Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

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Perhaps if they kept their beliefs to themselves, no one would identify them as Christians.

It's not a very personal connection to God, if you need to advertise it on a bumper sticker.

I think its Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:something that says they are supposed to

(that was one of Israel Folau's arguments)
"Whoever calls the name of the lord will be saved"
- Acts 2:21

"Not everyone who calls on the name of the lord shall be saved"
- Matthew 7:21

So Christians, which one is correct?
How do you know the one you selected as being correct is that?

Both are fine .. everything in context my boy.

Acts 2: 21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

In Peters homily he clarifies his statement

Acts 2: 37 Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
So Peter himself clarifies what “Calling upon the Lord” means: baptism for the forgiveness sins!

As for what Jesus said

Jesus said “***"Not every one who says to me, `Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. *(Matthew 7:21)

Jesus is pushing the just don’t sit around but .. get on your bike and get going .

Mathew 25:34 “Then the King will say to those at his right hand, ’Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ’Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink?’ And the king will answer them, ’Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.’”

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Here I'll try again

This time either answer or say I don't know

Which parts of the Bible are to be considered hard and fast Rules and which parts are to be considered just Parables?

How can you tell the difference?

Who decides which is which?
The 10 Commandments would be considered as hard and fast rules.

The Parables would be considered as parables.
"Whoever calls the name of the lord will be saved"
- Acts 2:21

"Not everyone who calls on the name of the lord shall be saved"
- Matthew 7:21

So Christians, which one is correct?
How do you know the one you selected as being correct is that?
Show us the context.
No it isn't.
Yes it is.

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Yes it is.

According to the Oxford Dictionary religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

The theologian Antoine Vergote defined religion as "the entirety of the linguistic expressions, emotions and, actions and signs that refer to a supernatural being or supernatural beings."

Academics Peter Mandaville and Paul James define religion as ".....a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence, and in which communion with others and Otherness is lived as if it both takes in and spiritually transcends socially-grounded ontologies of time, space, embodiment and knowing."
Only if you dilute the meaning of the word "religion" to the point it becomes meaningless.

You may as well say that people watching their favourite TV show is "a religion". It's nonsense.
It is not nonsense. People have a need to find meaning in life beyond their own mere existence.
For some people, their whole lives are footy related, 7 days a week. They worship their favourite players, they pay their memberships, they gather together with fellow worshippers at games weekly, their whole existence and purpose can (sadly) be severely affected by the results of their team.
Their passion for their religion in footy way exceeds most peoples' devotion to God.
According to the Oxford Dictionary religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

The theologian Antoine Vergote defined religion as "the entirety of the linguistic expressions, emotions and, actions and signs that refer to a supernatural being or supernatural beings."

Academics Peter Mandaville and Paul James define religion as ".....a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence, and in which communion with others and Otherness is lived as if it both takes in and spiritually transcends socially-grounded ontologies of time, space, embodiment and knowing."
Thank you again.You have a penchant for plucking out definitions. Well, if you can't acknowledge that there are thousands of people whose religion is their football team, you live in a different culture to me.
According to the Oxford Dictionary religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

The theologian Antoine Vergote defined religion as "the entirety of the linguistic expressions, emotions and, actions and signs that refer to a supernatural being or supernatural beings."

Academics Peter Mandaville and Paul James define religion as ".....a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence, and in which communion with others and Otherness is lived as if it both takes in and spiritually transcends socially-grounded ontologies of time, space, embodiment and knowing."

Origin of the word religion is from religare, it means to bind/unite.

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It is not nonsense. People have a need to find meaning in life beyond their own mere existence.
That doesn't make their hobby/lifestyle a religion.

Is drinking a "religion" for an alcoholic?

For some people, their whole lives are footy related, 7 days a week. They worship their favourite players, they pay their memberships, they gather together with fellow worshippers at games weekly, their whole existence and purpose can (sadly) be severely affected by the results of their team.
Their passion for their religion in footy way exceeds most peoples' devotion to God.
Putting those bits in bold doesn't make it a religion.

People like football. That doesn't make it a religion.
Thank you again.You have a penchant for plucking out definitions. Well, if you can't acknowledge that there are thousands of people whose religion is their football team, you live in a different culture to me.

Can't wait till we play against the Christians.
From outside Jewish literature, many people would have been familiar with the case of the emperor Augustus, whose ascent was supposedly witnessed; Romulus the founder of Rome, who, like Jesus, was supposedly taken to heaven in a cloud; the Greek hero Heracles (Hercules) who ascended to Olympus in a large dark cloud.

Augustus himself actively promoted the imperial cult with the idea that his great uncle and adoptive father Gaius Julius Caesar at his death had been taken up to heaven and been made a god to live with the gods. Later this was applied to Augustus himself.

The historian Suetonius who was born about AD 69 – died after 122 AD wrote about the ascension of Augustus

"There was even a man of praetorian rank who swore an oath that he had seen the form of the cremated Emperor going to heaven."
The Romans at the time were sceptical and many angry at both deifications. Many saw it for what it was, as a tool by incoming emperors for their own benefit. ie I am therefore the son of god in regards Augustus and then Tiberius.

Don’t believe the pagans saw their gods as all mighty as Christianity did. Special powers yes but vulnerable in a way.
Thank you again.You have a penchant for plucking out definitions. Well, if you can't acknowledge that there are thousands of people whose religion is their football team, you live in a different culture to me.

They don't worship a claimed divine unknowable being by faith, as you appear to.
They don't worship a claimed divine unknowable being by faith, as you appear to.
Why do you think I'm a Cats fan?
We had Johnny "Divine', and the Lord twins
Then Senior "God"
Then the Son.
That doesn't make their hobby/lifestyle a religion.

Is drinking a "religion" for an alcoholic?

Putting those bits in bold doesn't make it a religion.

People like football. That doesn't make it a religion.
Anybody who worships anything but the true God, by definition has false gods. That can include those who worship their mirrors at the gym.
“Football is a religion“ is an expression, mate. Like “that gave me a heart attack”. It does not literally equate sport with a framework for how someone should live their life.

Sheesh yourself. There ARE people whose lives are fashioned by those members within their club who act as role models, confidantes, employers, and mates. Some people have nothing else to look forward to. Sad. Truth.
"It's more than a game" is very apt. Might not be the case for you, but in my line of work, I see this every day.
The Romans at the time were sceptical and many angry at both deifications. Many saw it for what it was, as a tool by incoming emperors for their own benefit. ie I am therefore the son of god in regards Augustus and then Tiberius.

I don't think it was that foreign to the Romans. Many Roman families claimed gods or demi-gods as their ancestors. Caesar could claim personal ties to the gods by his claim descent from Mars and Venus and his holding as religious offices such as pontifex maximus. From there it was a relatively short step to the deification of the emperor.

Don’t believe the pagans saw their gods as all mighty as Christianity did. Special powers yes but vulnerable in a way.

Deities of the Roman state often personified an aspect of life or character. Both their good and bad traits.
Can't wait till we play against the Christians.
Wonder if I could cobble together a team of VFL/AFL Christians over the years.
I know of 22 already that could form some sort of lineup.
Gary Ablett snr
Gary Ablett jnr
Nathan Ablett
Gavin Wanganeen
Zac Smith
Andrew Swallow
David Swallow
Daniel Wells
Aaron Hall
Sam Wright
Shaun Hart
Jonathon Giles
Jed Adcock
Jared Brennan
Mark Seaby
Stephen Lawrence
Nick Robertson
Daniel Rich
Simon Black
Justin Leppitsch
Ken Fraser
Doug Nicholls

FB: Gavin Wanganeen, Justin Leppitsch , Shaun Hart
HB: Aaron Hall, Ken Fraser, Jed Adcock
C: Daniel Wells, Andrew Swallow, Jared Brennan
HF: David Swallow, Jonathon Giles, Daniel Rich
FF: Doug Nicholls, Gary Ablett snr, Nathan Ablett
R: Stephen Lawrence, Simon Black, Gary Ablett jnr
I/C: Sam Wright, Zac Smith, Nick Robertson, Mark Seaby
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Anybody who worships anything but the true God, by definition has false gods. That can include those who worship their mirrors at the gym.
That doesn't constitute a religion.

Wonder if I could cobble together a team of VFL/AFL Christians over the years.
I know of 14 already that could form some sort of lineup.
Gary Ablett snr
Gary Ablett jnr
Nathan Ablett
Zac Smith
Andrew Swallow
David Swallow
Daniel Wells
Aaron Hall
Sam Wright
Shaun Hart
Jonathon Giles
Jed Adcock
Jared Brennan
Mark Seaby
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