2021 Music

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On first listen, the new War on Drugs single is underwhelming to say the least. I'm still looking forward to the album in any case but it's not a grabbing first single.

Not very grabbing at all, It's the first track on the album and the lyrics seem to connect to the album title ,so hopefully thats the reason it was chosen.

But yeah really hoping there are 5-6 better tracks than that!

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On first listen, the new War on Drugs single is underwhelming to say the least. I'm still looking forward to the album in any case but it's not a grabbing first single.
Not very grabbing at all, It's the first track on the album and the lyrics seem to connect to the album title ,so hopefully thats the reason it was chosen.

But yeah really hoping there are 5-6 better tracks than that!
I agree, but honestly when have they not delivered?
I’m buying tickets Friday to see them at MSG in Jan, puuuumped.
The War on Drugs really are a band that I should like a lot more on paper, but I can’t get past how few high points there are for such lengthy songs.

Everyone had a hard on for Lost In The Dream, but they really do wretch every last riff out of that whole hour. It’s not not as though the songs are slowly building to any great complexity or crescendo. A band like Wilco can kind of manage it, but they’re borrowing heavily from some guitar driven heartland rock bands like Dire Straits and Tom Petty and they can’t quite replicate either the technical skill or songwriting proficiency of either.

I like the TT though, and Eyes To The Wind is a cool song. The follow up LP also had some nice moments, and pound for pound I probably prefer it.

I did go back and listen to some of their earlier Lo-fo stuff and found it a lot more endearing. They use a hell of a lot more reverb on the vocals to the point it sounds like a completely different singer, but it suits the music.

Still keen to give it a crack in light of how few decent indie rock LP’s have come out this year.
Have had this on repeat hard for the last few days. That last 90 seconds where it just takes off feels so damn...special? I'm not sure what the word is, but I'm just glad these guys are putting out new music again after so long.

Was pretty keen on John Mayers new album, but have found it to be a bit meh. Couple of ok catchy songs, but nothing great. I think I still hope that he'll release an album more in line with Continuum again
Was pretty keen on John Mayers new album, but have found it to be a bit meh. Couple of ok catchy songs, but nothing great. I think I still hope that he'll release an album more in line with Continuum again

Yeah, I've heard plenty of 10 track albums where the last 3 songs are filler, and this is one of them.

I didn't mind the direction he was going on but the slower songs all sound the same to me.

Last Train, Wild Blue and Shot In The Dark are my favourites.
I skipped over Nas' King Disease last year, but the sequel to it dropped over the weekend and it's a damn good listen.

Lauryn Hill's verse on Nobody had me floating amongst the clouds.

I agree, but honestly when have they not delivered?
I’m buying tickets Friday to see them at MSG in Jan, puuuumped.
I saw them play a tiny venue in North Carolina a few years back (tickets were like $20). I think back to that gig often and I’m quite jealous of your upcoming show.

And I actually really like that first new track. It’s sparser than their more recent songs and it’s got something about it…

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JAZZPARTY - Nobody Gets Away is :fireemoji::fireemoji::fireemoji::fireemoji:
straight outta Melbourne with massive New Orleans vibes.
there's elements of big band, funk, soul and a little bit of blues.
one of my favourite releases of the year.

sidenote: whats with the ALL CAPS trend that seems to be sweeping through music...it really shits me.
Lorde's album is a grower, much less bombastic than the last album, but she's still got an amazing voice, strong lyrics and the melodies get more interesting with each listen.
I've been hammering it all week, such a fkin beautiful album. Even Stoned at the Nail Salon has really opened up to me at last.
Its a perfect cover really, you couldn’t improve it. Distils exactly what the album is all about. Iconic representation of content.

And yeah, guys seem to get something totally different from it lol 😉 but just art to me.

2021 Music

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