell that the Corporate owned & run DNC will allow Sanders to win the nomination.....Sorry, just aint gonna happen....The super-Delegates alone simply won't allow it to happen

They've already purged all pro-Bernie candidates from the last election from their executive branch.....The DNC has been bought-out & sold-out to the establishment in Wall Street & Big Pharma; & they have shown that they have learn't absolutely nothing from the last election, other than to double down on the denial, the cover-ups & the Bullshit.

Trump will shit a second-term in, either by hook or by crook....Just as he did in 2016.

The only chance the U.S has is for a third people's progressive party to form....But the powers that be are doing every in their power to stop that from happening, even now as we speak.
There's no way in hell that the Corporate owned & run DNC will allow Sanders to win the nomination.....Sorry, just aint gonna happen....The super-Delegates alone simply won't allow it to happen

They've already purged all pro-Bernie candidates from the last election from their executive branch.....The DNC has been bought-out & sold-out to the establishment in Wall Street & Big Pharma; & they have shown that they have learn't absolutely nothing from the last election, other than to double down on the denial, the cover-ups & the Bullshit.

Trump will shit a second-term in, either by hook or by crook....Just as he did in 2016.

The only chance the U.S has is for a third people's progressive party to form....But the powers that be are doing every in their power to stop that from happening, even now as we speak.

The DNC conducted a review recently proposing to do away with 50% of superdelegates and forcing the rest left over to vote along with their state.

Whether that recommendation is implemented or not is another story.

2018 will be the indicator. If Bernie aligned candidates win, that may shift the party away from the corporatist Clinton wing.

A third party can't win. The big two parties have way too big an institutional advantage. The only way Bernie can win is by taking over the Democrats from the inside.

I'm a bit more optimistic than you. Bernie has a much bigger profile compared to 2016. It will be hard for the establishment Dems to shut him up this time around.
The DNC conducted a review recently proposing to do away with 50% of superdelegates and forcing the rest left over to vote along with their state.

Whether that recommendation is implemented or not is another story.

2018 will be the indicator. If Bernie aligned candidates win, that may shift the party away from the corporatist Clinton wing.

A third party can't win. The big two parties have way too big an institutional advantage. The only way Bernie can win is by taking over the Democrats from the inside.

I'm a bit more optimistic than you. Bernie has a much bigger profile compared to 2016. It will be hard for the establishment Dems to shut him up this time around.

And that is precisely the type of political naivete that these arse-holes will be counting on for the next election....An a-historical memory.

What's the definition of madness again?.....Doing exactly the same thing over & over, while expecting a different outcome!

Social Democracy is the enemy par excellence of the U.S establishment....The U.S establishment own & run the DNC....There's simply no way in hell that an old Jewish Socialist will be allowed the DNC Nomination....Mark my words.
The DNC conducted a review recently proposing to do away with 50% of superdelegates and forcing the rest left over to vote along with their state.

Whether that recommendation is implemented or not is another story.

2018 will be the indicator. If Bernie aligned candidates win, that may shift the party away from the corporatist Clinton wing.

A third party can't win. The big two parties have way too big an institutional advantage. The only way Bernie can win is by taking over the Democrats from the inside.

I'm a bit more optimistic than you. Bernie has a much bigger profile compared to 2016. It will be hard for the establishment Dems to shut him up this time around.
Don't feed the Russian troll. At least, not in the Polls thread which stays polls-focused.

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