Fan threatened with eviction from MCG for barracking too loud

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Understandable that many of you are upset after hearing of this, but just imagine what umpire Nicholls is going through right now.

He was labeled a, and forgive me for repeating this, 'bald headed flog' by a rowdy supporter.

This is a truly dark day for football - but we will stand behind Matty Nicholls and help him through this traumatic period.
If it's true about the homophobic slur, I don't see how this incident is too far off from when Goodes was called an Ape.
Don't know if he should've been thrown out, but making it personal like that is just not on and rightfully should be condemned.
It’s 100% completely not the same though? Even if old mate said the worst slur that’s been alleged surely you don’t think he was referencing his sexuality as a direct attack on his person? In this case it’s just a societally inappropriate swear...
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I think booing sorts the men from the boys. Only girly men get offended and ask for the booing to stop!

Booing seems to be the language the AFL understands and takes to heart. It's unambiguous; they can't claim maggot = ****** or flog = ****.
The AFL is skating on thin ice with fans now.

I hope fans start protesting. A few walkouts mid game should do the trick.

Plenty of Richmond supporters walked out mid-game last night...

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Just heard on 3aw.

Fan goes to Matthew Nicholls “you can’t handball with one hand you bald headed flog”. Nicholls then pointed at the fan and security escorted him out of the stadium.

That is ******* ridiculous. AFL is fast losing the plot with this sort of stuff. Love how they quickly escort this Blues fan out. Yet anytime there’s a fight it takes ages for action.

Devilsadvocate scepticism: RussellWestbrook's <sledge> he copped from UtahJazz was not a sledge, far more insidious...

I still think alternative here f_g is bad, but let people behave as bigots and racists, educate your own children. I am not going to throw the sledger under the bus whichever the term, if all he said was flog though, the umpires need to grow a backbone, Australians are vertebrates.
Fans are provoked when umps make shithouse decisions.
These days its like we're meant to just sit there and say nothing.

This is satire right?

Füllt grown adults get so emotionally invested in a game of sport they they turn to hurling abuse at a person who’s employed on a semi-professional basis to adjudicate the rules set by the administration?

How about some personal accountability

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This sport is a joke pay your hard earned should be allowed to boo etc as long as you don’t cross the boundaries of racism or sexuality
why, - is anything not sacred oath now?
And problems don't get fixed by throwing abuse at people, because what starts out with good intentions of calling people out starts to become harassment. We don't need that.

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