Herald Sun Football Survey - Q22: Vote 1 Dwayne Russell

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Sep 5, 2005
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Dear Big Footy Community,

If you want to make a decision in your life that is crazy good then, when you come to question 22, VOTE 1 - DWAYNE RUSSELL.

Please for the sake of the our mental health, erradicating this man from football commentary once and for all when the results are published can only be a blessing for Fox Sports viewers. If it is successful then we'll bring out the 100s and 1000s and it's party time.

So please Vote 1 Dwayne Russell to give us life and that will be as good as it gets!

So ask yourself - Is voting for Russell as most annoying commentator the best decision to make.... YOU BET IT IS!
I'm not a computer genius so I ask this...

I got stuck on Q10....I put the answers in order by dragging them across to the right, and put "Other" on the bottom and dragged that across...but it won't let me go any further....it keeps telling me to finish Q10:eek:

Please, what am I supposed to do?

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This is just a collection of some of Dwayne's finest..... Hence why you should vote for him.

"It's enough to make a grown man cry"

"from little things big things grow"

"That's one of the goals of the year! "

"Is that 50?"


"Half held. Half tackled. Got half a kick".

"Does it get any better than that?"


"It's party time!"

"That's golden Brown!" - Everything J Brown does something special

'that could be the fire-starter'

"in your dreams!!"

"Shorts it"

"Gives it some sky!'

"Gets plenty of shoe on it"

"They've been hanging off Goodes all day and he's been wearing them like a gold chain!"

"From the paint!"

"That could be the heart starter".

"To breath some life into this".

"Bring out the hundreds and thousands it's party time"


"Is there a pot of gold at the end of it? You bet there is!".

"Plays for the free"

"A little bit of mud and cucumbers" when talking about Murphy having his face massaged by Redden.

"It used to be the early bird catches the worm.... now it's the second mouse gets the cheese!"

"This will bring the house down!!"

"Only in your wildest dreams !!!'

"You'd better believe it!!"

"It's like shelling peas!"
As a West Coast fan we play a lot of Sunday late games which Foxtel telecast. Unfortunately for us this usually means we have to put up with that idiotic w***er Dwayne Russell. I live in Perth and have read the Herald maybe 3 times in my life but I am definitely undertaking this survey just to answer this one question Dwayne mother****ing Russell.
Dear Big Footy Community,

If you want to make a decision in your life that is crazy good then, when you come to question 22, VOTE 1 - DWAYNE RUSSELL.

Please for the sake of the our mental health, erradicating this man from football commentary once and for all when the results are published can only be a blessing for Fox Sports viewers. If it is successful then we'll bring out the 100s and 1000s and it's party time.

So please Vote 1 Dwayne Russell to give us life and that will be as good as it gets!

So ask yourself - Is voting for Russell as most annoying commentator the best decision to make.... YOU BET IT IS!

Way ahead of you Mr.Comments, filled it out yesterday and I've never filled out one question faster in my life.

It's our solemn and sacred duty to see that this clown is not employed to speak with microphones nearby. For the common good.

As a West Coast fan we play a lot of Sunday late games which Foxtel telecast. Unfortunately for us this usually means we have to put up with that idiotic w***er Dwayne Russell. I live in Perth and have read the Herald maybe 3 times in my life but I am definitely undertaking this survey just to answer this one question Dwayne mother****ing Russell.

Don't worry, I was looking forward to watching our game this week against Adelaide. Until I realised it's more than likely to be on Foxtel which means that moron in question is going to be assaulting our eardrums for 3 hours.

How many times do you think he'll mention that Dangerfield played for the Falcons? I'll be conservative and so only 4,000 times.

Fecking idiot.

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leave brian taylor out of this, i actually really enjoy his commentary. has me laughing not because he is funny but because it is so gregarious and over the top.

while russell is not great it is not horrendous, i tend not to notice to commentary if im engrossed in a game
leave brian taylor out of this, i actually really enjoy his commentary. has me laughing not because he is funny but because it is so gregarious and over the top.

while russell is not great it is not horrendous, i tend not to notice to commentary if im engrossed in a game

Fair enough, I think you'll be in the minority unfortunately. Russell certainly is not great, and he is horrendous. Might you these days he's got plenty of company.
Can anyone give the link? I despise dwayne russell but I keep just coming up with pages about the 2010 survey?

The good news is I just saw an article that kelly underwood was voted most annoying for 2010 and she got the boot right? So there is hope for a world without dwayne, if we all band together
Dwayne's the one breaking out the hundreds and thousands after only finishing fourth. He had 6.4% of the votes, a long way behind Walls (21.2%) and Bruce (18.3%).

Is that a HORRENDOUS display of voting from the general public? You bet it is!

Hopefully from little things big things grow and Dwayne takes out the award next year.
You just know that somewhere there's a guy opening the paper and going "Dwayne? Fourth? You're kidding, he's the best". Sad state of affairs.
here he is here

This is just a collection of some of Dwayne's finest..... Hence why you should vote for him.

"It's enough to make a grown man cry"

"from little things big things grow"

"That's one of the goals of the year! "

"Is that 50?"


"Half held. Half tackled. Got half a kick".

"Does it get any better than that?"


"It's party time!"

"That's golden Brown!" - Everything J Brown does something special

'that could be the fire-starter'

"in your dreams!!"

"Shorts it"

"Gives it some sky!'

"Gets plenty of shoe on it"

"They've been hanging off Goodes all day and he's been wearing them like a gold chain!"

"From the paint!"

"That could be the heart starter".

"To breath some life into this".

"Bring out the hundreds and thousands it's party time"


"Is there a pot of gold at the end of it? You bet there is!".

"Plays for the free"

"A little bit of mud and cucumbers" when talking about Murphy having his face massaged by Redden.

"It used to be the early bird catches the worm.... now it's the second mouse gets the cheese!"

"This will bring the house down!!"

"Only in your wildest dreams !!!'

"You'd better believe it!!"

"It's like shelling peas!"

haha this thread is hilarious. got some more for you:

"Cyril Rioli we love you!!"



"oh motlop ure a freak"

"glory lasts forever"

"ohhh sparklliing!"

"oh ure a gem!"

"ohhh act ure age"


"should they change the rules according to the weather?"

"ohhh thats crazzyyy goood!"

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