Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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So, you have a cat who strongly prefers to drink from a running tap. You create a drinking reservoir from a soup ladle connected to the laundry tap and for about 3 years the cat is happy to drink from it, even if the tap isn't running. Then, suddenly the cat wants the water to be running and will only drink the overflow...

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So, you have a cat who strongly prefers to drink from a running tap. You create a drinking reservoir from a soup ladle connected to the laundry tap and for about 3 years the cat is happy to drink from it, even if the tap isn't running. Then, suddenly the cat wants the water to be running and will only drink the overflow...
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They're a strange thing aren't they. We got home after 1 the other night, I thought my cat'd sleep until 5:30 when I get up, but nope, 2:43 am he walked up the hallway giving it "You! Fat person sleeping! I want to go outside". W@nker of a cat.
Cats are excellent TikTok content

That’s about it
Not ours. He hardly ever does anything funny, and if he does, he won't repeat it when you get the camera outto video it. He just sits when he want's food because that's what he's been trained to do. So most of the time he just sits.

And meows.

Or bites me.
What've we got, 13 hours plus time on to see if 2, 3, 15, 17 and 18 changes, stays the same, gets distorted, pulled apart, refracted or even left the f#ck alone. How excitement!

How about blokes that shoot through roundabouts from the right hand lane, when it's a turning lane? Stop cheating. Cars need an ankle tap function, just to trip those w@nkers up. If you're gonna cheat, just do a loop around the roundabout .... at least your mate'll get some malteasers.
What've we got, 13 hours plus time on to see if 2, 3, 15, 17 and 18 changes, stays the same, gets distorted, pulled apart, refracted or even left the f#ck alone. How excitement!

How about blokes that shoot through roundabouts from the right hand lane, when it's a turning lane? Stop cheating. Cars need an ankle tap function, just to trip those w@nkers up. If you're gonna cheat, just do a loop around the roundabout .... at least your mate'll get some malteasers.
I reckon that there's probably only two of us on or adjacent to the peninsular that can bloody drive properly Rick. Well, I do sometimes drive over roundabouts and apparently, unlike myself, some people think indicating to turn left isn't optional (it is), while a blast of the horn to scare people into fudging the lights when I'm in a hurry can upet the missus so I'm not doing that so much when she's in the car these days.
For some subliminal reason, the number 48 keeps urging itself to significance. I even tried putting it in my lotto numbers - but nope, think I'm gonna hang onto it. And hang on. And on. And on.
I reckon that there's probably only two of us on or adjacent to the peninsular that can bloody drive properly Rick. Well, I do sometimes drive over roundabouts and apparently, unlike myself, some people think indicating to turn left isn't optional (it is), while a blast of the horn to scare people into fudging the lights when I'm in a hurry can upet the missus so I'm not doing that so much when she's in the car these days.
I can't think for a minute that I am Peter Perfect, but pickle my grandmother, there are some deadset nutjobs out there.
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Alright campaigners. I am grumpy. My socialist CFMEU union thinks its all good to stand down for duck shooting and post up Palestinian flags. **** off campaigners. Our union is only for work place relations and objecting to oppose any workplace law that significantly impacts us to have better wages for people under socialist agenda.

**** off with ya duck shooting (im an ol hunter) **** off with ya division of people on their race and religion. **** off.

**** right off. We need to be inclusive.

If anyone says “covid vaccines” we are divisive of dumb campaigners but include everyone. **** that shit.

My heritage of ustase and anti ira have impacted “socialism” .. just **** right off with your ancient shit. **** right off
Its piss ****in poor from the union.

The shoppy said on site “the union want to start their own political party” … I laughed at the campaigner. You need 5 million members to create a party that has any impact on society, if you google any CFMEU rep, that’ll be a phenomenal political party. What a bunch of ****wits.

Im staunch, I was a shoppy in my day. The CFMEU needs an overhaul. Its a ****in joke

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Its piss *in poor from the union.

The shoppy said on site “the union want to start their own political party” … I laughed at the campaigner. You need 5 million members to create a party that has any impact on society, if you google any CFMEU rep, that’ll be a phenomenal political party. What a bunch of *******s.

Im staunch, I was a shoppy in my day. The CFMEU needs an overhaul. Its a *in joke

Just make sure Partner-Duck isn't buying untraceable firearms off undercover detectives 👍
Just make sure Partner-Duck isn't buying untraceable firearms off undercover detectives 👍
Where would you advise is the best place to aquire them then?

A few years back I went to a certain inner east pub with a mate as he had some business to transact with a person of notoriety (now no longer with us). Although we weren't in any danger, my mate's aquaintenances noted that this or that bloke over there was carrying, that some other blokes were a detectives, such and such was suspected to be an informer, and that it would be smart not to stand between him and him.

I was happy to just eat my parma and chips and to keep my mouth shut.

There is no way those who we met up with weren't equipped themselves.
Just make sure Partner-Duck isn't buying untraceable firearms off undercover detectives 👍
Don’t you worry about the duck mate. The duck is absolutely 100% legit.

But got damn it makes me grumpy when people want to jump up n down for ****ing foreign warfare which has absolutely nothing to do with us and at the same time send our indigenous voice to where? **** me dead. Harden the **** up. What a shemozzle, a joke, a complete ****ing charade the right wing will rub their hands with. Pathetic
Go to get my ears lowered this morning. Place opens at 9, get there at 8:45 to be able to head the queue, in and out just after 9, bang the drum. Except it must be bingo day at the bowls club. 1 old Doris is already getting her hair washed, and 3 others are propped up on the couch, all like old Mother bloody Goose herself! Get your hair done during the week, when you've nowt to do but grumble over the state of Old Toms undies.
Funny thing, about 30 years ago when I first went to Malaysia we were specifically seeking out delicious Malaysian curries. After a couple of weeks we were staying in Penang and I was talking to the chef at one place, specifically about how much I liked his Malaysian curries. He was massively annoyed as he was Indian and he assured me that the food he cooked was Indian! And not only that, apart from the Chinese food we'd had in KL and Malacca, Ipoh and so forth, the remainder of what we'd eaten was Indian food and even Vietnamese (such as the Laksa we enjoyed)!!!!

So, a little bit more aware, we sought out Malaysian (Nyonya) style curries. Firstly, when we asked around many of the locals told us that this was home style cooking and not readily available in restaurants or cafes. Malay people can eat it at home so when they go out they want to eat something different!!!

Anyway, we did find some places that sold Nyonya food - and my first authentic curry was a Kurry Kapatan!

Now the places that served it told the story that it was too spicy for westerners - they said the authentic recipe was invented to irritate the colonial rulers by including a lot of spices (although I can't really find that story on the Internet these days). Anyway, it was delicious and in my opinion, not too hot for my taste buds.

We then found some very cheap places that did serve Nyonya style curries at lunch time, but these were mainly in markets or down laneways and they catered for working men. A few were very uncomfortable about allowing a woman in to eat as they said Muslim men may not want to eat with a western woman present. We were careful to respect those ways and my wife chose to wear long dresses and a scarf which made a huge difference.

Kurry Kapatan (or Curry Capitan) is delicious.
Funny thing, about 30 years ago when I first went to Malaysia we were specifically seeking out delicious Malaysian curries. After a couple of weeks we were staying in Penang and I was talking to the chef at one place, specifically about how much I liked his Malaysian curries. He was massively annoyed as he was Indian and he assured me that the food he cooked was Indian! And not only that, apart from the Chinese food we'd had in KL and Malacca, Ipoh and so forth, the remainder of what we'd eaten was Indian food and even Vietnamese (such as the Laksa we enjoyed)!!!!

So, a little bit more aware, we sought out Malaysian (Nyonya) style curries. Firstly, when we asked around many of the locals told us that this was home style cooking and not readily available in restaurants or cafes. Malay people can eat it at home so when they go out they want to eat something different!!!

Anyway, we did find some places that sold Nyonya food - and my first authentic curry was a Kurry Kapatan!

Now the places that served it told the story that it was too spicy for westerners - they said the authentic recipe was invented to irritate the colonial rulers by including a lot of spices (although I can't really find that story on the Internet these days). Anyway, it was delicious and in my opinion, not too hot for my taste buds.

We then found some very cheap places that did serve Nyonya style curries at lunch time, but these were mainly in markets or down laneways and they catered for working men. A few were very uncomfortable about allowing a woman in to eat as they said Muslim men may not want to eat with a western woman present. We were careful to respect those ways and my wife chose to wear long dresses and a scarf which made a huge difference.

Kurry Kapatan (or Curry Capitan) is delicious.
We were on an end of year Chrissie do in NW London circa 1995. We were all pretty well lathered and ended up heading into some Curry joint in Wembley. Me and my Kiwi mate decided somewhere along the line that we were gonna do a runner and knick a whole heap of useless to us stuff. You know, cutlery, ashtrays, idk -whatever. We loaded up our pockets and bolted as soon as the good restaurant folk were all out the back. We hadn't told our mates, so they all got a fright when we leapt up and bolted, chairs going everywhere - funny as f@ck. We snagged a mini cab right out the door, jumped in, pissing ourselves laughing - and off we went. Got away without paying, and with pockets of sh!t too. Anyway, we stroll into work on the Monday and our boss looks at us and gives it "what the f@ck were you 2 up to?. Buggered if we were paying, or a response quite similar, only to be told that we'd actually paid when we walked in the door!! W@nkers!! Funny as though.
grumpy shout out the the campaigner ahead of us in the cue this morning that ordered all the home made sausage roles from the Yarck cafe along with 4 trays of dim sims! when i said to the missus bugger this iam outa here he said oh did you want a sausage roll? kindly amended the order to all bar 2 sausage rolls!
grumpy shout out the the campaigner ahead of us in the cue this morning that ordered all the home made sausage roles from the Yarck cafe along with 4 trays of dim sims! when i said to the missus bugger this iam outa here he said oh did you want a sausage roll? kindly amended the order to all bar 2 sausage rolls!
Made yer day I'll bet.

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Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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