Good Luck to Stinga

  • Thread starter G4E
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I wish Stephen Tingay all the best in 2001 at his new club at Sydney. He's had a wretched run of injuries and i sincerely hope that Stinga (the most hard luck player in the AFL, just beating Paul Lynch) can play at least 20 games, cause i was a big fan of his when he was at melbourne.
Oh yeah! I'll second that!

I'm hoping that he'll sizzle on the field for the swannies!

A classy player dogged by bad luck!

Onya Stinga!
Some players like Stinga and Paul Lynch can't take a break, but i hope and pray he sizzles with Sydney (not at Geelong's expense though) !

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What are the swans thinking?
Sydney Midfield: Kelly, Schwass, Cresswell, Maxfield(is he still there), Williams and now Tingay!!!

Maybe my dad can put himself in the draft- Sydney will pick him up!!!
Yes... well... who knows what's going on in the heads of the swans recruitment dept in recent years....

remember scott russell... brett allison... oh how their stars shon brightly for the swans! (NOT!!!)

tingay, though, is in a different class (I'm hoping like hell!!!). younger and has heaps of motivation to play (unlike the previously mentioned superannuants whom the swans picked up!)

go stinga!
Stephen Tingay deserves a lot of luck next season. Some of his injures he has suffered ... Stephen Tingay, fit and healthy is a real gun and the swans would benefit if he's fit, firing and healthy
chances that tingay will be fit next year?

I'd say next to none.

there's a reason why he's been put on minimum wages.

doesn't sound like a high degree of confidence being exercised by the club to me.

he's an over-rated player in any case.

pour a bottle of bleach over your head and immediately everyone's saying what a gun player you are (that bulldog's player tried it too--can't momentarily think of his name--too much festive spirit has killed that particular brain cell--and he failed. he was eventually shunted to a different club where, surprise, surprise, he failed... what's his name again...........??????? geez I hate that....)
Talking about James Cook there Not optimistic ?

On Tingay - The Swans have provided nice little retiremnt nest-eggs to a few ageing has beens over the years, Scott Russell and Brett Allison are two of our more recent stuff-ups. It seems we just can't help ourselves in this regard and I am as mystified as anybody else to try and explain what goes through the kinds ogf our recruiting department at times ...

With Tingay at least we have only offered him a minimum wage, so if he does not work out then at least we haven't thrown buckets of money at him.

I don't really know how fit he is. The club has set alot of targets and benchmarks for Tingay throughout the pre-season training, targets that Tingay apparently has passed with flying colours.

If Stinga can deliver us, say, 10 games for 10 goals and a bit of experience and guidance for the youngsters in the 2's - then it will be a good choice.

I wish the guy all the luck though - he has had a terrible run over the past few years and it would be a shame to see him out of the game ...

Same here! Demonland will not be the same without Stinga around and there is no doubt that most Dee fans will still have a special place in their hearts for Stinga! Hopefully the rest of his career will bring more luck then when he is finished he can return to Melbourne and keep his involvement with the Dees in some way in his life after football.

Speaking of ex Dees what is Prince up to now Scotty Chisolm that is?

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!
talking about bottle blonds....

spider everitt is another underperformer who how hits the peroxide bottle heavily

when will players learn?

obviously they didn't read all of the
blond/(e) jokes posted dumb and dumberin a previous thread
I wish him well but I am not confident. Melbourne would not have got rid of him if they thought he could play. He tried so many times to play this year and could not get up. I hope this changes in 2001. Imagine how much better Melbourne would have been with a fit Tingay.

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Good Luck to Stinga

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