Are we cursed?

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That's the speculation, I'd hope that is not the case. I'm going to have to fence sit here i:e not sure if the "excuse" making has a sub conscious effect on the club itself - mainly because Buckley is not in that camp. His "wasted season" statement after the prelim reiterates that.

As for Ed, there's noise about him being stale and probably more accepting of our wasted opportunities than Bucks. We'll be forever in debt to Eddie but I still view a fresh prez wouldn't hurt, may improve things but wouldn't hurt. Problem is he has no opposing candidates come election time.


Get over yourself.

Suggest you take your own advice.

Don't take the bait.
I occasionally visit this site usually at the end of each season, after another year of non success (8 in a row since the much vaunted coaching handover) to see if there is any change in the demeanour of supporters. There isn't and more fool me for thinking there would be. But occasionally you come across a pearl such as the aforementioned article. But most of the times, you do not.


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I occasionally visit this site usually at the end of each season, after another year of non success (8 in a row since the much vaunted coaching handover) to see if there is any change in the demeanour of supporters. There isn't and more fool me for thinking there would be. But occasionally you come across a pearl such as the aforementioned article. But most of the times, you do not.

And we wait with bated breath each time to see how salty you are Ninthy ;)

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I try to look for reasons and life lessons. for me it's about letting go of always having to win, and just enjoying the ride. Maybe that's the thing with Buckley, jsut too nice and honest a guy to have that killer instinct necessary to go all the way. Or woudl you prefer a more ruthless hardass who would get those "ships?
I don't Believe in Curses but we don't seem to have much luck in Grand Finals
I dont' think we were cursed this year, in fact had a reasonably lucky run in the finals.
WE choked in last 10 minutes, Reid, Mayne and Thomas choked on fairly regulation goals, Mayne was prob the stiffest coz didn't kick quite far enough and barely touched on the line. Reidy's was the worst miss, I guess that's partly from being first game back for a long time.
I occasionally visit this site usually at the end of each season, after another year of non success (8 in a row since the much vaunted coaching handover) to see if there is any change in the demeanour of supporters. There isn't and more fool me for thinking there would be. But occasionally you come across a pearl such as the aforementioned article. But most of the times, you do not.

Don't let the door hit you in the @rse on the way out and take your pathetic little agenda with you sunshine.
I try to look for reasons and life lessons. for me it's about letting go of always having to win, and just enjoying the ride. Maybe that's the thing with Buckley, jsut too nice and honest a guy to have that killer instinct necessary to go all the way. Or woudl you prefer a more ruthless hardass who would get those "ships?

You might be onto something here. Maybe out of a sense of demonstrating to the footy world that he is a modern thinking man manager, he has gone to far the other way. I mean, as we know nowadays, you can't look sideways without being accused of political incorrectness. That's the beauty of golf. For 4.5 hours you are in your own vacuum where you can call it completely as it is without fear of retribution, well most of the time.
You might be onto something here. Maybe out of a sense of demonstrating to the footy world that he is a modern thinking man manager, he has gone to far the other way. I mean, as we know nowadays, you can't look sideways without being accused of political incorrectness. That's the beauty of golf. For 4.5 hours you are in your own vacuum where you can call it completely as it is without fear of retribution, well most of the time.
... and saililng in a cruise yacht
There is a direct correlation between premierships and quality administration. The best administrations appoint the best people to do their jobs and get the best results as well as manage internal affairs and people well. In modern times you have Hawthorn at one end and Carlton at the other.

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You might be onto something here. Maybe out of a sense of demonstrating to the footy world that he is a modern thinking man manager, he has gone to far the other way. I mean, as we know nowadays, you can't look sideways without being accused of political incorrectness. That's the beauty of golf. For 4.5 hours you are in your own vacuum where you can call it completely as it is without fear of retribution, well most of the time.
You might be interested in this vid that I stumbled upon yesterday. Looking at the meek reaction of these guys to the psycho PC, you can see how emasculated we have been made (especially white males) by the PC mind-control onslaught.

Had a good laugh at that mate. Not surprising though. Didn't Sam Newman recently get barrelled over making reference to the fact that straight white men are now in the minority?

You are right though. The most disturbing thing now is that white men feel that cannot respond for rear of retribution. The world's f----d!. Back to golf.
we are definitely cursed. I'm going to change teams on monday...
I'll wait until after the Granny.
Then probably make the same decision I always do and follow the pies for eternity.

It's always an easy decision when you look at the other options.
Not all, but the majority of our GF losses we were not the favourites.
Just lucky to get to play in them.
1970 we were favourites and Peter McKenna was knocked out by friendly fire from Tuddenham before half time.

We are not cursed.
To win a premiership you need a lot of luck which collingwood have never got. This is the best chance for us to win the premiership this year. But the same can be said for 7 other clubs. It is so even that I actually think 7 clubs can win this premiership this year.

But has history has shown luck has never been on Collingwood’s side.

Are we cursed?

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