2013 MLB Spring Training

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Starting to get reports from Florida with pitchers and catchers due in the next two to three days. Red Sox saying Saltalamacchia and Ross are the two major league catchers, so that means that Lavarnway will be in Pawtucket this year.

Saw a story on the Marlins- picture of their fans lining up for tickets- total of three with minutes t go before the ticket window opened.

Waiting for more fallout from the PED story from Miami. Am thinking mr braun might be up a creek without a paddle.
Word now coming out that the Mariner deal with hernandez is not done. Apparently, medical tests showed something with his pitching elbow. Ah, the risks of those long term contracts- if only the Phillies had done that with Freddie Garcia years ago.
Starting to get reports from Florida with pitchers and catchers due in the next two to three days. Red Sox saying Saltalamacchia and Ross are the two major league catchers, so that means that Lavarnway will be in Pawtucket this year.

Saw a story on the Marlins- picture of their fans lining up for tickets- total of three with minutes t go before the ticket window opened.

Waiting for more fallout from the PED story from Miami. Am thinking mr braun might be up a creek without a paddle.

Ah sweet justice.

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There may be a number of names added to the list from what I'm hearing. Of course, it does come down to a question of what MLB can actually do with the information. As much as I rip on Bud Lite, this one comes down to the power of the Players' Association- in some ways, marvin Miller did too good a job, protecting players from things like testing (yes, some is done, but lots of stuff can't be checked because of the PA negotiations).

The local radio stations should be up and about with baseball coverage. I've been listening to Philly and Boston today, and they are already getting into some discussion. You probably won't hear much of anything on ESPN and FOX radio- those clowns are more interested in giving us hourly update on the Lakers, when I can't imagine too many people utside of LA really caring about them being 10th or 11th in the Western Conference.

And the first games will be broadcast in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, college baseball starts this weekend- obviously, a lot of games being played in the deep south and the west.
I should clarify, ESPN Baseball today's Keith Law says it will be a name that is well known.

Issue is for Bud Lite is that its just names on a piece of paper at this stage, you really can't suspend a player based on that, I think this list will be more the starting point to a lot heavier investigating.

What are the best places to get any College baseball information and/or radio feeds?
On the PEDs, baseball is limited on what they can actually test for and how often they can be tested. This comes back to the work the Players Association has done- I'm not being overly critical of them- the owners needed to show a bit of backbone, and they didn't.

College ball- Baseball America probably the best source for information. I'm sure there are websites for college ball as well, but I simply don't know.

As for radio broadcasts, your best bet is to try individual school websites- I listened to games online from Florida State and Purdue last year. Most of the series are Friday to Sunday, so that players dont miss too much class- they wil play games Tuesday or Wednesday locally.

The three top conferences are, unsurprisingly, the ACC, the SEC, and the PAC 12, because of the weather conditions. You'll get a fair bit of games that are inter sectional for the first five or six weeks. Conference play will start up around the end of March or the beginning of April.

The Friday games tend to be the top ones, as those are the games when you will have the ace of the staff on the mound.
That's interesting....he really had been left hanging this off season.
Baseball tonight said that Cleveland had already given up their draft pick so don't be surprised if they get him at a bargain.

Didn't expect them to deliver that quick.

SO excited to finally see the Indians prepared to shell out some money, we might not make the post season this year, but at least we are now having a crack.
First injury of spring training reported- Clay Buckholtz tweaked a hamstring during fielding drills today. Would assume it is relatively minor and he'll just take it easy for a day or two. At least it wasn't a sprained finger from opening a can of beer.
The King signs tomorrow officially. Same length and amount as reported before the weekend report but no doubt some language added to the contract that allows Seattle to buy out 1 or 2 years if he does fall apart. Saying all that great day for the M's, on a contract that the front office had to commit to, otherwise what fans were left would of left for good. Was funny reading the reactions of Yankees fans last week who somehow thought we would trade him for some magic beans to what they believe his his rightful home, or he would wait it out until FA. Um yeah..

As for the rest of the season it can only be downhill from here for season 2013:D

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Enjoy hearing the radio coverage from ST- hearing the crack of the bat on ball.

An interesting question to look at- which team or teams have the most pressure on them this year. I'll vote for both LA teams, with the moves that they made last year and in the offseason. Mind you, the LA folks hardly ever feel much pressure.
Perhaps the greatest short article of the year so far - see http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130210&content_id=41523820&vkey=news_mlb&c_id=mlb for details, but in short:

Joy throughout baseball as spring camps open
By Doug Miller / MLB.com | 2/11/2013

Pitchers and catchers report. There it is. Go ahead and say it again. Pitchers and catchers report.

It's happening. Right now.

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming." -- Pablo Neruda​
"Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm." -- John Muir​
"Spring is the time of plans and projects." -- Leo Tolstoy​
"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." -- Bern Williams​
"It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart." -- Rainer Maria Rilke​
Getting close to the first spring games- Braves and Tigers on Friday, Phillies and Astros on Saturday that I know of- probably more.

Braves have announced they will retire Larry "Chipper" Jones' #10 this June before a home game. He will be the tenth braves number retired- without looking them up, Cox, Aaron, Spahn, Matthews, Niekro, Maddux, Smoltz are ones I'm pretty sure of...Murphy and Glavine the other two?
Brewers' Mat Gamel out for the year with another ACL.
Josh Hamilton says Dallas aint a baseball town..yee hah
Really is burning his bridges with the Rangers, think they honestly deserved better than that from Hamilton.
Really looking forward to the that first Rangers vs Angels series.

Not very sporting of me but I'm really hoping Ron Washington gives the green light to throw at or behind Hamilton with the first pitch he sees.

Sure it will probably lead to a few ejections/fines/1 or 2 match bans on the Texas bench...but it will be well worth it!

Bitter much you ask...?! You're damn right I am :mad:
We're talkin' baseball!
Kluszewski, Campanella.
Talkin' baseball!
The Man and Bobby Feller.
The Scooter, the Barber, and the Newk,
They knew 'em all from Boston to Dubuque.
Especially Willie, Mickey, and the Duke.

Listening to the tigers and Braves as I type this.
Rangers really did look after Hamilton, doing all they could to give him an environment where he could thrive.

Braves no hit the tigers through 7, but two triples gave the tigers a 2-0 lead in the middle of the 8th. Braves announcers still going on about the infield fly called during the playoff game last year. Poor babies....

On an Aussie front, Peter Moylan has apparently got a shot with the Dodgers.
One of my favorites from the Cape, Joey Terdoslavich, goes deep in the ninth to make it 2-1 for the Tigers. I had the chance to chat with Joey's Dad when he was playing for Chatham back in 2009.

Here are his minor league stats- Braves are jerking him around a bit position wise- he's played first, third, and the outfield. I saw him as an outfielder on the Cape.


Final was 2-1 Tigers
Nice double header today- got the Tigers and Phils going on the computer, and Georgia against Belmont on the main radio.

Doc v Verlander, with Howard pounding a pair of doubles.
Hunter Cole going deep for the Dawgs.
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