Certified Legendary Thread Delusional Pearlers IV

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Welcome to Paul Conners doggy supporter!
You don't see schaches manager grand standing like this goose Connors either. Bringing Jakes father into it is a disgrace.

I don't remember any agent before behaving like Connors. It's unbelievable. He too has a duty of care here and he has disqualified himself.

Lets take a breath here - Connors throwing the mental health card at us is despicable and belittles those players who genuinely suffer from mental health issues. He throws it around as a negotiating tool.

Is this professional?

Id be telling Connors he has totally screwed this process by not representing Jakes best interests but instead representing Essendons best interest. Doing Dodoros dirty work.

I would tell him to get his client ready to play for us - or we are going to publicly push for his deregistration as unfit to be an agent.

This has been despicable. He has spent 2 weeks reducing Jakes value.

He has not got Jake the best deal. He is not sensitive to Jakes personal issues or his behaviour - Connors has been grand standing like his in an agent in Hollywood movie.

Rather then trying to diffuse things he keeps pouring fuel in the fire.

**** him.

This public circus must never happen again and we have a responsibility to tell Connors and Essendon it's not acceptable

And watch them sook - in the media - when you give it to them between the eyes.

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Welcome to Paul Conners doggy supporter!

Further to this

The Voice of Sanity said:
How could he possibly influence the thoughts of any other club? Nothing to do with him.

We played a role in that ourselves early on.

The Voice of Delusion said:
I was coming from the angle he made sure he had Connors and others in the media on side running with a script that would assist in getting sole rights to Jake

Ohhhhh well in that case.. :drunk::drunk::drunk:

So that dick Connors also manages jack watts? Can we get him deregistered?

He seems to think his job is basically to devalue his clients. In every picture he looks like his been on the piss all night.

Some one tell me - what is his value? Why is he the only buffoon parading fathers in front of the media?

This goose is an embarrassment to the league.

Does he really think Melbourne and the Bulldogs are malicious? How has he helped either Jake or jack?

Does it enter his puny drug ****** mind that maybe just maybe it would help if he pushed back a little and offered players who are a little off track the bigger picture - some wisdom - some direction.

Absolute scum

Where are the articles from Sam McClure and the other Hun cheerleaders praising this as a masterstroke by Macca forcing Essendon to re-bid because we can't use two extra second rounders?

flipping LOL. Because, cupcake, Essendon hasn't been forced in to anything. The Dogs will take the offer that has been in place since last Thursday, or they won't and we take two second rounders to the draft after already securing two players.
Some Yapper said:
You guys are experts on PR disasters. The PR disaster will be there for Connors and the Essendon media mafia and that Muppet Cooney all leading Jake down the river. Yesterday, there were dads, mental health issues, the day before Nixon was up talking about unsafe workplaces. Connors does look like his been sober for a month.

Your club has again shown a complete disregard for player welfare with this Stringer trade. 16 other clubs walked away and respected that they couldn't get what we wanted and that it was probably best to leave the bulldogs and Jake to sort it out. But not the "whatever it takes" club - you guys conducted the most embarrassing campaign we have ever seen. It surpasses anything we have seen with either Ablett or Franklin trades.

Shame on you

Wait, we're the ones who have failed Jake and his welfare. What a deadshit.

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Certified Legendary Thread Delusional Pearlers IV

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