Rumour Clarkson to take Liam Shiels to North and possibly other players

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Club Legend
May 21, 2010
AFL Club
Background to this story is true: Liam Shiels was playing one of his first games at Hawthorn as a young and up and coming player. They were playing Adelaide at Adelaide. Shiels placed his belongings in a locker and went to warm up. Returning from the warm up he was confronted with a scene containing his belongings and scattered all over the floor. He looked up and asked what was going on only to be told by Sam Mitchell in no uncertain terms to never put his bag in Mitchell's locker. He was also threatened by Mitchell at other times "If he ever ****ed up again on the footy field during a game he would be dealt with in no uncertain terms. Other threats came from Luke Hodge for similar reasons. Since Mitchell has been coaching Hawthorn Shiels has struggled to get a game and being forced into retirement. Clarkson is well aware of all this and has advised Shiels himself and certain other players are welcome at North Melbourne.
A real man like Jake Stringer would have shat in his locker


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Shiels isn't the worst player to have on your list for a year or two to do some of the grunt work. Anyone would be an upgrade on that hack Greenwood
They’ll most likely get Howe and Shiels. Two players that won’t get contracts at the Hawks.
Background to this story is true: Liam Shiels was playing one of his first games at Hawthorn as a young and up and coming player. They were playing Adelaide at Adelaide. Shiels placed his belongings in a locker and went to warm up. Returning from the warm up he was confronted with a scene containing his belongings and scattered all over the floor. He looked up and asked what was going on only to be told by Sam Mitchell in no uncertain terms to never put his bag in Mitchell's locker. He was also threatened by Mitchell at other times "If he ever *ed up again on the footy field during a game he would be dealt with in no uncertain terms. Other threats came from Luke Hodge for similar reasons. Since Mitchell has been coaching Hawthorn Shiels has struggled to get a game and being forced into retirement. Clarkson is well aware of all this and has advised Shiels himself and certain other players are welcome at North Melbourne.
Lol. so as Captain of the club mitchell did that?

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Apparently he left his contract early from the eagles because of playing around with an ex eagles ex wife while he (Mitchell) was still married. great fella
We all read that on bigfooty too.
Shiels isn’t getting a game because he is close to retirement (probably went a year too long anyway) and Mitchell wants to get games into the likes Newcombe, Ward and McDonald.

I get the feeling he also might show Mitchell or Worpel the door too, he is building his own team.

It’s got little to do with Lockergate
Will he do a Hodge though?
Shiels going to take his talents to the sun drenched plains of North Melbourne ya think? 😂

Rumour Clarkson to take Liam Shiels to North and possibly other players

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