All Elite Wrestling (On Triller TV and ESPN)

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Ok folks. This thread has seen some heated and divisive chat that is taking discussion away from the week to week product. Going forward any WWE vs AEW related discussion should take place here. Examples of this are obviously the CM Punk, Ospreay and Triple H type stuff.

While constructive critisism is fine, repetitive opionions that have no intention of producing good faith discussion will be deleted. Repeat offenders will end up with thread bans. You're all clever enough to know the difference.

Also, those with any issues with posts, don't engage and further flame the unnecessary back and forth. Please use the report button.

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Tony Khan literally has no ******* idea what he is doing.

Christ if this moron wasn't born with a silver spoon he'd be working a dead end job struggling to make ends meet.

Phil was right this company isn't serious about making money it's all about TK's fantasy wet dream booking.

Yep it's standard school yard s**t hardly a fight.

Tony saying he was fearing for his life is ******* comedy gold.
Can tell you’re a professional individual in business. 🙄
Kayfabe wise this is so strange.

We're airing footage on the show which is supposed to present the wrestling action as really happening which is aimed at proving that someone should be fired for a physical interaction which is far more minor than the other ones on the show because its wrong to attack someone.

Like, ok, cool, so what am I supposed to think about what Joe did last week to Swerve on the show?

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That quote right there tells you everything you need to know about your hero, Phil. All about $$$ and not much else. Not very 'punk' of him at all.

Almost as bad as promoting straight edge but saying he had a drink before the pre-show of WM Night 1!!

Dude has zero credibility.

Gimme a fantasy booker over the vapid, soul-less s**t WWE dishes out, ANY day of the week.

Take a look at Perry's body language, at no point was he expecting a physical confrontation. Psycho Phil lost his cool for no reason and needs someone to slap him back to reality.


Of course he is worried about the money. If he wasn’t making the company money, then he isn’t going to be making money. It’s no different to myself and the company i work for, if I’m not contributing to making my employer making a profit, than there is a good chance I’ll be forced to look for another job. So Punk worrying about the $$$ shows that he is doing his job

Unfortunately not everyone can ride their dead father’s coattails like Jack Perry has.

Give me a company that is willing to stay in business by remaining competitive, rather than losing customers because you’re just pandering to a very small minority. Tony needs to hire more assertive people, that can help him grow AEW to what it currently is. Nick and Matt Jackson are not EVP material.
Posting this here because it's essentially an AEW produced PPV.

Apart from July, we'll have a PPV each month until the end of the year. :thumbsu:

Fragile Phil?

AEW and it's owner just spent a week advertising that rubbish.

They have stars on that roster and instead of putting focus into advertising them they advertise that trash.

The only people who are fragile are the Elite and mark Tony.

It's absolutely embarrassing.
WWE spent most of WrestleMania week bringing up AEW.

They took two shots at Ospreay, FFS.

The whole thing is ridiculously toxic and petty. It's pathetic on both sides.

I have no idea why WWE is doing it, considering their current success. They seem offended that AEE even exists.
Yes it does, builds the match.

Your thoughts in Punks interview last week and Triple H throwing shots at AEW during Wrestlemania?
This video showing Punk is full of it doesn’t get released if he doesn’t do the interview.
I appreciate everything you're saying, but I don't care about WWE and don't really need the references on TV.

Let's get on with it.

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The addressing the All In stuff is fine, but this is stuff you send to TMZ and do online, not waste TV time showing. If they wanted to show it just either upload it on social media/TMZ instead of making your company look stupid on national television. It didn't do anything for anyone.

It may lead to Jack Perry coming back (you've just completely buried him by showing this footage though), but nobody is sitting here going "Oh boy this made me want to see FTR vs The Young Bucks even more now"

As for the rest of the show, I thought Joe vs Rhodes and Copeland vs Penta were very entertaining. Toni is doing good stuff still, feel bad for HOOK getting stuck in the Jericho vortex though.
Yeah, should have just sent it to TMZ. I agree with that
Looks like the video game has been a complete flop commercially.

Might have to bring out AEW Backstage Assault since they have some massive WCW vibes of late anyway.

Osprey v Claudio is going to be off the charts. 2 of the very best going at it.
All the marks wanted AEW to turn and use the real life issue into a program and they are, now they are still whinging.

Haha you can’t seriously think this is what people wanted? Long after Punk is now in another promotion!?
If you cannot see the stupidity in what they have done, then just… wow.
I always giggle when people like this use the term ‘mark’ as well.
No one. Not a single soul…

Solid input…
Surely the WCW troll won’t get any bites. Even from the diehards.
According to Insider Gaming, there were people in AEW and from Yuke’s who believe the game should not have been announced as early as it was. One source told Insider Gaming that by announcing it so soon it “nearly killed it from the start.” The belief from many is that keeping the game in development and holding back another year would have been best.

It is mentioned in the report that the reason the game was released too soon was because it needed to “recoup money from development,” as Fight Forever went drastically over budget. AEW Games will continue to release DLC’s for Fight Forever, but there is no guarantee that everything they had planned will see the light of day.

As for the future, AEW does want to make another video game but whether they do it again with Yuke’s remains to be seen. The relationship between the two is said to not be on great terms due to the experience of Fight Forever."

The WCW vibes are legit. Lot of similarities, key difference being AEW put on better wrestling shows but WCW were able to compete at the top for a short time.
  • Loaded roster
  • Talent being in management or higher up positions like booking
  • Lighter schedule / guaranteed money
  • Dumb moves or comments trying to play catch up on the "competition" to draw viewers
  • Talent dictating when, where and what they will do.

AEW at its best was an alternative that was different and for whatever reason they started moving somewhat away from that.

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