Rules Holding the ball. Eliminate prior opportunity. Penalty. Clear congestion.

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Team Captain
Mar 18, 2022
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Simple. If you get caught holding the ball, regardless if you had opportunity to dispose of it or not, penalty. You watch how quick players tap the ball on or drop it. No more passages of play where the ball cant be cleared because players just pretend to fall on the ball and cant dispose of it. No more pretending to try and punch the ball they are holding.

If your team mate passes you a stupid ball and you get tackled with it, bad luck.

If you are on the ground and pull the ball in... youre toast. Penalty.

You watch how quick that would end congestion.

How about enforcing tackle rules on HTB situations so if someone has prior opportunity and you tackle them high or jump in their back then you get penalised for the illegal tackle instead of getting a free cos the other player had prior opportunity.

That's how it used to be.

Prior opportunity shouldn't be an opportunity to just do whatever the **** you want when you tackle the player with the ball. There should be some standards... (Obviously the Cameron free against Young last night stands out but every week in every bloody game this happens.)
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How about enforcing tackle rules on HTB situations so if someone has prior opportunity and you tackle them high or jump in their back then you get penalised for the illegal tackle instead of getting a free cos the other player had prior opportunity.

That's how it used to be.

Prior opportunity shouldn't be an opportunity to just do whatever the * you want when you tackle the player with the ball. There should be some standards... (Obviously the Cameron free against Young last night stands out but every week in every bloody game this happens.)
Take out all the grey areas. You get caught with it, weather you had an opportunity to get rid of it or not, PEANALTY. You watch how suddenly players let go of, or pass the ball instantly, instead of going to ground with it..

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Take out all the grey areas. You get caught with it, weather you had an opportunity to get rid of it or not, PEANALTY. You watch how suddenly players let go of, or pass the ball instantly, instead of going to ground with it..
I get where you are coming from but the trouble now is players drop the ball all the time and it gets called HTM not HTB/DTB/ID. They have control and don't dispose of the ball properly but get the benefit of the doubt and a free. So that would need to change. The bolded bit doesn't work in those situations.

Altho it might if they started paying those illegal tackle frees to the player with the ball instead of the player without it and those illegal disposal frees to the guys who just drop the ball when an oppo player touches them.

If you get caught with the ball and get tackled illegally it should be your free kick.

Its not good enough to just jump on the opposition bloke's head when other players are getting frees for high contact from the slightest incidental contact in contests. Especially when there are players who tackle properly - ie legally, grabbing an arm to prevent disposal, not going too high or too low etc etc. Those players need to be rewarded for their skills against players who don't have the skills and just jump on other players heads when they get the ball.

We've always hated the umps but the game is now such a shitshow its hard to blame them when they are obviously told to interpret things a particular way by their bosses.
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I get where you are coming from but the trouble now is players drop the ball all the time and it gets called HTM not HTB/DTB/ID. They have control and don't dispose of the ball properly but get the benefit of the doubt and a free. So that would need to change. The bolded bit doesn't work in those situations.

Altho it might if they started paying those illegal tackle frees to the player with the ball instead of the player without it and those illegal disposal frees to the guys who just drop the ball when an oppo player touches them.

If you get caught with the ball and get tackled illegally it should be your free kick.

Its not good enough to just jump on the opposition bloke's head when other players are getting frees for high contact from the slightest incidental contact in contests. Especially when there are players who tackle properly - ie legally, grabbing an arm to prevent disposal, not going too high or too low etc etc. Those players need to be rewarded for their skills against players who don't have the skills and just jump on other players heads when they get the ball.

We've always hated the umps but the game is now such a shitshow its hard to blame them when they are obviously told to interpret things a particular way by their bosses.

Part of the attraction of AFL is the chaos. Id hate to see more structure imposed on it. Also part of the allure is the constant booing and cheering. The crowd is so much more involved than any other sport i can think of. The umpires actually add to that, which i dont see as a bad thing. They get cheers as well as boos. Though the cheers are usually sarcastic.. But if we could help umpires in officiating less, as well as preventing so many stoppages, id dont think it would detract from the chaos or spectacle. My 2c.
Don't like it. Would prefer they were stricter on incorrect disposal. Like tackled with no prior and the ball is knocked out, penalise that.
I like that, if you choose to take possession then wear the responsibility, if the tackler can cause a fumble then they were stronger and deserve the reward
A truly original idea would be to enforce the rules as they are now.

Prior exists but the player has to make a genuine attempt to dispose properly. If they drop the ball or throw it then pay the free.

Its literally that easy.

And they need to enforce the rule where players cant create the high contact when being tackled. Its rampant and needs to stop.

Dylan Moore is one who needs to change.
A truly original idea would be to enforce the rules as they are now.

Prior exists but the player has to make a genuine attempt to dispose properly. If they drop the ball or throw it then pay the free.

Its literally that easy.

And they need to enforce the rule where players cant create the high contact when being tackled. Its rampant and needs to stop.

Dylan Moore is one who needs to change.
So many of the AFL's issues come from changing rules to deal with situations that wouldn't occur if the rules were enforced as they are "now" (or at least when the issue came up.)
So many of the AFL's issues come from changing rules to deal with situations that wouldn't occur if the rules were enforced as they are "now" (or at least when the issue came up.)

Would there be less officiating if players who ended up with the ball were penalised? I think youd be surprised how quick these athletes would tap the ball on to advantage, keeping the ball in play. Its not an incorrect disposal if you dont posses it..
Would there be less officiating if players who ended up with the ball were penalised? I think youd be surprised how quick these athletes would tap the ball on to advantage, keeping the ball in play. Its not an incorrect disposal if you dont posses it..
That's fine. The best sides do this anyway, move it forward at every opportunity until they can control the ball to their advantage. It generates momentum. So long as they aren't throwing it forward.

I think it would make the game better if players were more prepared to keep the ball moving toward their goal than to take possession at every opportunity.

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Not sure it works with holding the ball. Players will wait for the opposition to pick it up so they can tackle and get a free.
I would like to see prior opportunity removed for dropping the ball/incorrect disposal.
None of this 'made a genuine attempt' rubbish, or 'knocked out in the tackle'. As long as it's clean possession, I don't care how much time you've had it for, it gets knocked out in the tackle or you try to kick it and miss while being tackled, that's dropping the ball or incorrect disposal. The tackler has forced an error.
A truly original idea would be to enforce the rules as they are now.

Prior exists but the player has to make a genuine attempt to dispose properly. If they drop the ball or throw it then pay the free.

Its literally that easy.

And they need to enforce the rule where players cant create the high contact when being tackled. Its rampant and needs to stop.

Dylan Moore is one who needs to change.
how do you differentiate dropping or throwing the ball to knocked out in the tackle?
how do you differentiate dropping or throwing the ball to knocked out in the tackle?

If the hands are free and holding the ball and then it is thrown, call it. Or if an arm is pinned and the ball is "handballed", call it... 2 things which happen all the time.

And if unsure then its a ball up.

At the moment the umpires are told to ignore everything as long as the ball keeps moving.
regardless if you had opportunity to dispose of it or not, penalty

Umpires only need to apply the rules as they are written for incorrect disposal/holding the ball.

That means a player who has received the ball, opted to move from their position, taken more that 2 steps in any direction, when tackled, fails to dispose of the ball by either handball or kick, should be penalised for HTB.


  • a player can be tackled, drop the ball - play on
  • a player can pirouette, flail about like a floundering fish, throw the ball in the air getting a lucky foot to the ball and be called play on

This isnt a rule issue, its an application issue. You can still have the rule you suggested but I guarantee you it wont be consistently applied - see dissent rule, protected zone rule etc etc.
I was sitting at the pub about a fortnight ago whilst waiting for my partner to finish work, a random fella I was having a beer with was from the UK. He asked me why do the bounce the ball? I literally had no answer, why do we bounce it?

If we don't have to bounce it and we can just tuck the ball under our arm and run as far as we want to, I can't see how that won't not help.
You can’t eliminate prior opportunity because no-one would want to take possession of the ball. The game would turn into a series of taps out in front and kicks off the ground. Terrible to watch.

All they need to do is actually penalise players who have had prior opportunity, and then are r3tard3d by the tackle. Not allow them to double dip, by giving them prior opportunity and then saying “ok you’ve been tackled, so now you get a reasonable amount of time to legally dispose of it”. That should have happened prior.
I was sitting at the pub about a fortnight ago whilst waiting for my partner to finish work, a random fella I was having a beer with was from the UK. He asked me why do the bounce the ball? I literally had no answer, why do we bounce it?

If we don't have to bounce it and we can just tuck the ball under our arm and run as far as we want to, I can't see how that won't not help.
Because once upon a time it was a lot easier to run around players and ball hog, the rule was designed to prevent that.

Also why the holding the ball rule was immensely easier to umpire
Umpires only need to apply the rules as they are written for incorrect disposal/holding the ball.

That means a player who has received the ball, opted to move from their position, taken more that 2 steps in any direction, when tackled, fails to dispose of the ball by either handball or kick, should be penalised for HTB.


  • a player can be tackled, drop the ball - play on
  • a player can pirouette, flail about like a floundering fish, throw the ball in the air getting a lucky foot to the ball and be called play on

This isnt a rule issue, its an application issue. You can still have the rule you suggested but I guarantee you it wont be consistently applied - see dissent rule, protected zone rule etc etc.
The rule allows for incorrect disposal if a genuine attempt is made, hence letting go what seems like a lot of drops which are in fact legal. If we suddenly said lets pin every time the ball is not handballed or kicked then we have no grassroots game. I'm sorry, but I'd be paying free kicks every 30 seconds in every local seniors game, and every 15 seconds in an under 15s game. Would totally destroy the free flow of the game. Not going to happen.
The prior opportunity rule isn't "prior opportunity to dispose of the ball cleanly to your teammate who is in the best position". Umps give them way too much time, ie they call "no prior" and ball it up way too often. The amount of time a player needs to dispose of the ball when they want to rather than trying to absorb or break the tackle and find the best option is miniscule. There should still be prior opportunity but it should be very much shorter than they are currently being allowed before they are deemed to have had prior.
I hate seeing players taking possession in a dangerous part of the ground knowing they will be tackled without prior and cause a stoppage.
Not really that different to a deliberate OOB. It would be impossible to umpire and I'd hate to the see AFL try.

Rules Holding the ball. Eliminate prior opportunity. Penalty. Clear congestion.

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