Play Nice Adam Goodes

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This was the most idiotic thing by a footballer during a game since Eric Cantona jumped the fence and did a kung fu kick on a spectator. Goodes needs to at least receive a significant fine otherwise the AFL is sending a message that it's ok for players to make prolonged aggressive actions towards spectators.
People say that other players get booed - and they would be correct.

Not many players, however, get booed without first doing something. This may be a specific incident from a previous game, or more often than not, it is a specific incident within the game itself.

Lindsay Thomas gets booed, but not usually from the moment he steps on the ground. It usually starts after he gets a free kick for a 'high tackle'.

So people have to ask why Adam Goodes is getting booed every time he touches the ball? He stages for free kicks? So did Dean Cox, but he was never mercilessly booed. Goodes got a bit rough with some players a few times. Plenty of players have and they don't get the boos every time. Hawks fans might hold a grudge, but what grudge did the Carlton fans have against him?

People don't like him because he has spoken out against racism. That he pointed out someone in the crowd who compared him to an ape. That he accuses people of racism rather than 'just getting on with it' and 'ignoring it'.

Goodes and Lumumba are gutsy coming out and saying the things they have said. Australians like to think they are open, tolerant people, but in reality there is still a lot of deep seated prejudice and intolerance in Australian society and people don't like that pointed out to them.
Goodes attempted dog act on Josh Gibson a couple of years ago is enough to boo him from now till the end of time thanks
I don't mind his celebration, i just think the context is wrong. If it had of been directed on field towards his opponents then i think it could be tasteful, otherwise it seems like he's lashing out at the fans and the fans aren't liable to just sit there and take it. They'll continue to boo him and he'll continue to take offense to it.

Goodes has a problem with how he's perceived by the public and it started with his on field antics, his staging and his overt portrayals of emotion that are never tempered with anything close to humility. His unnecessary Australian of the Year award didn't really help his cause either. At stages he reeks of arrogance on field and appears to take himself a little too seriously. Sure you can have passion, but if that passion isn't directed properly then people will interpret it as plain old arrogance.

Goodes comes across as a little bit narcissistic and he wouldn't be the first star to buy into their own story a little too much. I think the football public has this sense and made him a target and he doesn't at the moment seem to understand why that is the case.

Cries of racism are in a large part platitudes that distort what is really going on and are divisive attempts to highlight other social issues. Sure there would be people who might be driven by some racial prejudice but most people just have him set as the principle dick of the AFL and one that will react as predicted when toiled with.

This^^^^This^^^^SOOOOOOOO MUCH THIS^^^^....SPOT ON!
Ah no, I'm saying a 'war dance' aimed at the opposition supporters is not a good way for an indigenous AOTY to go about recognising / respecting his heritage ...

I don't have an issue with Goodes doing a traditional dance or whatever, but I think an impromptu imitation of spearing people in the crowd isn't a great idea. I don't much care what the reasons are for doing it, I wouldn't be too chuffed with a player imitating pumping a shotgun and shooting the crowd after a goal either. Such overtones of violence just aren't appropriate in a sporting arena.
I don't consider it taking the moral highground, and this PC warrior stuff is nonsense. Stop being an apologist and a coward, who hides behind cliches which allow you to not think and marginalise opinions you don't like

There are plenty of reasons people don't like him, but what he did tonight was not that provocative. The response has been intense.

Whilst some people don't like him for his onfield behavior, a lot of the negativity is racially motivated. Hence the wiki edit. Hence the racism on social media .

Also, your assumption is wrong, people don't vilify or attempt to shout down Cyril, because he has not spoken as publicly and forthrightly as Goodes.
Rubbish. You're assuming 1 person making a wiki edit, and a few people on facebook, a hivemind for idiots, speak collectively for everyone criticizing him.

I've read nearly the entirety of both this and the gameday thread, and seen maybe one or two posters say or even suggest anything remotely racist. None of the anger or criticism is racially motivated no matter what your warped social justice mindset tells you. If that were the case, every single aboriginal player would get the same level of criticism for flog acts, like Cyril Rioli for trying to break Michael Barlow's arm in the 2013 Grand Final. Even though what Cyril did was far worse than what Goodes did, he didn't get anywhere near the same level of criticism.
This was the most idiotic thing by a footballer during a game since Eric Cantona jumped the fence and did a kung fu kick on a spectator. Goodes needs to at least receive a significant fine otherwise the AFL is sending a message that it's ok for players to make prolonged aggressive actions towards spectators.

Farking lol.

That's certainly one way to interpret it I guess.
Check out this rubbish article printed in The Age

They've toed the AFL party line with Gillon McLachlan's evasive bullshit about the crowd disturbance
  • No mention that Goodesy did his war dance directly towards the large section of Carlton fans in the forward pocket
  • No mention of the loud boos and jeers Goodes received last night at the SCG

Piss poor reporting by the AFL-controlled puppet who put this together :$:thumbsdown:

Isn't it amazing the way the media always massages the facts when it comes to Adam Goodes? Why can't they just tell it like it really is and let the rest of us make our own minds up. Not that I give a stuff about Goodesy "throwing his spear" at the Carlton hecklers - it's all good theatre, in my opinion - I just don't understand why the media need to "protect" us from the truth.

You're talking rubbish mate. The very first line of the article mentions it was towards the Carlton fans.

And you keep going on about him being booed but he received by far the best reception of any player during introductions and whenever he marked/goaled as per usual. I didn't hear a single boo towards Goodes in the Trumper stand.

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This was the most idiotic thing by a footballer during a game since Eric Cantona jumped the fence and did a kung fu kick on a spectator. Goodes needs to at least receive a significant fine otherwise the AFL is sending a message that it's ok for players to make prolonged aggressive actions towards spectators.
Hi Lester, what took you so long?

For me the sad thing is that Goodes is restricting what he'll be able to achieve within the public sphere once he retires. Perhaps he doesn't have the right personality or isn't media savvy enough. Or perhaps he thinks conflict is a better way to achieve social change than cohesion.

I'm not sure he is.

Perhaps conflict is a better way to achieve social change. We've, as a society, (breathtaking generalisation here but still, stay with me) been pretty comfortable with our relationship with aboriginal people and their treatment for a while. Out of sight out of mind stuff.

See bigfooty post of the millennium:

Personally I found the dance quite terrifying. Don't get me wrong, I am a big supporter of the indigenous round and Aborigines in general. I adore the native styled guernsey, and the pretty dot things. I even collect Aboriginal art from charming artists in remote localities (which I donate to the National Gallery for tax purposes). I like "Adam", though I don't know him personally and think he was a servicible Australian of the year (but not as deserving as Rosie Battie). But when he reacted to someone likening him to an animal I started to doubt whether he was, as his name might suggest, good at all. How would a 13 year old girl even know that it is wrong to be racist? I didn't know until an incident at a party when I was 35. And now the dance. Well, it was I mean did he have to do something so cultural? It scared me because I thought I was just watching Australian football, you know, listening to Bruce and Wayne, having a cup of tea, feeling quite safe, and then, all of a sudden there was a real Aboriginal person expressing cultural pride right there in front of me. I thought they were just down and out but good at art and football? It frightens me to think they might actually be proud of their heritage. What does this mean for me?

Maybe shaking that up is a good thing. Maybe bringing attention to it by whatever mechanism you can is a good idea. I'm sure 90% of the people who boo him because they're racist flogs will still do that, they'll probably even have their opinions cemented.

For those that it made uncomfortable though, maybe that's something that is needed to actually wake us the **** up as a society.
Ever notice how the extreme left SJWs are OBSESSED with race? Everything is about race with these people and they WILL NOT be reasoned out of this position. It's ironic who the actual racists are turning out to be.
Like I've been sayin', I think you better define "extreme left" before people will give a post like that any credence.

Personally, I would call someone like Josef Stalin extreme left. Maybe that's just my warped worldview.
Rubbish. You're assuming 1 person making a wiki edit, and a few people on facebook, a hivemind for idiots, speak collectively for everyone criticizing him.

I've read nearly the entirety of both this and the gameday thread, and seen maybe one or two posters say or even suggest anything remotely racist. None of the anger or criticism is racially motivated no matter what your warped social justice mindset tells you. If that were the case, every single aboriginal player would get the same level of criticism for flog acts, like Cyril Rioli for trying to break Michael Barlow's arm in the 2013 Grand Final. Even though what Cyril did was far worse than what Goodes did, he didn't get anywhere near the same level of criticism.
I don't assume they speak for everyone.

So, unneccesary post.
I don't assume they speak for everyone.

So, unneccesary post.
You mean like trying to insinuate the wiki editor and a few facebook flogs are racist? Like we didn't already know that?

Yeah, we really a social justice warrior's input on that. Where would we be without it?
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