Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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glad i spoke up because they were good sausage rolls. diesel at glenburn under $2 a litre was prolly the highlight
My in-laws took a trip down to SpiderBurton22 country last week. They said petrol was cheaper in the country than in town. My wife did a diesel scramble the other day as well when she saw the prices on petrolspy had improved. Me, well.... pay through the nose for premium ULP so I just don't bother. If I see it cheaper than usual I fill up. Today was $2.10 I think. That's the way she goes I suppose.

My in-laws took a trip down to SpiderBurton22 country last week. They said petrol was cheaper in the country than in town. My wife did a diesel scramble the other day as well when she saw the prices on petrolspy had improved. Me, well.... pay through the nose for premium ULP so I just don't bother. If I see it cheaper than usual I fill up. Today was $2.10 I think. That's the way she goes I suppose.

Just did a half assed thunder run to Seaford and back - petrol is about 16c a litre cheaper up there

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At the safeway supermarket petrol station or the next one opposite Keast Park? I went past them tonight but I was probably sleep driving as I don't really recall checking the prices.
Nah, the servos in frankston/south, compared to the rosebud ones.
My in-laws took a trip down to SpiderBurton22 country last week. They said petrol was cheaper in the country than in town. My wife did a diesel scramble the other day as well when she saw the prices on petrolspy had improved. Me, well.... pay through the nose for premium ULP so I just don't bother. If I see it cheaper than usual I fill up. Today was $2.10 I think. That's the way she goes I suppose.

yeah we ventured down towards spider territory last week towing a tri axel trailer there and back to pick this baby up, copped melbourne evening peak so was slow going coming home.


So bought quite a bit of diesel the last week. , had to go the the massive metropolis of stoneyford. the bloke said the road continues on to downtown spideyville.
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Did the Coldplay Pre Sale today

Wat a crock

No seats available unless you picked the dynamic price seat of $645

Their experience packages are cheaper!

No thx
645 bucks to see Coldplay and you're not the one getting paid?

Darn, it's jolly annoying. These chairs. I complained about it before as the fake PU leather had begun to peel from the front edge. I rubbed the peeling crap away and although it looked a bit ratty it was kind of OK.

But in the past couple of weeks the top layer of the entire seat has worn so badly that the chair now belongs in the tip.

I've had it with crappy officeworks chairs (although they do sell more expensive ones that might be OK).

I've had it with PU Eames style chairs as they aren't cheap but if mine is an example, the quality is crap and the PU peels after a few years.

I'll find something decent soon I hope. I want to be comfortable when I sit down for a 6 to 8 hour daily session on big footy.
Darn, it's jolly annoying. These chairs. I complained about it before as the fake PU leather had begun to peel from the front edge. I rubbed the peeling crap away and although it looked a bit ratty it was kind of OK.

But in the past couple of weeks the top layer of the entire seat has worn so badly that the chair now belongs in the tip.

I've had it with crappy officeworks chairs (although they do sell more expensive ones that might be OK).

I've had it with PU Eames style chairs as they aren't cheap but if mine is an example, the quality is crap and the PU peels after a few years.

I'll find something decent soon I hope. I want to be comfortable when I sit down for a 6 to 8 hour daily session on big footy.
taxi driver beads for the win.

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I seriously didn't think of that.

Do you know where I can get some?

PS: Hit up market place. Found two that look good within a few kms and even better, they are priced well under the comparables closer to town.
Aaaannnndddd.... New chair is sorted.

I am so comfortable now I'm not likely to post in the grumpy thread for at least 2 days (maybe).
It is too late for Gasometer but I found this important news item for the rest of us...

He forgot to mention that they make you drink too much, and that they're Beached as bro!

Anyway, Morningside for life!!

wat did you end up with SonofSamsquanch

My newish Officeworks chair is causing lower back problems plus the same peeling/splitting dramas

NFI if this is any good but it popped up on one of my feeds this morning

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NFI if this is any good but it popped up on one of my feeds this morning

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure if I could have applied that kind of stuff. The entire top layer of PU has deteriorated. Six weeks ago the old chair looked perfect then one day a little wrinkle. Then a tiny peel. Then flakes come off all over.

I s'pose it got a lot of use doing WFH over the lockdown period so I shouldn't complain too much. It was nice to doze off on during the 24 hour zoom calls when shitzen hit the rotational shitflinger.
Update by Weber Kettle (11 years old) or keep and update to a new Smoker?

definitely update, wife got a masterbuilt smoker and it beats the pants of a weber kettle. the kettles are very inconsistant and was a constant source of frustration for me, the can forced charcoal column on the masterbuilt on the other hand controls temperature completely. whe wifi monitoring is a bit of a wank and they take about an hour to assemble however, few blokes i know have pellet ones as as well and speak highly of them,
The finished product. Base of new chair was OK but it wasn't easy to adjust the hight precisely so that it was at a comfortable height but the arms would fit under my desk when the chair wasn't being used. The old one was perfect in this respect.

Solution: bolt the old base onto the seat of the new chair. Genius!

The mechanism was more genuine as well so the new frankechair is a bit more authentic.
But, there is always room for grumpiness. I should have bought a matching Ergo chair like my son's, which was under half price on black friday a few years back. I guess I didn't need it then but long term it was a better buy than my mastermind Eames chair.
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Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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