Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

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What is QLDs reasoning for success then? Haha I actually don’t think we’re arguing at each other on this one…I agree re NSW has hurt us.

But if all states have rule breakers.. and they succeeded.. we can’t exactly move NSW away from Australia (as much as we’d all love to).

QLD haven’t had over 200 days of lockdown due to government incompetence so they don’t have the fatigue factor Victorians do.

They also don’t lockdown areas with zero cases or exposure sites, if Brisbane had a case they’d lockdown only Brisbane. Not the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast or Townsville etc. Easier to have compliance when people actually feel it’s relevant to them AND they have an expectation that 5 days is actually going to be 5 days.

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Covid zero is not possible long term. You can ping pong through lockdowns as long as you want, but we'll be back in the same boat again soon.

Compliance has been generally good even in Melbourne. You're never going to attain 100% compliance.

I wish a few of the posters here would move to China tbh. Everyone would be happier.

100% compliance was never expected

a month or so ago this issue got flagged with NSW. Apparently they need 80% compliance to have the restrictions work. Vic in LD2 was 90%, NSW during initial mockdown was just 60%.

compliance has obviously dropped, with footpath drinking sessions at cafes, parties in parks, engagement parties, and of course the ongoing issue of people in iso not staying in iso.

no idea where we are, but it aint at 80%

the other challenge is contact tracing. as ive repeatedly said, between 50-100 cases the task of CT's becomes too much. our guys are hanging in there, but we have moved from 90%+ being assigned, to now 1/7 closed have been abandoned (normal procedure once a case becomes too old)

fwiw i think let it rip is going to happen. if cases are rising but the govt relax rules, non compliance will go through the roof, so its gunna be let it rip by default. I know you'll be happy with this, i just hope my friends and family are not the ones who pay the price. fingers crossed.
Ahhhh curfew to continue because Andrews can't control the west and outer north. He's a ****ing idiot. Actually got pulled over in the mean streets of Kew this week at 8.30pm for a "covid compliance" check. Yep - on my way home officer as I can't be on the road past 9pm. Sick of paying the penalty due to the government's inability to deal with areas driving this and previous outbreaks. Put Hume under curfew - not Boroondara. What's so hard with a traffic light system for curfew and other restrictions? You clowns want out of it? Well lift your game re. compliance and get vaccinated. Most people in Victoria are doing the right thing but it is clear there are problem areas that are hurting us (again). Andrews needs to bring the hammer down on said areas rather than the entire city.
Oh well.. at least they're being realistic now. Thresholds back to zero may have been torn up this morning. There is only one number that really matters for lockdown now and it ain't daily cases.

Let’s hope people are now going nuts for AZ
Ahhhh curfew to continue because Andrews can't control the west and outer north. He's a ******* idiot. Actually got pulled over in the mean streets of Kew this week at 8.30pm for a "covid compliance" check. Yep - on my way home officer as I can't be on the road past 9pm. Sick of paying the penalty due to the government's inability to deal with areas driving this and previous outbreaks. Put Hume under curfew - not Boroondara. What's so hard with a traffic light system for curfew and other restrictions? You clowns want out of it? Well lift your game re. compliance and get vaccinated. Most people in Victoria are doing the right thing but it is clear there are problem areas that are hurting us (again). Andrews needs to bring the hammer down on said areas rather than the entire city.

sydney has shown this doesnt work
Let’s hope people are now going nuts for AZ

it wont happen. you need to let AZ go. people on this board are openly saying they are waiting for a pfizer booking, and thats on a politics board where people actually give a shit one way or another.

pfizer and moderna are our way out of this, and the only way it happens faster is if the govt manage more swaps with other countries

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it wont happen. you need to let AZ go. people on this board are openly saying they are waiting for a pfizer booking, and thats on a politics board where people actually give a sh*t one way or another.

pfizer and moderna are our way out of this, and the only way it happens faster is if the govt manage more swaps with other countries

I hope those same people aren’t giving people shi* about lockdown fatigue then.
100% compliance was never expected

a month or so ago this issue got flagged with NSW. Apparently they need 80% compliance to have the restrictions work. Vic in LD2 was 90%, NSW during initial mockdown was just 60%.

compliance has obviously dropped, with footpath drinking sessions at cafes, parties in parks, engagement parties, and of course the ongoing issue of people in iso not staying in iso.

no idea where we are, but it aint at 80%
As I've said before, those non-complying were doing so in the first lockdown! I don't know anyone who was complying who's changed their modus operandi.

Vic, ACT and NZ all went hard and went early and aren't getting the same results as last year.

Might there be a slight compliance fatigue? Maybe! But the major difference is Delta (as Sutton said as I'm typing!) and once you're past a critical mass, going to zero requires some ultra draconian measures and even more time.

Which we could do if it was the only way of getting any blue sky! It ain't this time around.

I think it's critically important to stop calling out our own people as the causation of the difficulties this time around. It's a kick in the guts to the majority of people doing the right thing.
Dark day for the boomer generation. Now that vaccine take-up is explicitly our path to freedom, expect this group to be under the microscope for their refusal to take AZ.

No vaccine, no pension or franking credits.
That's a lie. They spent about 4 months in lockdown. And we're even giving food vouchers for people to dine out in July. You guys need to understand there are nuances between lockdowns, restrictions and let it rip.
And now they are reaping the benefits.

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Just took 130k+ deaths to get there.
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