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You misunderstand

I’m not making comment on the big contracts or the fact players have left. Cameron doing 10 years and leaving is just fine

I’m saying there is a worrying trend of young players not staying. The culture looks built for older players…. Why can’t we be the best at giving a first year experience for first year players in the league?

The trend is recent and a genuine worry
I guess I have a bit of a different view to what we mean we say culture. I think once the team starts winning people are going to be more willing to stay, I think when people say culture to me that = winning. We don't really every talk about the good culture of teams that suck or the bad culture of teams that win, because culture = winning. Sure, some will still leave that are desperate to go home, but it's pretty easy to see why are some eager to get home playing in a small market on a team that sucked last year. If you're Tanner would you rather go home to go live in Geelong to be with family, on a great team, right near the coast and where I'm sure it's a hell of a lot cheaper to live or make similar money in Sydney. We're never going to have the attraction of bringing star players to our club like big melbourne clubs do but once we start winning, which I don't think is too far away guys are going to be more willing to stay and play in a good team. The culture may look like it's for older players because the older players are the ones that continued to extend their contract through the winning years and then we ultimately signed them up to long term deals and the rest of the guys are hanging on that might not have a ton of interest elsewhere. Once we're good I'm sure we'll still lose players to big clubs offering a big money deal that we can't compete with much like the Dons did with Shiel, but guys would be willing to take less to stay on a team that they know year in year out is competitive, we see it with every winning team. Our "culture" seems fine, doesn't seem like there's any headcases on the list that are a pain to the rest of the playing group and good leaders throughout the group imo, all the guys seems to really enjoy each others company. Just think at least imo we use the term culture in place of winning team when we're discussing why guys stay on their team or move elsewhere, bit different but my 2c.
I guess I have a bit of a different view to what we mean we say culture. I think once the team starts winning people are going to be more willing to stay, I think when people say culture to me that = winning. We don't really every talk about the good culture of teams that suck or the bad culture of teams that win, because culture = winning. Sure, some will still leave that are desperate to go home, but it's pretty easy to see why are some eager to get home playing in a small market on a team that sucked last year. If you're Tanner would you rather go home to go live in Geelong to be with family, on a great team, right near the coast and where I'm sure it's a hell of a lot cheaper to live or make similar money in Sydney. We're never going to have the attraction of bringing star players to our club like big melbourne clubs do but once we start winning, which I don't think is too far away guys are going to be more willing to stay and play in a good team. The culture may look like it's for older players because the older players are the ones that continued to extend their contract through the winning years and then we ultimately signed them up to long term deals and the rest of the guys are hanging on that might not have a ton of interest elsewhere. Once we're good I'm sure we'll still lose players to big clubs offering a big money deal that we can't compete with much like the Dons did with Shiel, but guys would be willing to take less to stay on a team that they know year in year out is competitive, we see it with every winning team. Our "culture" seems fine, doesn't seem like there's any headcases on the list that are a pain to the rest of the playing group and good leaders throughout the group imo, all the guys seems to really enjoy each others company. Just think at least imo we use the term culture in place of winning team when we're discussing why guys stay on their team or move elsewhere, bit different but my 2c.
Yes players will stay for success

So you are essentially writing off the young players leaving as “we aren’t winning?”

I think that over simplifies things. We have drafted a lot of talent that hasn’t extended…. We can’t ignore that. It’s too easy to write it off as them being soft or mummy’s boys or to blame the draft team for not picking it

Good culture and strong supports will keep them here. I worry we don’t have those ingredients
Yes players will stay for success

So you are essentially writing off the young players leaving as “we aren’t winning?”

I think that over simplifies things. We have drafted a lot of talent that hasn’t extended…. We can’t ignore that. It’s too easy to write it off as them being soft or mummy’s boys or to blame the draft team for not picking it

Good culture and strong supports will keep them here. I worry we don’t have those ingredients
Winning isn't the only thing that would increase retention but it'd be one of the big factors, McVeigh talked about development being a key thing the club wasn't doing as well as it could be and he believed that was a reason why retention was an issue if I remember correctly and that seems fair enough too. I guess I just disagree on the whole culture thing, I don't think them being "soft" or "mummy's boy's" is an issue what so ever all these guys are professionals.

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Winning isn't the only thing that would increase retention but it'd be one of the big factors, McVeigh talked about development being a key thing the club wasn't doing as well as it could be and he believed that was a reason why retention was an issue if I remember correctly and that seems fair enough too. I guess I just disagree on the whole culture thing, I don't think them being "soft" or "mummy's boy's" is an issue what so ever all these guys are professionals.
I agree that calling them that also put it neatly in a box and ignores the clubs role in it all. To keep young players they need a lot of things back from the club. They are 18 and in a new city in a new career.

Maybe we just aren’t doing it as well as some other clubs atm
I agree that calling them that also put it neatly in a box and ignores the clubs role in it all. To keep young players they need a lot of things back from the club. They are 18 and in a new city in a new career.

Maybe we just aren’t doing it as well as some other clubs atm
Yeah I think that's fair, there probably is more we could do to support them, not an excuse but I think covid the last 2 years does have an impact in how the new guys can get settled in a new city Jason has discussed that and I think that's a fair point although that clearly isn't the whole reason why they're leaving. Hopefully the staff Kingsley is bringing in and some of the lessons they've learnt from last few years is enough to make sure they're comfortable.
Yeah I think that's fair, there probably is more we could do to support them, not an excuse but I think covid the last 2 years does have an impact in how the new guys can get settled in a new city Jason has discussed that and I think that's a fair point although that clearly isn't the whole reason why they're leaving. Hopefully the staff Kingsley is bringing in and some of the lessons they've learnt from last few years is enough to make sure they're comfortable.
Players want to play, and get paid well.
It is easy for a Melbourne club to promise both, look at Geelong and Bowes, Bruhn, Oliver.
They all seem to believe they will play next year, time will tell if they do.
Tough seeing Hopper in Tigers colours, on top of all the other essentials like Cameron, Treloar, Shiel etc...Other than Suns supporters, I don't think other teams, certainly not Melbourne teams, have to constantly re-adjust their player loyalty like Giants fans need to.
Especially as he wanted to stay. Very poor salary cap management/ the unnecessary reality we have to deal with in terms of free agency
Good day Giants supporters.

I'm an American footy fan and podcaster (A Yank on the Footy). I have been following the game since 2016, and footy has become my sole sports focus.

I've had a small thread in the podcast section of Big Footy for a few years. While we are mired in the offseason, I am working to set up some discussions with supporters that want to discuss their most memorable game. If you're interested, please consider reaching out to me at My first episode of this series (recalling a game from 1973) is out now.

Craig Wessels
Host of "A Yank on the Footy" Podcast
Sandusky, Ohio

Sent from my iPhone using
Kingsley was on sen Melbourne this morning.

It always baffles me that Giants coaches and players go on Melbourne radio instead of Sydney radio. Is there any effort at all to get some presence in the Sydney media? Seems basic marketing of your product to pop up occasionally in your actual market. I don't think Kingsley has done an interview on Sydney radio yet which is very poor for a new coach (I May be wrong).
Kingsley was on sen Melbourne this morning.

It always baffles me that Giants coaches and players go on Melbourne radio instead of Sydney radio. Is there any effort at all to get some presence in the Sydney media? Seems basic marketing of your product to pop up occasionally in your actual market. I don't think Kingsley has done an interview on Sydney radio yet which is very poor for a new coach (I May be wrong).
Here's a list of Melbourne radio stations that want an interview with an AFL head coach: all of them.

Here's a list of Sydney radio stations that want an interview with an AFL head coach: none of them.

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Here's a list of Melbourne radio stations that want an interview with an AFL head coach: all of them.

Here's a list of Sydney radio stations that want an interview with an AFL head coach: none of them.

Doesn't matter you call hutchie and say 'can we get a morning interview on sen Sydney with Kingsley?', it's not rocket science.

The swans often have people on sen Sydney.

If this team is bottom 4 even bottom 6 again I'd be really disappointed, just seems like there's too many good players to be this bad again. Last year feels like an apocolypse level bad case scenario things cannot possibly go that poorly again. Am I (we?) just too delusional are all the good players on this team not actually good?
If this team is bottom 4 even bottom 6 again I'd be really disappointed, just seems like there's too many good players to be this bad again. Last year feels like an apocolypse level bad case scenario things cannot possibly go that poorly again. Am I (we?) just too delusional are all the good players on this team not actually good?
It could get worse. I hope not.
Alot depends on fitness of Toby, Whitfield, Hogan, Kelly, Taylor in my view.

Hopefully Riccardi, Callaghan,Ash make good improvements.
We could finish just about anywhere from 16th to 5th in my view.
It could get worse. I hope not.
Alot depends on fitness of Toby, Whitfield, Hogan, Kelly, Taylor in my view.

Hopefully Riccardi, Callaghan,Ash make good improvements.
We could finish just about anywhere from 16th to 5th in my view.
5th would be pretty crazy to me, we'd have to get all the veterans to be playing at their best without missing too much time and then also getting multiple young guys taking steps forward and someone like Bedford becoming a really effective small forward. It's within the realm of possibilities but I feel like pretty much everything would have to break right for us, and maybe thats what you're getting at but this team should at least be competing for a finals spot right? if we're looking at median outcomes.
5th would be pretty crazy to me, we'd have to get all the veterans to be playing at their best without missing too much time and then also getting multiple young guys taking steps forward and someone like Bedford becoming a really effective small forward. It's within the realm of possibilities but I feel like pretty much everything would have to break right for us, and maybe thats what you're getting at but this team should at least be competing for a finals spot right? if we're looking at median outcomes.
5th is really pushing it I realise, we will know after about 3 games if it is any chance of finishing in the top 8.
5th is really pushing it I realise, we will know after about 3 games if it is any chance of finishing in the top 8.
Yeah I get what you're saying, that's a best case scenario type season in which pretty much everything breaks our way, it's possible but think we're much more likely to be a mid-table team

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