Health The Value of Jesus/God in Your Life

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Something else I've posted before....displaying the enormous complexity of the system of the universe/planets in order for a universe, galaxy, planet, life to exist, and the slightest thing out would render it impossible.....


The connection between all living things and the physical world.
It’s certainly not random or chaotic. It’s a system.
Systems are designed.

Requirements Related to the Universe and Our Galaxy
Correct local abundance and distribution of dark matter
Correct relative abundances of different exotic mass particles
Correct decay rates of different exotic mass particles
Correct density of quasars
Correct density of giant galaxies in the early universe
Correct galaxy cluster size
Correct galaxy cluster density
Correct galaxy cluster location
Correct galaxy size
Correct galaxy type
Correct galaxy mass distribution
Correct size of galactic central bulge
Correct galaxy location
Correct variability of local dwarf galaxy absorption rate
Correct quantity of galactic dust
Correct giant star density in galaxy
Correct frequency of gamma ray bursts in galaxy
Correct star location relative to galactic center
Correct star distance from co-rotation circle of galaxy
Correct ratio of inner dark halo mass to stellar mass for galaxy
Correct star distance from closest spiral arm
Correct z-axis extremes of star’s orbit
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a normal type I supernova eruption
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to a normal type I supernova eruption
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a type II supernova eruption
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to type II supernova eruption
Correct timing of hypernovae eruptions
Correct number of hypernovae eruptions
Correct masses of stars that become hypernovae
Correct flux of cosmic ray protons
Correct variability of cosmic ray proton flux
Correct gas dispersal rate by companion stars, shock waves, and molecular cloud expansion in the Sun’s birthing star cluster
Correct number of stars in birthing cluster
Correct density of brown dwarfs
Correct number of giant galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct number of large galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct number of dwarf galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct distance of galaxy’s corotation circle from center of galaxy
Correct rate of diffusion of heavy elements from galactic center out to the galaxy’s corotation circle
Correct outward migration of star relative to galactic center
Correct degree to which exotic matter self interacts
Correct average quantity of gas infused into the universe’s first star clusters
Correct level of supersonic turbulence in the infant universe
Correct number and sizes of intergalactic hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy’s vicinity
Correct average longevity of intergalactic hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy’s vicinity
Correct avoidance of apsidal phase locking in the orbits of planets in the planetary system
Correct number density of the first metal-free stars to form in the universe
Correct epoch during which the first metal-free stars form in cosmic history
Correct average circumstellar medium density for white dwarf red giant pairs
Correct number densities of metal-poor and extremely metal-poor galaxies
Correct rate of growth of central spheroid for the galaxy
Correct amount of gas infalling into the central core of the galaxy
Correct level of cooling of gas infalling into the central core of the galaxy
Correct heavy element abundance in the intracluster medium for the early universe
Correct rate of infall of intergalactic gas into emerging and growing galaxies during first five billion years of cosmic history
Correct pressure of the intra-galaxy-cluster medium
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a type I supernova whose core underwent significant gravitational collapse before carbon deflagration
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to a type I supernova whose core underwent significant gravitational collapse before carbon deflagrataion
Correct sizes of largest cosmic structures in the universe
Correct level of spiral substructure in spiral galaxy
Correct supernova eruption rate when galaxy is young
Correct zrange of rotation rates for stars are on the verge of becoming supernovae
Correct quantity of dust formed in the ejecta of Population III supernovae
Correct chemical composition of dust ejected by Population III stars
Correct time in cosmic history when the merging of galaxies peaks
Correct density of extragalactic intruder stars in solar neighborhood
Correct density of dust-exporting stars in solar neighborhood
Correct average rate of increase in galaxy sizes
Correct change in average rate of increase in galaxy sizes throughout cosmic history
Correct proximity of solar nebula to asymptotic giant branch stars
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to its close approach to asymptotic giant branch stars Correct quantity and proximity of gamma-ray burst events relative to emerging solar nebula
Correct proximity of superbubbles to planetary system during life epoch of life-support planet
Correct proximity of strong ultraviolet emitting stars to planetary system during life epoch of life-support planet
Correct quantity and proximity of galactic gamma-ray burst events relative to time window for intelligent life
Correct timing of star formation peak for the universe
Correct timing of star formation peak for the galaxy
Correct mass of the galaxy’s central black hole
Correct timing of the growth of the galaxy’s central black hole
Correct rate of in-spiraling gas into galaxy’s central black hole during life epoch
Correct distance from nearest giant galaxy
Correct distance from nearest Seyfert galaxy
Correct amount of mass loss by star in its youth
Correct rate of mass loss of star in its youth
Correct rate of mass loss by star during its middle age
Correct quantity of magnetars (proto-neutron stars with very strong magnetic fields) produced during galaxy’s history
Correct variation in coverage of star’s surface by faculae
Correct ratio of galaxy’s dark halo mass to its baryonic mass
Correct ratio of galaxy’s dark halo mass to its dark halo core mass
Correct galaxy cluster formation rate
Correct proximity of supernovae and hypernovae throughout history of planet and planetary system
Correct tidal heating from neighboring galaxies
Correct tidal heating from dark galactic and galaxy cluster halos
Correct intensity and duration of galactic winds
Correct density of dwarf galaxies in vicinity of home galaxy
Correct amount of photoevaporation during planetary formation from parent star and other nearby stars

Requirements Related to the Solar System
Correct number and mass of planets in system suffering significant drift
Correct orbital inclinations of companion planets in system
Correct variation of orbital inclinations of companion planets
Correct inclinations and eccentricities of nearby terrestrial planets
Correct in-spiral rate of stars into black holes within parent galaxy
Correct strength of magnetocentrifugally launched wind of parent star during its protostar era
Correct degree to which the atmospheric composition of the planet departs from thermodynamic equilibrium
Correct delivery rate of volatiles to planet from asteroid-comet belts during epoch of planet formation
Correct amount of outward migration of Neptune
Correct amount of outward migration of Uranus
Correct star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star
Correct variation in star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star
Correct birth date of the star-planetary system
Correct number of stars in system
Correct number and timing of close encounters by nearby stars
Correct proximity of close stellar encounters
Correct masses of close stellar encounters
Correct distance from nearest black hole
Correct absorption rate of planets and planetismals by parent star
Correct star age
Correct star metallicity
Correct ratio of 40K, 235,238U, 232Th to iron in star-planetary system
Correct star orbital eccentricity
Correct star mass
Correct star luminosity change relative to speciation types & rates
Correct star color
Correct star rotation rate
Correct rate of change in star rotation rate
Correct star magnetic field
Correct star magnetic field variability
Correct stellar wind strength and variability
Correct short period variation in parent star diameter
Correct star’s carbon to oxygen ratio
Correct star’s space velocity relative to Local Standard of Rest
Correct star’s short term luminosity variability
Correct star’s long term luminosity variability
Correct amplitude and duration of star spot cycle
Correct number & timing of solar system encounters with interstellar gas clouds and cloudlets
Correct galactic tidal forces on planetary system
Correct H3+ production
Correct supernovae rates & locations
Correct white dwarf binary types, rates, & locations
Correct structure of comet cloud surrounding planetary system
Correct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon abundance in solar nebula
Correct mass of Neptune
Correct total mass of Kuiper Belt asteroids
Correct mass distribution of Kuiper Belt asteroids
Correct injection efficiency of shock wave material from nearby supernovae into collapsing molecular cloud that forms star and planetary system
Correct number and sizes of planets and planetesimals consumed by star
Correct variations in star’s diameter
Correct level of spot production on star’s surface
Correct variability of spot production on star’s surface
Correct mass of outer gas giant planet relative to inner gas giant planet
Correct Kozai oscillation level in planetary system
Correct reduction of Kuiper Belt mass during planetary system’s early history
Correct efficiency of stellar mass loss during final stages of stellar burning
Correct number, mass, and distance from star of gas giant planets in addition to planets of the mass and distance of Jupiter and Saturn

Requirements Related to Planet Earth
Correct planetary distance from star
Correct inclination of planetary orbit
Correct axis tilt of planet
Correct rate of change of axial tilt
Correct period and size of axis tilt variation
Correct planetary rotation period
Correct rate of change in planetary rotation period
Correct planetary revolution period
Correct planetary orbit eccentricity
Correct rate of change of planetary orbital eccentricity
Correct rate of change of planetary inclination
Correct period and size of eccentricity variation
Correct period and size of inclination variation
Correct precession in planet’s rotation
Correct rate of change in planet’s precession
Correct number of moons
Correct mass and distance of moon
Correct surface gravity (escape velocity)
Correct tidal force from sun and moon
Correct magnetic field
Correct rate of change & character of change in magnetic field
Correct albedo (planet reflectivity)
Correct density density of interstellar and interplanetary dust particles in vicinity of life-support planet
Correct reducing strength of planet’s primordial mantle
Correct thickness of crust
Correct timing of birth of continent formation
Correct oceans-to-continents ratio
Correct rate of change in oceans to continents ratio
Correct global distribution of continents
Correct frequency, timing, & extent of ice ages
Correct frequency, timing, & extent of global snowball events
Correct silicate dust annealing by nebular shocks
Correct asteroidal & cometary collision rate
Correct change in asteroidal & cometary collision rates
Correct rate of change in asteroidal & cometary collision rates
Correct mass of body colliding with primordial Earth
Correct timing of body colliding with primordial Earth
Correct location of body’s collision with primordial Earth
Correct position & mass of Jupiter relative to Earth
Correct major planet eccentricities
Correct major planet orbital instabilities
Correct drift and rate of drift in major planet distances
Correct number & distribution of planets
Correct distance of gas giant planets from mean motion resonances
Correct orbital separation distances among inner planets
Correct oxygen quantity in the atmosphere
Correct nitrogen quantity in the atmosphere
Correct carbon monoxide quantity in the atmosphere
Correct chlorine quantity in the atmosphere
Correct aerosol particle density emitted from the forests
Correct cobalt quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct arsenic quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct copper quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct boron quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct cadmium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct calcium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct flourine quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct iodine quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct magnesium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct nickel quantity in crust
Correct phosphorus quantity in crust
Correct potassium quantity in crust
Correct tin quantity in crust
Correct zinc quantity in crust
Correct molybdenum quantity in crust
Correct vanadium quantity in crust
Correct chromium quantity in crust
Correct selenium quantity in crust
Correct iron quantity in oceans
Correct tropospheric ozone quantity
Correct stratospheric ozone quantity
Correct mesospheric ozone quantity
Correct water vapor level in atmosphere
Correct oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere
Correct quantity of greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct quantity of greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct rate of change in greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct poleward heat transport in atmosphere by mid-latitude storms
Correct quantity of forest & grass fires
Correct quantity of sea salt aerosols in troposphere
Correct soil mineralization
Correct quantity of anaeorbic bacteria in the oceans
Correct quantity of aerobic bacteria in the oceans
Correct quantity of anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the early oceans
Correct quantity, variety, and timing of sulfate-reducing bacteria
Correct quantity of geobacteraceae
Correct quantity of aerobic photoheterotrophic bacteria
Correct quantity of decomposer bacteria in soil
Correct quantity of mycorrhizal fungi in soil
Correct quantity of nitrifying microbes in soil
Correct quantity & timing of vascular plant introductions
Correct quantity, timing, & placement of carbonate-producing animals
Correct quantity, timing, & placement of methanogens
Correct phosphorus and iron absorption by banded iron formations
Correct quantity of soil sulfur
Correct ratio of electrically conducting inner core radius to radius of the adjacent turbulent fluid shell
Correct ratio of core to shell (see above) magnetic diffusivity
Correct magnetic Reynold’s number of the shell (see above)
Correct elasticity of iron in the inner core
Correct electromagnetic Maxwell shear stresses in the inner core
Correct core precession frequency for planet
Correct rate of interior heat loss for planet
Correct quantity of sulfur in the planet’s core
Correct quantity of silicon in the planet’s core
Correct quantity of water at subduction zones in the crust
Correct quantity of high pressure ice in subducting crustal slabs
Correct hydration rate of subducted minerals
Correct water absorption capacity of planet’s lower mantle
Correct tectonic activity
Correct rate of decline in tectonic activity
Correct volcanic activity
Correct rate of decline in volcanic activity
Correct location of volcanic eruptions
Correct continental relief
Correct viscosity at Earth core boundaries
Correct viscosity of lithosphere
Correct thickness of mid-mantle boundary
Correct rate of sedimentary loading at crustal subduction zones
Correct biomass to comet infall ratio
Correct regularity of cometary infall
Correct number, intensity, and location of hurricanes
Correct intensity of primordial cosmic superwinds
Correct number of smoking quasars
Correct formation of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets
Correct orbital stability of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets
Correct total mass of Oort Cloud objects
Correct mass distribution of Oort Cloud objects
Correct air turbulence in troposphere
Correct quantity of sulfate aerosols in troposphere
Correct quantity of actinide bioreducing bacteria
Correct quantity of phytoplankton
Correct hydrothermal alteration of ancient oceanic basalts
Correct quantity of iodocarbon-emitting marine organisms
Correct location of dislocation creep relative to diffusion creep in and near the crust-mantle boundary (determines mantle convection dynamics)
Correct size of oxygen sinks in the planet’s crust
Correct size of oxygen sinks in the planet’s mantle
Correct mantle plume production
Correct average rainfall precipitation
Correct variation and timing of average rainfall precipitation
Correct atmospheric transparency
Correct atmospheric pressure
Correct atmospheric viscosity
Correct atmospheric electric discharge rate
Correct atmospheric temperature gradient
Correct carbon dioxide level in atmosphere
Correct rates of change in carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere throughout the planet’s history
Correct rates of change in water vapor levels in atmosphere throughout the planet’s history
Correct rate of change in methane level in early atmosphere
Correct Q-value (rigidity) of planet during its early history
Correct variation in Q-value of planet during its early history
Correct migration of planet during its formation in the protoplanetary disk
Correct viscosity gradient in protoplanetary disk
Correct frequency of late impacts by large asteroids and comets
Correct size of the carbon sink in the deep mantle of the planet
Correct ratio of dual water molecules, (H2O)2, to single water molecules, H 2O, in the troposphere
Correct quantity of volatiles on and in Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone
Correct triggering of El Nino events by explosive volcanic eruptions
Correct time window between the peak of kerogen production and the appearance of intelligent life
Correct time window between the production of cisterns in the planet’s crust that can effectively collect and store petroleum and natural gas and the appearance of intelligent life
Correct efficiency of flows of silicate melt, hypersaline hydrothermal fluids, and hydrothermal vapors in the upper crust
Correct efficiency of ocean pumps that return nutrients to ocean surfaces
Correct sulfur and sulfate content of oceans
Correct orientation of continents relative to prevailing winds
Correct infall of buckminsterfullerenes from interplanetary and interstellar space upon surface of planet
Correct quantity of silicic acid in the oceans
Correct heat flow through the planet’s mantle from radiometric decay in planet’s core
Correct water absorption by planet’s mantle

OK, each requirement on this partial list of universal constants (322 constants listed here) is highly unlikely to occur at random or by chance. In fact, we could assign odds to each requirement in the same way that we assigned odds to the correct location of Earth relative to the Sun. Scientists and experts have already assigned statistic probabilities for each of these requirements and they range anywhere from 1 in 10 (1/101) to 1 in 1000 (1/103). But let’s be very generous here. Let’s say that each and every one of these terrestrial, solar system and galactic requirement has a 1 in 10 (1/101) chance of happening naturally; let’s assign this 1 in 10 (1/101) probability to each and every one of these 322 requirements, even though scientists say that the odds are much greater.

Now, do you remember how we calculated the odds of flipping four consecutive “heads” in a row? We took the probability or each flip and multiplied it against each other: ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/16.

How then, would we calculate the odds of a planet like earth (supporting the life that it supports) existing in our universe? You guessed it; we simply multiply the odds since the events are independent of each and every one of the 322 requirements occurring naturally!

1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101

This means that there is less than 1 chance in 1 million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion exists that even one planet like earth could ever exist and support life as earth supports it if the only mechanisms available are natural mechanisms. Now remember how statisticians define what is known as “statistical zero”

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just validates what I said....that good and evil are hard-coded into sentient lifeforms. they are not learned, acquired, not invented by a man and then others copied it. a "god" is the only explanation for how and why good/evil could be hard-coded into sentient life. and why advanced mental lifeforms (eg, humans) can NOW perceive good/evil, call them good and evil, differentiate them, study them, create religion/philosophy to try to grasp their meaning and our purpose as beings navigating life, and what ends, here and beyond here.
It's a long strange trip but worth it. The hippest thing they ever did was let people record their concerts, so there are recordings of virtually all of their 800 odd concerts.

Really? I didn’t know that. No other band would come close to that sort of coverage.

I wish Zeppelin did the same thing
atheism cannot study that, cannot grasp that, and thus refutes everything beyond what it cannot grasp.

if you're content with "ignorance is bliss", where you're a rudimentary lifeform, just reacting, and not thinking beyond your own elbow, focused on serving your own self, its instincts....then that's all you're gonna get. you're not gonna see anything beyond or within or behind what's apparent,'re only going to be a very unwise person, blindly walking into things and traversing in circles, and ironically, truly self-powerless because you're so easily led astray by things beyond your perception, pushed and pulled at the whim or will of others, but also at the will of societal currents, not immune to their viral-like qualities.

if you're a spiritual person, believe in a higher power....not someone who was just raised to be a christian and you just say you believe just because, and you're not actually putting into practice those beliefs.....if you're a genuinely spiritual person, then you gain a broader purview of everything, you're not self-serving, not blind to others, not blind to societal currents, you don't dishonor your spirit by ignorantly or willfully stripping others of their humanity and love just for your own meager daily ends, you become a brother of mankind, you do amazing things, people gravitate to you because you shine bright, you're helpful, you make an impact on them, you foster others not self-promote, but it's not at your own expense because the lord will still provide for you. but beyond that hippie-like thing that may rolleyes become a chess master in the moment, your powers of perception i cannot underplay this, it's very true, but your powers of perception grow see and hear things around you almost like a telepathy and foresight, your intuition becomes amazing, it's like there's a guardian angel there for you at all times, lending a hand on your shoulder to steer you out of trouble, to steer you to something important that might otherwise be missed, to alert you to what's REALLY GOING ON in that scene, etc.
and yes, it's true....ignorance is wont have big thoughts, feelings, see thru things, so you're just dumbly content, but also so easily made upset by things you don't understand, you're not in control of yourself really.

the more spiritual/wise you become......unfortunately, you will see thru everything, have big thoughts and feelings, truths, see all the suffering and pain in yourself and others, the world itself weeping, and it will touch you deeply, it will be depressing, you will cry at the beauty and joy in selves and life, as much as you'll cry at all the evil/pettiness/ugliness in selves and's not for the faint of heart. it's quite a trip. but i know many who aren't depressive *s like me, they can focus on the positives and enrich themselves with happy thoughts despite that.

i think it's just me.....just like beyond blue and many other orgs/counsellors have said to me, that they can't help me, i can't be helped, can't be fixed, because im not broken, i dont have any kind of disorder, i just see thru everything too much that i cannot unsee, i am far too truthful and honest, can't even trick/delude myself with silly happy thoughts/distractions just to stop being so perceptive, so it's a burden on me.

they only said what i already know -- no one knows their own self better than i demonstrate knowledge of myself. im under no illusions, delusions, no ailments, no self-lies, and can strip myself bare before my own eyes, fearless. this is because of my particular horrific life, abandoned constantly as a kid....i only ever had myself to raise myself and look out for me, so i learned to be incredibly truthful to myself and worship truth, able to reel myself back from any pitfalls or mental ills or addictions, if i fell in, not afraid to admit when wrong and change, because truth and reality, especially what's REALLY going on behind everything, is god to me. im not content with the face value of anything, i have to analyze it and tear it apart...that's my burden, so im a depressive *.
Something else I've posted before....displaying the enormous complexity of the system of the universe/planets in order for a universe, galaxy, planet, life to exist, and the slightest thing out would render it impossible.....


The connection between all living things and the physical world.
It’s certainly not random or chaotic. It’s a system.
Systems are designed.

Requirements Related to the Universe and Our Galaxy
Correct local abundance and distribution of dark matter
Correct relative abundances of different exotic mass particles
Correct decay rates of different exotic mass particles
Correct density of quasars
Correct density of giant galaxies in the early universe
Correct galaxy cluster size
Correct galaxy cluster density
Correct galaxy cluster location
Correct galaxy size
Correct galaxy type
Correct galaxy mass distribution
Correct size of galactic central bulge
Correct galaxy location
Correct variability of local dwarf galaxy absorption rate
Correct quantity of galactic dust
Correct giant star density in galaxy
Correct frequency of gamma ray bursts in galaxy
Correct star location relative to galactic center
Correct star distance from co-rotation circle of galaxy
Correct ratio of inner dark halo mass to stellar mass for galaxy
Correct star distance from closest spiral arm
Correct z-axis extremes of star’s orbit
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a normal type I supernova eruption
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to a normal type I supernova eruption
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a type II supernova eruption
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to type II supernova eruption
Correct timing of hypernovae eruptions
Correct number of hypernovae eruptions
Correct masses of stars that become hypernovae
Correct flux of cosmic ray protons
Correct variability of cosmic ray proton flux
Correct gas dispersal rate by companion stars, shock waves, and molecular cloud expansion in the Sun’s birthing star cluster
Correct number of stars in birthing cluster
Correct density of brown dwarfs
Correct number of giant galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct number of large galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct number of dwarf galaxies in galaxy cluster
Correct distance of galaxy’s corotation circle from center of galaxy
Correct rate of diffusion of heavy elements from galactic center out to the galaxy’s corotation circle
Correct outward migration of star relative to galactic center
Correct degree to which exotic matter self interacts
Correct average quantity of gas infused into the universe’s first star clusters
Correct level of supersonic turbulence in the infant universe
Correct number and sizes of intergalactic hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy’s vicinity
Correct average longevity of intergalactic hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy’s vicinity
Correct avoidance of apsidal phase locking in the orbits of planets in the planetary system
Correct number density of the first metal-free stars to form in the universe
Correct epoch during which the first metal-free stars form in cosmic history
Correct average circumstellar medium density for white dwarf red giant pairs
Correct number densities of metal-poor and extremely metal-poor galaxies
Correct rate of growth of central spheroid for the galaxy
Correct amount of gas infalling into the central core of the galaxy
Correct level of cooling of gas infalling into the central core of the galaxy
Correct heavy element abundance in the intracluster medium for the early universe
Correct rate of infall of intergalactic gas into emerging and growing galaxies during first five billion years of cosmic history
Correct pressure of the intra-galaxy-cluster medium
Correct proximity of solar nebula to a type I supernova whose core underwent significant gravitational collapse before carbon deflagration
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to a type I supernova whose core underwent significant gravitational collapse before carbon deflagrataion
Correct sizes of largest cosmic structures in the universe
Correct level of spiral substructure in spiral galaxy
Correct supernova eruption rate when galaxy is young
Correct zrange of rotation rates for stars are on the verge of becoming supernovae
Correct quantity of dust formed in the ejecta of Population III supernovae
Correct chemical composition of dust ejected by Population III stars
Correct time in cosmic history when the merging of galaxies peaks
Correct density of extragalactic intruder stars in solar neighborhood
Correct density of dust-exporting stars in solar neighborhood
Correct average rate of increase in galaxy sizes
Correct change in average rate of increase in galaxy sizes throughout cosmic history
Correct proximity of solar nebula to asymptotic giant branch stars
Correct timing of solar nebula formation relative to its close approach to asymptotic giant branch stars Correct quantity and proximity of gamma-ray burst events relative to emerging solar nebula
Correct proximity of superbubbles to planetary system during life epoch of life-support planet
Correct proximity of strong ultraviolet emitting stars to planetary system during life epoch of life-support planet
Correct quantity and proximity of galactic gamma-ray burst events relative to time window for intelligent life
Correct timing of star formation peak for the universe
Correct timing of star formation peak for the galaxy
Correct mass of the galaxy’s central black hole
Correct timing of the growth of the galaxy’s central black hole
Correct rate of in-spiraling gas into galaxy’s central black hole during life epoch
Correct distance from nearest giant galaxy
Correct distance from nearest Seyfert galaxy
Correct amount of mass loss by star in its youth
Correct rate of mass loss of star in its youth
Correct rate of mass loss by star during its middle age
Correct quantity of magnetars (proto-neutron stars with very strong magnetic fields) produced during galaxy’s history
Correct variation in coverage of star’s surface by faculae
Correct ratio of galaxy’s dark halo mass to its baryonic mass
Correct ratio of galaxy’s dark halo mass to its dark halo core mass
Correct galaxy cluster formation rate
Correct proximity of supernovae and hypernovae throughout history of planet and planetary system
Correct tidal heating from neighboring galaxies
Correct tidal heating from dark galactic and galaxy cluster halos
Correct intensity and duration of galactic winds
Correct density of dwarf galaxies in vicinity of home galaxy
Correct amount of photoevaporation during planetary formation from parent star and other nearby stars

Requirements Related to the Solar System
Correct number and mass of planets in system suffering significant drift
Correct orbital inclinations of companion planets in system
Correct variation of orbital inclinations of companion planets
Correct inclinations and eccentricities of nearby terrestrial planets
Correct in-spiral rate of stars into black holes within parent galaxy
Correct strength of magnetocentrifugally launched wind of parent star during its protostar era
Correct degree to which the atmospheric composition of the planet departs from thermodynamic equilibrium
Correct delivery rate of volatiles to planet from asteroid-comet belts during epoch of planet formation
Correct amount of outward migration of Neptune
Correct amount of outward migration of Uranus
Correct star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star
Correct variation in star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star
Correct birth date of the star-planetary system
Correct number of stars in system
Correct number and timing of close encounters by nearby stars
Correct proximity of close stellar encounters
Correct masses of close stellar encounters
Correct distance from nearest black hole
Correct absorption rate of planets and planetismals by parent star
Correct star age
Correct star metallicity
Correct ratio of 40K, 235,238U, 232Th to iron in star-planetary system
Correct star orbital eccentricity
Correct star mass
Correct star luminosity change relative to speciation types & rates
Correct star color
Correct star rotation rate
Correct rate of change in star rotation rate
Correct star magnetic field
Correct star magnetic field variability
Correct stellar wind strength and variability
Correct short period variation in parent star diameter
Correct star’s carbon to oxygen ratio
Correct star’s space velocity relative to Local Standard of Rest
Correct star’s short term luminosity variability
Correct star’s long term luminosity variability
Correct amplitude and duration of star spot cycle
Correct number & timing of solar system encounters with interstellar gas clouds and cloudlets
Correct galactic tidal forces on planetary system
Correct H3+ production
Correct supernovae rates & locations
Correct white dwarf binary types, rates, & locations
Correct structure of comet cloud surrounding planetary system
Correct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon abundance in solar nebula
Correct mass of Neptune
Correct total mass of Kuiper Belt asteroids
Correct mass distribution of Kuiper Belt asteroids
Correct injection efficiency of shock wave material from nearby supernovae into collapsing molecular cloud that forms star and planetary system
Correct number and sizes of planets and planetesimals consumed by star
Correct variations in star’s diameter
Correct level of spot production on star’s surface
Correct variability of spot production on star’s surface
Correct mass of outer gas giant planet relative to inner gas giant planet
Correct Kozai oscillation level in planetary system
Correct reduction of Kuiper Belt mass during planetary system’s early history
Correct efficiency of stellar mass loss during final stages of stellar burning
Correct number, mass, and distance from star of gas giant planets in addition to planets of the mass and distance of Jupiter and Saturn

Requirements Related to Planet Earth
Correct planetary distance from star
Correct inclination of planetary orbit
Correct axis tilt of planet
Correct rate of change of axial tilt
Correct period and size of axis tilt variation
Correct planetary rotation period
Correct rate of change in planetary rotation period
Correct planetary revolution period
Correct planetary orbit eccentricity
Correct rate of change of planetary orbital eccentricity
Correct rate of change of planetary inclination
Correct period and size of eccentricity variation
Correct period and size of inclination variation
Correct precession in planet’s rotation
Correct rate of change in planet’s precession
Correct number of moons
Correct mass and distance of moon
Correct surface gravity (escape velocity)
Correct tidal force from sun and moon
Correct magnetic field
Correct rate of change & character of change in magnetic field
Correct albedo (planet reflectivity)
Correct density density of interstellar and interplanetary dust particles in vicinity of life-support planet
Correct reducing strength of planet’s primordial mantle
Correct thickness of crust
Correct timing of birth of continent formation
Correct oceans-to-continents ratio
Correct rate of change in oceans to continents ratio
Correct global distribution of continents
Correct frequency, timing, & extent of ice ages
Correct frequency, timing, & extent of global snowball events
Correct silicate dust annealing by nebular shocks
Correct asteroidal & cometary collision rate
Correct change in asteroidal & cometary collision rates
Correct rate of change in asteroidal & cometary collision rates
Correct mass of body colliding with primordial Earth
Correct timing of body colliding with primordial Earth
Correct location of body’s collision with primordial Earth
Correct position & mass of Jupiter relative to Earth
Correct major planet eccentricities
Correct major planet orbital instabilities
Correct drift and rate of drift in major planet distances
Correct number & distribution of planets
Correct distance of gas giant planets from mean motion resonances
Correct orbital separation distances among inner planets
Correct oxygen quantity in the atmosphere
Correct nitrogen quantity in the atmosphere
Correct carbon monoxide quantity in the atmosphere
Correct chlorine quantity in the atmosphere
Correct aerosol particle density emitted from the forests
Correct cobalt quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct arsenic quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct copper quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct boron quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct cadmium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct calcium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct flourine quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct iodine quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct magnesium quantity in the earth’s crust
Correct nickel quantity in crust
Correct phosphorus quantity in crust
Correct potassium quantity in crust
Correct tin quantity in crust
Correct zinc quantity in crust
Correct molybdenum quantity in crust
Correct vanadium quantity in crust
Correct chromium quantity in crust
Correct selenium quantity in crust
Correct iron quantity in oceans
Correct tropospheric ozone quantity
Correct stratospheric ozone quantity
Correct mesospheric ozone quantity
Correct water vapor level in atmosphere
Correct oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere
Correct quantity of greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct quantity of greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct rate of change in greenhouse gases in atmosphere
Correct poleward heat transport in atmosphere by mid-latitude storms
Correct quantity of forest & grass fires
Correct quantity of sea salt aerosols in troposphere
Correct soil mineralization
Correct quantity of anaeorbic bacteria in the oceans
Correct quantity of aerobic bacteria in the oceans
Correct quantity of anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the early oceans
Correct quantity, variety, and timing of sulfate-reducing bacteria
Correct quantity of geobacteraceae
Correct quantity of aerobic photoheterotrophic bacteria
Correct quantity of decomposer bacteria in soil
Correct quantity of mycorrhizal fungi in soil
Correct quantity of nitrifying microbes in soil
Correct quantity & timing of vascular plant introductions
Correct quantity, timing, & placement of carbonate-producing animals
Correct quantity, timing, & placement of methanogens
Correct phosphorus and iron absorption by banded iron formations
Correct quantity of soil sulfur
Correct ratio of electrically conducting inner core radius to radius of the adjacent turbulent fluid shell
Correct ratio of core to shell (see above) magnetic diffusivity
Correct magnetic Reynold’s number of the shell (see above)
Correct elasticity of iron in the inner core
Correct electromagnetic Maxwell shear stresses in the inner core
Correct core precession frequency for planet
Correct rate of interior heat loss for planet
Correct quantity of sulfur in the planet’s core
Correct quantity of silicon in the planet’s core
Correct quantity of water at subduction zones in the crust
Correct quantity of high pressure ice in subducting crustal slabs
Correct hydration rate of subducted minerals
Correct water absorption capacity of planet’s lower mantle
Correct tectonic activity
Correct rate of decline in tectonic activity
Correct volcanic activity
Correct rate of decline in volcanic activity
Correct location of volcanic eruptions
Correct continental relief
Correct viscosity at Earth core boundaries
Correct viscosity of lithosphere
Correct thickness of mid-mantle boundary
Correct rate of sedimentary loading at crustal subduction zones
Correct biomass to comet infall ratio
Correct regularity of cometary infall
Correct number, intensity, and location of hurricanes
Correct intensity of primordial cosmic superwinds
Correct number of smoking quasars
Correct formation of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets
Correct orbital stability of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets
Correct total mass of Oort Cloud objects
Correct mass distribution of Oort Cloud objects
Correct air turbulence in troposphere
Correct quantity of sulfate aerosols in troposphere
Correct quantity of actinide bioreducing bacteria
Correct quantity of phytoplankton
Correct hydrothermal alteration of ancient oceanic basalts
Correct quantity of iodocarbon-emitting marine organisms
Correct location of dislocation creep relative to diffusion creep in and near the crust-mantle boundary (determines mantle convection dynamics)
Correct size of oxygen sinks in the planet’s crust
Correct size of oxygen sinks in the planet’s mantle
Correct mantle plume production
Correct average rainfall precipitation
Correct variation and timing of average rainfall precipitation
Correct atmospheric transparency
Correct atmospheric pressure
Correct atmospheric viscosity
Correct atmospheric electric discharge rate
Correct atmospheric temperature gradient
Correct carbon dioxide level in atmosphere
Correct rates of change in carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere throughout the planet’s history
Correct rates of change in water vapor levels in atmosphere throughout the planet’s history
Correct rate of change in methane level in early atmosphere
Correct Q-value (rigidity) of planet during its early history
Correct variation in Q-value of planet during its early history
Correct migration of planet during its formation in the protoplanetary disk
Correct viscosity gradient in protoplanetary disk
Correct frequency of late impacts by large asteroids and comets
Correct size of the carbon sink in the deep mantle of the planet
Correct ratio of dual water molecules, (H2O)2, to single water molecules, H 2O, in the troposphere
Correct quantity of volatiles on and in Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone
Correct triggering of El Nino events by explosive volcanic eruptions
Correct time window between the peak of kerogen production and the appearance of intelligent life
Correct time window between the production of cisterns in the planet’s crust that can effectively collect and store petroleum and natural gas and the appearance of intelligent life
Correct efficiency of flows of silicate melt, hypersaline hydrothermal fluids, and hydrothermal vapors in the upper crust
Correct efficiency of ocean pumps that return nutrients to ocean surfaces
Correct sulfur and sulfate content of oceans
Correct orientation of continents relative to prevailing winds
Correct infall of buckminsterfullerenes from interplanetary and interstellar space upon surface of planet
Correct quantity of silicic acid in the oceans
Correct heat flow through the planet’s mantle from radiometric decay in planet’s core
Correct water absorption by planet’s mantle

OK, each requirement on this partial list of universal constants (322 constants listed here) is highly unlikely to occur at random or by chance. In fact, we could assign odds to each requirement in the same way that we assigned odds to the correct location of Earth relative to the Sun. Scientists and experts have already assigned statistic probabilities for each of these requirements and they range anywhere from 1 in 10 (1/101) to 1 in 1000 (1/103). But let’s be very generous here. Let’s say that each and every one of these terrestrial, solar system and galactic requirement has a 1 in 10 (1/101) chance of happening naturally; let’s assign this 1 in 10 (1/101) probability to each and every one of these 322 requirements, even though scientists say that the odds are much greater.

Now, do you remember how we calculated the odds of flipping four consecutive “heads” in a row? We took the probability or each flip and multiplied it against each other: ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/16.

How then, would we calculate the odds of a planet like earth (supporting the life that it supports) existing in our universe? You guessed it; we simply multiply the odds since the events are independent of each and every one of the 322 requirements occurring naturally!

1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101 x 1/101

This means that there is less than 1 chance in 1 million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion exists that even one planet like earth could ever exist and support life as earth supports it if the only mechanisms available are natural mechanisms. Now remember how statisticians define what is known as “statistical zero”
The Universe is infinite GG which gives life infinitely more chances to emerge than that finite number with all the zeros above, which in that case would mean we were inevitable.
and yes, it's true....ignorance is wont have big thoughts, feelings, see thru things, so you're just dumbly content, but also so easily made upset by things you don't understand, you're not in control of yourself really.

the more spiritual/wise you become......unfortunately, you will see thru everything, have big thoughts and feelings, truths, see all the suffering and pain in yourself and others, the world itself weeping, and it will touch you deeply, it will be depressing, you will cry at the beauty and joy in selves and life, as much as you'll cry at all the evil/pettiness/ugliness in selves and's not for the faint of heart. it's quite a trip. but i know many who aren't depressive fu**s like me, they can focus on the positives and enrich themselves with happy thoughts despite that.

i think it's just me.....just like beyond blue and many other orgs/counsellors have said to me, that they can't help me, i can't be helped, can't be fixed, because im not broken, i dont have any kind of disorder, i just see thru everything too much that i cannot unsee, i am far too truthful and honest, can't even trick/delude myself with silly happy thoughts/distractions just to stop being so perceptive, so it's a burden on me.

they only said what i already know -- no one knows their own self better than i demonstrate knowledge of myself. im under no illusions, delusions, no ailments, no self-lies, and can strip myself bare before my own eyes, fearless. this is because of my particular horrific life, abandoned constantly as a kid....i only ever had myself to raise myself and look out for me, so i learned to be incredibly truthful to myself and worship truth, able to reel myself back from any pitfalls or mental ills or addictions, if i fell in, not afraid to admit when wrong and change, because truth and reality, especially what's REALLY going on behind everything, is god to me. im not content with the face value of anything, i have to analyze it and tear it apart...that's my burden, so im a depressive fu**.

You should really have a good, hard, focused look at what you’re writing my friend.

It’s extremely contradictory most of it.

In one way you’re saying everyone who doesn’t believe in a divine force is just wandering around blind with ignorance.

Next minute you’re bemoaning the fact that you’re a depressive case forever doomed to feel disconnected with fellow humans.

What’s the morbid about?

Think of those people in the world who can’t see, hear or walk. Now that’s something to complain about.

People win lotto every week around the world and the chances of those numbers coming up mathematically are incredibly low. But it happens.

Planets and universes and galaxies have a better chance of happening that winning lotto.,

Anyway...all you need is a girl to cuddle and kids. Someone who you can direct your attention too so you forget how bad you feel about yourself. To get out of your own head.
The Universe is infinite GG which gives life infinitely more chances to emerge than that finite number with all the zeros above, which in that case would mean we were inevitable.
it was also demonstrating how one aspect INCORRECT at any of the three stages (galactic, solar system, planetary) would result in the collapse of the entire thing, of the chance for life on earth. too specific, determined, designed and interconnected to be random

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Welcome friend. Workingman's Dead is good album but their next one, American Beauty is an absolute classic.

I read an article once that was basically "if you've never listened to the grateful dead before, this is the introductory album you need to get you into them" the album was Terrapin Station. I thought the big 16 minute track was cool but otherwise wasn't my bag.
God is a personal thing. We cannot understand/comprehend the big picture. The greatest problems are not ours to solve.
Look, it is %100 clear and certain there is a "creator". So the question of why do atrocities occur etc, is really tricky and beyond our human grasp. We say God's plan. Etc. But we don't know. Put it this way....even as citizens in a country, we cannot grasp the stuff that goes on in the higher echelons of govt and world control, by the rich and powerful. Lot of conspiracy theories. But stuff happens beyond our understanding and awareness of. Same I guess for why a "creator" would let atrocities occur. I can't explain it to myself either.

BUT...i do know a creator is real, and that there really is a "holy spirit" and "jesus figure". I have had the miracles happen to me too, and thus when sharing my stories with other people who also converted to being "jesus believers" it re-confirms what you went thru wasn't a dream, wasn't some psychological term only, wasn't some wishful thinking, wasn't at all logical or mortal.

And really, the end result i'm getting at is....when you do finally end up embracing "jesus"/"holy spirit" type thing....when you willingly choose to be a SERVANT to "god's will", and letting "him" decide what's good for you etc, you truly do become happier, start seeing results in your personal life (i dont mean money and chicks etc), i mean genuine relationship with your creator, your material self ALIGNED with your ethereal self, and you become a better person, not selfish and petty, not angry and nasty, not greedy and self-serving...and where many many people treat you with disrespect, fear, go out of their way to hurt you, abandon you etc. But instead, suddenly, the whole community where you live, they genuinely like you, treat you as a friend, love you, trust you, embrace you, and regardless of that, you just feel so much better as a person where you're giving of yourself to others, helping other people, encouraging them, guiding them thru troubles, lifting them up, helping bring light and humor and care and love to their lives, because it's genuine and unconditional from you. You really don't want anything from them. You're just being you. You're being a wonderful person, and you're not asking from them anything. You're just trying to be happy, youre humble, you make them laugh, you help them out, you're not a fool soft-touch either, you can stand your ground and you can admonish people, etc. You're not just some fool being walked on. Instead you're just a really wonderful person and people gravitate to you and out of it get what you were looking for, say, a sense of belonging, of being loved, not abandoned etc.

Depending on the thing your ethereal self and material self are not aligned on. The issues and problems in your life.


It's not certain that there is a creator at all. The problem with religion is that it relies on faith. Faith is the belief in something for which there is no evidence.

I don't respect people of faith because they indoctrinate others based on no proof of anything at all. FFS, same-sex marriage was blocked for generations because of the belief in whatever fairytale it is that religious people subscribe to.

Religion creates more questions than it answers and it certainly creates more problems that it solves. If you religious folk were so sure that God existed the it stands to reason that you would be too frightened of God's punishment to commit the atrocities that you do in the name of God. For example, the pedophilia that is rife within many so called "Christian" organisations would not exist at all if there was any evidence of a God. Those perpetrating these crimes would be dealt with by this God or they'd be too "enlightened" to do such things in the first place.

Either that, or this God that you follow is the most evil entity in all of history.
this is ostensibly a perfect song, which is rare to find

equal mix of sadness and anger, musically, on a canvas of underlying wonder and expansive life

lyrically amazing, idol underrated as a lyricist

I do not give a s**t about whatever else is in this thread as just browsing for a moment to work out what nutters going on about, however Vital Idol really fun album to listen to. Recommend it to anyone whilst on a long drive in the car.


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