News Glen Bartlett launches legal action against MFC's Kate Roffey and other club officials; "Appeasement" over Goodwin's behaviour; Tissue required...

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I don't even understand why he is suing. He tried bringing in a policy at club level that was rejected by his board and then quit. Somehow that's the club, the AFL and Channel 9's fault. If there were issues with Goodwin's behaviour - well, that was the club president's job to sort it out. You take the coach aside and explain this is what we expect of you as senior coach. You screw up and we give you the boot. Make it clear of what is expected and the ramifications of not adhering to the expectation. The vague reference to serious behavioural issues means nothing unless we know what that actually means.

As for the all of the negative media stuff he's claiming, this is the first time I've ever heard of the guy.

Beat me to it, the only reason I know this guy's name is this legal action.
Year ****ing three of this story and there is still no there there.

Club president goes behind his own club’s back to try and get hair follicle testing implemented to “help” a coach who may or may not have been a little too eager on his nights off (like most young people around the world) and then wonders why the club ousts him.

This blokes a rat and not even a Melbourne supporter. After being involved in Melbourne nightlife for my whole career, it’s obvious to me that shining a light on recreational drug use is only a lose lose situation for the AFL. It’s a melting pot of hypocrisy, archaic drug laws, privacy concerns and misaligned public perception vs reality of drug use.

In my experience, there’s not many AFL journalists or even club administrators who could comment on this with a straight face.

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Same here.

They're footballers ffs, not jeebus.

Self righteousness is throughout the rest of society these days & it sells papers, attracts viewers, gets clicks.

The issue here is not the players, its off field politics & Bartlett will have his day in Court & its not about money.
Maybe the next article in this three year “exclusive” series will be the one that gets it done, Glenn and Mick :)

In all seriousness, this bloke just seems like he’s got no idea about how to socialise. Pisses off the board with what they see as an unfair crusade about their personal choices, and cries foul when they vote someone else in.
Maybe the next article in this three year “exclusive” series will be the one that gets it done, Glenn and Mick :)

In all seriousness, this bloke just seems like he’s got no idea about how to socialise. Pisses off the board with what they see as an unfair crusade about their personal choices, and cries foul when they vote someone else in.

Yet was re elected only weeks 'before it hit the fan'.
Given Bartlett (+Roos & Jackson) were imposed on the club by the AFL to awaken it from a 60 year slumber.
Really don't think that is it.

Read the article?
I suppose it’ll drive clicks for you if these articles finally gain any attention?
Same here.

They're footballers ffs, not jeebus.

Society isn’t doing shit. Theres no laws around about what footballers can’t do.

It’s business. It’s how it works.

They’re handsomely paid because the game is heavily marketed - and directly marketed toward kids.

They’re basically brand ambassadors and very public figures.

If you think any organisation anywhere is happy for its public faces to do whatever they want in terms of illegal or dodgy behaviour, then you’re clueless.

Your pay packet ain’t free. You’ve got work and responsibilities that come with it. Plenty of footballers don’t like it and they end up playing in the bush and doing whatever they like off field.

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Club president goes behind his own club’s back
From what I read he raised it with club officials present.

After a February 2021 meeting between Bartlett, Goodwin, AFL Commission chairman Richard Goyder, chief executive Gillon McLachlan, and Demons board member Mohan Jesudason, it was decided that action was needed, says Bartlett in his interview.

Bartlett says he pushed for hair testing of all senior club officials, among other initiatives to raise standards within the club.
Society isn’t doing s**t. Theres no laws around about what footballers can’t do.

It’s business. It’s how it works.

They’re handsomely paid because the game is heavily marketed - and directly marketed toward kids.

They’re basically brand ambassadors and very public figures.

If you think any organisation anywhere is happy for its public faces to do whatever they want in terms of illegal or dodgy behaviour, then you’re clueless.

Your pay packet ain’t free. You’ve got work and responsibilities that come with it. Plenty of footballers don’t like it and they end up playing in the bush and doing whatever they like off field.
That's fine ... we have a thread here about Hawthorn's racism and everyone loves to pile on to Clarko about whatever he's done wrong this week in it. Meanwhile the guy who ran the NT until about a year ago and contributed to writing this:

Got elected on a platform that went directly against the anti suicide recommendations he'd signed off on.

Now all the fuss is about Clarko and no one even knows he (Gunner) helped write this report then ignored it when winning power mattered.

That's the sort of hypocrisy Elmer and I were whinging about. You're just talking about marketing and I'm with Bill hicks on that subject - if you're in marketing do the world a favour and suck a tailpipe.

Obviously corporations want their sponsorship dollars to reflect some bullshit whitebread image of society but quite often the people involved in these corporations carry on the same way. There's masses of hypocrisy here. Goodwin got his side to perform in September and they broke a drought that would have seen people who support Melbourne live their whole lives in some cases and never see a flag. I have friends who waited their whole lives to see that and thought they might never see it. We don't need to know about what he does in his downtime as a result.

These sponsors are employing young men to advertise their shit and blowing smoke up their arses in the process, the same way they have all their lives, cos football is a religion in parts of this country and being good at it is a get out jail free card when you are young (ie not an adult yet, tho even after you've become an adult in many cases.) So really who gives a **** what sponsors expect when they haven't really thought thru what they are doing in the first place, ponying up all that cash.

Couldn't give a **** about Goodwin's drug use.

Unless he's getting his boys juiced up to improve their performance, cos that's cheating.
This was reported by Caroline Wilson in 2021 as per the article I posted earlier in the thread.
Luckily Goodwin didn't let his activities interfere with work commitments.
OK let's call it that.
Being cheeky but the point is the club was clearly aware of it and dealt with it at the time. Goodwin's performance improved as a result. They could have sacked him there and then if they thought it was a hanging offence.

Do you think a drug test would have lead to a better outcome?
Being cheeky but the point is the club was clearly aware of it and dealt with it at the time. Goodwin's performance improved as a result. They could have sacked him there and then if they thought it was a hanging offence.

Do you think a drug test would have lead to a better outcome?
Possibly. But for who?

The claims here boil down to the club having a mission, needing transparency, needing to set a good example, and they bottled it, shooting the messenger.

Posters here saying "all fine if it doesn't affect work". It affected work. "Oh no I meant as long as it went well after the times we know about where it affected work."

I suspect those articles are legalled to oblivion.

That's OK. Apart from a hospital visit for a heart condition and a s*icide attempt it all worked out fine.

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