Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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Historically anti-left cohort given issues in countries they or their parents left behind.

Do you have links to the polls?
All in the segment my friend. Personally I was disappointed it wasn't a Hannity audience poll, but, beggars, choosers and all that.
Good article in The Atlantic on this show of support from Republicans in Court, including Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who quite famously opposes pornography on religious grounds, but nevertheless accompanied the man accused of cheating on his wife with a pr0n star to his trial yesterday.

All of this showboating has been happening for several reasons. “At its most tangible level, what we’re seeing is a work-around to the gag order,” said Sarah Isgur, a former senior spokesperson for the Trump-era Justice Department.

The ex-president was warned by the presiding judge, Juan Merchan, that if he talks or posts any more about the jury or the judge’s family, he could face jail time. So, just as in a political campaign, Trump’s surrogates are stepping up to stump for him.

It's also classic sycophantic behaviour - Lower Manhattan has, over the past week, become a pilgrimage site for those vying to be in Trump’s inner circle, with a court appearance carrying the promise of a holy anointing. You could also think about this courtside display as another audition in the early veepstakes. For Ramaswamy, Burgum, and Vance, in particular, this moment is a chance to demonstrate their abiding loyalty to Trump in the hopes of being selected as his running mate. Others may have reasoned that a little time in front of the cameras yelling “Sham trial!” will go a long way toward snagging a plum Cabinet position in a second Trump administration. (A virtual unknown such as Bird, of course, probably doesn’t expect to get either of these things. But, as every climber knows, one must never miss an opportunity to ingratiate oneself with the boss.)

Which brings us to one final observation. “There’s a larger, more philosophical reason they’re all there,” Isgur said. “That’s what the Republican Party stands for now.” There is no real platform, no consistent set of principles. There is only Trump, and degrees of loyalty to him. These courtroom groupies are simply responding to the obvious incentives—“If you didn’t know that the Republican Party is now focused on Trump,” Isgur said, “I’ve got an oceanfront property to sell you in Arizona.”

That’s their deal, but what about the boss’s? Trump no longer appears concerned only with shielding himself from political accountability. Now that he has almost clinched the nomination, he’s using the party to shield himself from criminal accountability, too. This has given the GOP a new rallying cry. “The Big Lie in 2020 was that the election was stolen,” Carpenter said. “The Big Lie 2.0 is that justice has been weaponized against him to deprive him of the presidency.”

Ain’t that the truth!
Good article in The Atlantic on this show of support from Republicans in Court, including Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who quite famously opposes pornography on religious grounds, but nevertheless accompanied the man accused of cheating on his wife with a pr0n star to his trial yesterday.

All of this showboating has been happening for several reasons. “At its most tangible level, what we’re seeing is a work-around to the gag order,” said Sarah Isgur, a former senior spokesperson for the Trump-era Justice Department.

The ex-president was warned by the presiding judge, Juan Merchan, that if he talks or posts any more about the jury or the judge’s family, he could face jail time. So, just as in a political campaign, Trump’s surrogates are stepping up to stump for him.

It's also classic sycophantic behaviour - Lower Manhattan has, over the past week, become a pilgrimage site for those vying to be in Trump’s inner circle, with a court appearance carrying the promise of a holy anointing. You could also think about this courtside display as another audition in the early veepstakes. For Ramaswamy, Burgum, and Vance, in particular, this moment is a chance to demonstrate their abiding loyalty to Trump in the hopes of being selected as his running mate. Others may have reasoned that a little time in front of the cameras yelling “Sham trial!” will go a long way toward snagging a plum Cabinet position in a second Trump administration. (A virtual unknown such as Bird, of course, probably doesn’t expect to get either of these things. But, as every climber knows, one must never miss an opportunity to ingratiate oneself with the boss.)

Which brings us to one final observation. “There’s a larger, more philosophical reason they’re all there,” Isgur said. “That’s what the Republican Party stands for now.” There is no real platform, no consistent set of principles. There is only Trump, and degrees of loyalty to him. These courtroom groupies are simply responding to the obvious incentives—“If you didn’t know that the Republican Party is now focused on Trump,” Isgur said, “I’ve got an oceanfront property to sell you in Arizona.”

That’s their deal, but what about the boss’s? Trump no longer appears concerned only with shielding himself from political accountability. Now that he has almost clinched the nomination, he’s using the party to shield himself from criminal accountability, too. This has given the GOP a new rallying cry. “The Big Lie in 2020 was that the election was stolen,” Amanda Carpenter (a former GOP staffer and now an editor at Protect Democracy said). “The Big Lie 2.0 is that justice has been weaponized against him to deprive him of the presidency.”

Trump saved Johnsons speakership a few weeks ago from MTG plan.

That is why he is subservient to trump now

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I reckon they would love anything that means he pisses off overseas for work for weeks at a time. Can you imagine having him around the house?

No, no I can't. Tontine therapy could be one of the options....
Ain’t that the truth!

Sad but true.

So, what happens if Trump passes prior to election time.

Imagine them all scrambling foe top boss then.
Not one ounce of independent thought that mob.
Historically anti-left cohort given issues in countries they or their parents left behind.

Do you have links to the polls?
That podcast/yt program is pretty balanced I find and the poll they are referencing is reputable as well:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 2.13.33 PM.png

While the headline might be a tad misleading, the messaging about Biden tanking amongst what should be his key support group is not.

Link to the data sets (extensive) showing breakdown of polling across the six states by gender, age. race/ethnicity/education etc. :

Polling relating to voting intentions:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 2.33.10 PM.png
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jesus it looks like he's been rolling around in the dirt,
A mate of mine once got John Howard in a headlock and gave his noggin a rub. Maybe Scommo did the same.
I haven't been following this election cycle as closely as the last 2 in the US. I just checked the odds on SportsBet (reliable, I know) and was surprised to see Trump as a $1.80 favourite (Biden paying $2.40).

My casual observation was that Biden was likely to be re-elected, but now I'm not sure.
I'm more surprised about Kennedy. He's an AIDS-denying anti-vax lunatic.
I thought it was such a strange idea that he was going to take votes away from Biden. After the last 4 years, I would have thought there'd be enough evidence to suggest that an hardcore anti-vaxxer isn't going to be popular amongst US liberals.
I thought it was such a strange idea that he was going to take votes away from Biden. After the last 4 years, I would have thought there'd be enough evidence to suggest that an hardcore anti-vaxxer isn't going to be popular amongst US liberals.
The name kennedy gets the votes
That podcast/yt program is pretty balanced I find and the poll they are referencing is reputable as well:

View attachment 1990272

While the headline might be a tad misleading, the messaging about Biden tanking amongst what should be his key support group is not.

Link to the data sets (extensive) showing breakdown of polling across the six states by gender, age. race/ethnicity/education etc. :

Polling relating to voting intentions:

View attachment 1990296

No doubt the Dems have some major concerns, but it’s really FAR too early to pay attention to polling, the cycle hasn’t even started really, majority of people aren’t engaged in it at all yet.
No doubt the Dems have some major concerns, but it’s really FAR too early to pay attention to polling, the cycle hasn’t even started really, majority of people aren’t engaged in it at all yet.
10% Kennedy, 10% don't know/won't say, 4% something else I can't recall - 1 in 4 still in the wind for the Big Two.
I thought it was such a strange idea that he was going to take votes away from Biden. After the last 4 years, I would have thought there'd be enough evidence to suggest that an hardcore anti-vaxxer isn't going to be popular amongst US liberals.
It’s not just about him taking votes away from Biden, he will take votes away from both so that neither will win enough seats then guess who decides who the next POTUS will be?
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I thought it was such a strange idea that he was going to take votes away from Biden. After the last 4 years, I would have thought there'd be enough evidence to suggest that an hardcore anti-vaxxer isn't going to be popular amongst US liberals.
Its as strange as 2016, you don't like Hillary so you vote for Trump.
You don't like Trump or Biden you vote for the loony with a brain worm.:confusedv1:
Nah, this is about who gives a stuff about who he did over or how he paid them off.

This is pure unadulterated character assassination via identity politics.

Actually when did the politics vanish from the scene in the USA?

Well when Trump made his opponents and some of his own Republicans
terrified , because he said it like it is.

How many of you know-alls get together with your mates and girl friends on a night out and actually discuss
politics, who in the group has a different opinion maybe sees through the rubbish and the promoted hatred of a man who is a bit razor sharp in character but says what he thinks and acts on it to the best of his commitment

I bet there are one or two who don’t see it like the crowd do?
Like the sheep who actually don’t really know about US politics
but follow the fashion of hating someone, for what reason I have no idea but it is a mindset that has become a disease all over the planet.

For those who don’t see what I am saying the fact is those two with hidden disagreement’s to “the herd” in my scenario they won’t say boo, they will never point out good points of Trumps Presidency but they will babble on about his character because he shagged a few people he shouldn’t, what’s that got to with politics and decent Presidency when Clinton and JFK were rooting everything with a dress, and then look at old Joe, now has to face Trump in two debates.

I see Trump haters everywhere and none really know like I’ve said a million times, most haven’t a clue why he is disliked. They don’t know why the hate????Well it’s the “in thing”

It’s fashionable to follow the in thing.
Dare not mention that Trump maybe someone who was and will be a good president, then your social life will suffer because of the w***ers who never look beyond the headlines.

What a pack of drones we are, hunting nectar,having no personal opinions just piss week and it’s the fashion,
don’t go against the flow at the dinner party.

This is brainwashing in the extreme by media and most humans are too dumb to have an opinion, or couldn’t give a damn.

Like the climate lie , so the big companies that supply energy will be the renewable kings and once again rule the economies of us all. Make trillions.

And why ??? Because of a fraud of something that has been happening for 3.5 billion years has and is and always will change,
So anti Trump is as stupid as anti energy anti nuclear and the renewable industry will make the mining company’s’ and the oil companies all the mineral hunters trillions and trillions of dollars, and it’ll run its course until the next time they have to re-jig their profits.
We got to profit to succeed, but doing it via bulldust and panic and fear tactics is an arseholes way of doing things.
So any one with an opinion and some courage sometimes you have to mouth your opinion or disagreement,

Because we are in the sh*t on our world now.
My argument for Trump is simple he was a better President than crooked old Joe by a long shot.

And should get another chance whether pea brains hate him or not you pick the best not the one who “oh he seems so nice” like we dickheads in Australia did in May 2022.

There give some input or go back to sleep.
Not possible to give you input when your wall of text is devoid of reality. When you excuse the crook that is trump who whinges about the election he tried to steal - and stuffed the ballots and lost- and you take trumps view as reality then you are too stupid to be worth arguing with.
Pretty similar to most of your posts on the whole forum actually.
I haven't been following this election cycle as closely as the last 2 in the US. I just checked the odds on SportsBet (reliable, I know) and was surprised to see Trump as a $1.80 favourite (Biden paying $2.40).

My casual observation was that Biden was likely to be re-elected, but now I'm not sure.
I want to ask you this Question. And yes I have always respected your honest opinion mate. lol

Do you think Donald trump is crazy? lol
Nikki still getting around 20 % in the the rep primaries (md and neb ) Considering she pulled out months ago how much is it a protest vote against trump and can Biden get a reasonable amount of those.
I think it is a protest vote against trump and a lot of those people might not vote for Trump if he ends up being convicted as a criminal (they would probably just stay home and not vote for anybody). But I don't know how big that effect is in the swing states that tend to decide the election.
I want to ask you this Question. And yes I have always respected your honest opinion mate. lol

Do you think Donald trump is crazy? lol

I consider him dumb, like I do all conservatives
I think it is a protest vote against trump and a lot of those people might not vote for Trump if he ends up being convicted as a criminal (they would probably just stay home and not vote for anybody). But I don't know how big that effect is in the swing states that tend to decide the election.
Penn 16.6 wisc 12.2 mich 26.6 ariz 17.8 georg 13.2
Not possible to give you input when your wall of text is devoid of reality. When you excuse the crook that is trump who whinges about the election he tried to steal - and stuffed the ballots and lost- and you take trumps view as reality then you are too stupid to be worth arguing with.
Pretty similar to most of your posts on the whole forum actually.
Tell me in detail about all Trump's "crimes" describe and show how you know?
Do it properly don't be angry and annoyed because you are one of those who has the dislike embedded in the political lean you have.
So get to it and tell everyone what you know.
The accusations against him are politically driven character assassination attempts from those who want to hang draw and quarter him , so how do you know ?
Because he won an election, then lost and his conqueror Joe, could actually be the real criminal
See the initials HB for further information.
But how would I know not being an expert on guilt like you
Go for it, me old sock?
Tell me in detail about all Trump's "crimes" describe and show how you know?
Do it properly don't be angry and annoyed because you are one of those who has the dislike embedded in the political lean you have.
So get to it and tell everyone what you know.
The accusations against him are politically driven character assassination attempts from those who want to hang draw and quarter him , so how do you know ?
Because he won an election, then lost and his conqueror Joe, could actually be the real criminal
See the initials HB for further information.
But how would I know not being an expert on guilt like you
Go for it, me old sock?
PS Hawk that's cranky grow some manners and brains you dolt.
Slinging insults and calling names is for people who have no answer. Right!
Yeah of course it is .

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