Opinion 2018 Non-Crows #4: You say Potato, I say Portato (Cont in Part 5)

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This board has a habit of getting carried away with comments. I was giving an opinion on the situation. Stating I wish the guy was shot somewhere in the body that he could survive so we could interrogate.

I didn’t put any blame on the cop who shot him in the torso.

Regarding my comment about mental illness, do you honestly think I’m speaking complete garbage for suggesting it?
Yes. I do.

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If there was a Christian cult that was exhorting its followers to go out and kill random non-Christians by whatever means they can find, you'd have a point.

Accepting that reality isn't "Islamophobia" and it doesn't mean you have to think all / most Muslims are violent extremists.

Thats incorrect. Terrorist propaganda and “training” has completely changed from sept 11 and July 7 style attacks. Intel orgs and police are getting very good at disrupting larger attacks becsuse they’re costly, noisy and involve a lot of people.

What this man did is exactly what the terrorist magazines put out by ISIS/AQAP et al encourage followers to do. It’s almost impossible to prevent because it requires no involvement from anyone else. It requires a kitchen knife and a car. This is exactly why it’s encouraged.

E.g: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/isis-al-qaeda-london-attack-2017-3?r=US&IR=T

I wonder how many incidents they do manage stop over say a 12 month period. I also wonder if the radicals in western countries immigrated as adults or were born/raised in their host countries. I would assume it would be the later.
I’m not saying that on every occasion you shouldn’t go for the torso area, I was just wondering do they ever consider that as an option - we have to remember that these type of scenarios should be forming part of their overall training. If we don’t find out why, we are all the poorer for it.

At the end of the day, the officer killed someone and I’m sure that will be forever in his mind unfortunately. I’m not saying what he did was wrong, just are alternatives considered. After all, he was carrying a knife not a gun.

Yes you are. Have you ever seen the damage a knife can do. Poor comment but not unexpected.
Yes you are. Have you ever seen the damage a knife can do. Poor comment but not unexpected.
In kirky’s defense, his main point is that we’ve lost an opportunity to dig further the motives or other potential terrorist chains linked with the man. There are no obvious right or wrong here, just other avenues to consider.
suicide by cop?

also if there was any real planning / organisation involved in the attack they would have made sure the BBQ gas bottles would have exploded properly - the fact that they weren't modified (as they are built to not explode) makes you think that he was a bit of a nut case just going out on a whim
Dumb doesn't mean nuts
Wouldn't that require delisting and therefore termination of existing contract which results in any agreed future payments being included in that year's TPP?
Yes, it requires delisting. However, salary/TPPs are allowed to carry over provided the player ends up on the same club's list for the following year.
You have to be careful giving out too much free stuff otherwise you end up with a society of lazy, entitled free loaders .i.e your average Port supporter.
Any happiness they get from freeloading is soon sucked out of them by the club they support.

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Provided all citizens want to be participants in a healthy, free, democratic and peaceful society.
That's a key point.

Our Country's values should never include hate/radicalised killing under any circumstances. Whilst the vast majority of immigrants appreciate coming to our lucky county - including the hard working Italian Australian guy murdered on Friday (vale) - there are a small minority who snub our peaceful values.

If we are evicting Bikie members of another nationality, why are we not doing the same for those on a watch list who are radicalised? We have a responsibility for "home grown" terrorists, but those who immigrate here we should seriously think about throwing out.... meanwhile we have locked up people for years in detention centres who just want a fair go in a peaceful land.

I feel for the Police Officer who only graduated 3 months ago, who tried his best to subdue/disharm this crazy, but had no choice to shoot to diffuse the dangerous situation. It's not like some US cops where they shoot first as he genuinely tried a peaceful resolution & no one should be critical of him. He will live with that for the rest of his life.
Agree. When a lone wolf is involved why aren’t they taught to incapacitate - you learn nothing by killing him. He had a knife, no gun.

They only shoot to protect themselves when in imminent danger. Missing their moving leg doesn't stop them or necessarily even slow them down. Once the situation moves beyond a certain point, they're trained to aim for the largest target, torso, in order to protect themselves or the public. This stops people, whether they live or die following that is incidental to the reason that the weapon was required to be drawn in the first place.
These situations are trained for regularly, with all alternatives considered. Police operate under national guidelines on the use of force and it is very carefully considered and practiced. This incident will also be closely reviewed to see whether the shooting was the most appropriate response and reasonable in the circumstances. Every time a police officer discharges a gun for any reason there is an internal review.

When it comes to dealing with potential terrorist situations, the findings of the Royal Commission into the Lindt cafe siege have changed the game.

Police were criticized for not acting quickly enough. It is now considered that terrorists are less likely to negotiate and more likely to act quickly.

As a result, police tactics will change. Police will likely spend less time trying to engage the person verbally and are more likely to use force earlier.

Unfortunately this could mean more injuries and deaths to police, the alleged terrorist and civilians.

This change of response and the likely consequences is something the public will have to get used to.

A subsequent review of such action will then have to consider the opposite question to the Lindt review - did the police act too soon? Could lives have been saved if they waited?

The public will have to get used to this shift in coming years, starting with this incident in Melbourne.

Not quite true, there's no review for desk pops.
In kirky’s defense, his main point is that we’ve lost an opportunity to dig further the motives or other potential terrorist chains linked with the man. There are no obvious right or wrong here, just other avenues to consider.
No there are no avenues. Coppers and military the same, it’s pretty simple. We are trained if you feel your life or the lives of those it is your duty to protect is threatened, u neutralise the threat.
These situations must be kept simple, overanalysing makes u vulnerable.
As a previous poster mentioned...it’s not a movie.
If they do start charging for the footy express, hopefully it doesn't involve people having to pay on the bus.

Waiting for people to fish out their 10c coin collection to pay for a bus ticket is possibly the worst thing in the world.
That's the problem in this state though.

Everyone should have a metrocard, that fact we don't shows how crap our PT has been and how focused on our cars we are.
Yeah please disregard all my posts because allegedly they all are cut and paste out of Google search engine.


Some you don’t even bother to google, you just make up

Like when you claimed it was an unfair comparison to consider our injury list to Collingwoods, before admitting to not knowing what collingwoods injuries actually were.

Then you argued you didn’t need to know what Collingwoods injury list was to decide that it was probably not a fair comparison with ours ;)

That definitely wasn’t cut n paste from google :D

Some you don’t even bother to google, you just make up

Like when you claimed it was an unfair comparison to consider our injury list to Collingwoods, before admitting to not knowing what collingwoods injuries actually were.

Then you argued you didn’t need to know what Collingwoods injury list was to decide that it was probably not a fair comparison with ours ;)

That definitely wasn’t cut n paste from google :D
So are you trying to defend for me or trying to attack?
Make up ya damn mind!
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