Play Nice Adam Goodes

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Stop taking the moral high ground and being a precious PC warrior.
I don't consider it taking the moral highground, and this PC warrior stuff is nonsense. Stop being an apologist and a coward, who hides behind cliches which allow you to not think and marginalise opinions you don't like

There are plenty of reasons people don't like him, but what he did tonight was not that provocative. The response has been intense.

Whilst some people don't like him for his onfield behavior, a lot of the negativity is racially motivated. Hence the wiki edit. Hence the racism on social media .

Also, your assumption is wrong, people don't vilify or attempt to shout down Cyril, because he has not spoken as publicly and forthrightly as Goodes.
Well done Adam Goodes. Good way to incite a riot you clown. You are a disgrace. Just retire because we're all sick of your petty bullshit. Next time go do a war dance to your own fans.
People say that other players get booed - and they would be correct.

Not many players, however, get booed without first doing something. This may be a specific incident from a previous game, or more often than not, it is a specific incident within the game itself.

Lindsay Thomas gets booed, but not usually from the moment he steps on the ground. It usually starts after he gets a free kick for a 'high tackle'.

So people have to ask why Adam Goodes is getting booed every time he touches the ball? He stages for free kicks? So did Dean Cox, but he was never mercilessly booed. Goodes got a bit rough with some players a few times. Plenty of players have and they don't get the boos every time. Hawks fans might hold a grudge, but what grudge did the Carlton fans have against him?

People don't like him because he has spoken out against racism. That he pointed out someone in the crowd who compared him to an ape. That he accuses people of racism rather than 'just getting on with it' and 'ignoring it'.

Goodes and Lumumba are gutsy coming out and saying the things they have said. Australians like to think they are open, tolerant people, but in reality there is still a lot of deep seated prejudice and intolerance in Australian society and people don't like that pointed out to them.

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He's not perfect, but what he is is a 358 game dual Brownlow winner who deserves his platform and, more importantly, some respect. Especially from those who claim to love footy.
Disregarding Goodes for a moment, but I don't agree that playing X amount of AFL games or winning X amount of Brownlow medals or claiming X amount of All Australian's or X amount of Best & Fairests entitles anyone to an automatic off field platform and/or respect....
Great post that will fall on deaf ears.

by the way, you're racist.


For me the sad thing is that Goodes is restricting what he'll be able to achieve within the public sphere once he retires. Perhaps he doesn't have the right personality or isn't media savvy enough. Or perhaps he thinks conflict is a better way to achieve social change than cohesion.
Check out this rubbish article printed in The Age:

Sydney Swans forward Adam Goodes stole the headlines at the SCG on Friday night, performing an Indigenous inspired war cry towards visiting Carlton fans as he celebrated a goal. After marking in front of goal and kicking truly with a set shot from 40m out, Goodes then commenced his animated celebration.

The dual Brownlow Medallist was loudly cheered by home fans at the SCG in the aftermath, however his actions divided opinion on broadcast and social media.

Swans great Barry Hall told Fox Footy viewers that his former teammate's actions "weren't great". "There's been a lot spoken this week about him being booed and seeing the fans on the fence with security, we don't know what's going on there but it's not great," he said. "I understand he is very proud of his heritage and where he's from but I don't like to see this."

Goodes historically has a poor relationship with away fans, and was booed loudly in the last round by Hawthorn supporters. The former Australian of the Year has been outspoken on Indigenous issues in the media, and has been a focal point of this week's AFL Indigenous Round.

Speaking to former Richmond half-forward Matthew Richardson on Fox Footy post-match Goodes denied there was anything untoward going on between himself and the Blues' supporter group. "I was just a little bit inspired by the under-16 Boomerang kids, who taught us a little bit of a war cry, just a little bit of a tribute to those guys," Goodes said. "(Nothing untoward) not at all, proud to be Aboriginal and represent."

The AFL said there was later an on off-field incident amongst fans but maintained it was not related to anything that happened on the field. "The information we have is there was an exchange between supporter groups and nothing to do with anyone on the field," AFL media manager Patrick Keane said in a statement.

"Police gave a direction for both groups to cease. Two people continued their exchange. One was evicted, he was happy to go. One other person continued to make some comments. He's been taken to the police interview room and it will be a decision for police whether he's given an infringement or not, for not following police directions."



They've toed the AFL party line with the evasive bullshit about the crowd disturbance. The police went after the guy who is jeering at Goodes in this photo. AFL trying to say it was disturbance between Swans and Blues fans, yeah right, Suuuuuuure. (Maybe from Swans fans telling him to siddown and shut up…)

No mention either of the loud boos Goodes received last night at the SCG

Piss poor reporting by the AFL-controlled puppet who put this together :$:thumbsdown:

Isn't it amazing the way the media always massages the facts when it comes to Adam Goodes?
Why can't they just tell it like it really is and let the rest of us make our own minds up?

Not that I give a stuff about Goodesy "throwing his spear" at the Carlton hecklers. It's all good theatre. Just like spectators booing their hated villains is all good theatre.

I can understand why the AFL always lie through their teeth, but I don't understand why the media need to "protect" us from the truth.
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Clearly Goodes was booed last week by Hawthorn supporters. How the media are trying to infer that Carlton supporters were booing him tonight is beyond me. His provactive celebration clearly aimed at the only Carlton section in the ground is something that has the potential to incite the crowd and it offends me as a Carlton supporter that these people have flown to Sydney in such a rubbish season and have to put up with that from him and the media press conference were trying to blame it on our supporters. Indigenous round is supposed to celebrate inclusion and to me Goodes' act is divisive.
I still don't understand the point in making some sort of racial statement against the "wogs and Jews" club of the AFL at your own home ground. I realise it's indigenous round, but save it for the WASPs, surely.

How many Carlton fans were even there? What was to be gained here? This was bizarre to watch.
Because. Double standards.

Making false accusations and inciting hatred and division should be looked at harshly, whoever it is making those statements.

Leave Mick Malthouse out of this. Seriously what do you mean by false accusations and inciting hatred.

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It wasn't a dance. Adam said in his own words it was a war cry.

A war cry made up by a footy team and performed by a very few individuals.
I would argue this isn't a tradition at all.
I wonder how the aboriginal elders feel about their culture now being portayed as being violent. A war cry does invoke that war is done which then represents killing other humans.

Sorry bit for me if Adam wants to represents his culture them do a traditional dance and not something he helped make up.
wut? The Boomerang Boys made up a war cry based off traditional dances. Watch traditional IA dances. It's exactly like the start of Goodes dance. EXACTLY!.
Considering the gap in life expectancy I'm sure there are a few elders who are quite ok with with Goodes' dance.
Fox Footy and Eddie were disgraceful at halftime, clearly trying to inflame this situation into another controversy which it wasn't.

The camera angle made it look probably far more confrontational than what it was.

Goodes and the Carlton fans at the game deserve better.

For me the sad thing is that Goodes is restricting what he'll be able to achieve within the public sphere once he retires. Perhaps he doesn't have the right personality or isn't media savvy enough. Or perhaps he thinks conflict is a better way to achieve social change than cohesion.

Sadly some elements of both the left and right think that the only way to engage the community is by being aggressive, it is a big part of the problems facing the federal government as they react to everything with we must attack first.
Yes I am sure, Buddy often jumps around, high fiving and fist pumping after kicking one of his big goals., maybe Hawk fans would carry on but deep down they wish he had stayed.
this is the first time Goodes has done the dance. He said it was for IA round. Buddy said he loved it.
Fox Footy and Eddie were disgraceful at halftime, clearly trying to inflame this situation into another controversy which it wasn't.

The camera angle made it look probably far more confrontational than what it was.

Goodes and the Carlton fans at the game deserve better.

In defense of Eddie and co, at first it looked pretty bad, its the kind of event that wont look so bad tomorrow.
Such is the interpretation of the extreme left.

Several others think it was a militant, attention-seeking act that only serves to divide aboriginals and white people. I suppose you believe said people to be racists?
OK I get it. You can call me an extreme leftist, but I can't take issue with that descriptor, because you've called me an extreme leftist.

And, no, I haven't accused anyone of being racist. You've got the wrong guy.

However I do enjoy going through threads like these and pointing out hypocrisy, stupidity and logical failure. Bit of an idle pastime of mine, but eventually my typing fingers just get too tired.
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