Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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I'm simply calling out that people are running with this decapitation stuff, before it has been verified by any type of trusted journalistic source.
Are you for real?

Here are some quotes from you from October…

They jump a fence and murder hundreds including beheading children

2) Im not calling them things like animals but if they are going to go and attend a rally, after a terrorist organisation has just beheaded children, all they are doing is connecting Palestinians to Hamas in a negative way. And what follows is on them, especially if they are chanting shit like "gas the jews".

you are sick mate. What else do you call someone who jumps a fence and cuts the heads of children?

That doesn't excuse a terrorist organisation for beheading 2 year olds.

WTF did they think would happen following this attack? Did you expect Israel to just go "yeah, let's talk about it, you beheaded 2 year olds but its all good, lets chat"

shooting down a civilian aircraft would be easy for them, considering they beheaded ****in 2 year olds.

**** the UN and the Pope.

Both are useless.

People who cut heads off babies and children do not deserve to be allowed to hide

that is complete and utter bullshit. A decent person would allow time for grieving before you ****in go out and act like you are celebrating children being decapitated, which is exactly what these rally's were about.

Now the shoe’s on the other foot, and you’re yelling from the hilltops “produce the evidence!!!!!!!”

And you expect people to take you seriously?
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the thing is the palstinians do not have and have never had the weaponry, technology, infrastructure, or support to “destroy” israel . it’s fiction. the only people ever to have been in danger of being “destroyed’ has been palestine.

you're either ideologically blind, a zionist propagandist, or obtuse.

I’m talking about let’s not be guilty of cheering Palestinians to their death. I thought that was obvious but I should have been clearer.
Palestine needs are complete turn around on their attitude to Israel to survive.

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I'm simply calling out that people are running with this decapitation stuff, before it has been verified by any type of trusted journalistic source. Which was exactly what people didn't want in this very thread 7 months ago when Hamas were alleged to have done it in the Kibbutz.

Why does it need to be verified for Hamas when they are accused, but not for Israel when they are accused? Maybe Israel did do it? But doesn't mean it shouldn't be verified first. Seems to me a fair question. But then again maybe I'm just way out of line.
It's not really out of the realms of possibility that carpet bombing areas where a large number of people are taking shelter and that results in a large number of people being maimed/killed would result in some babies being decapitated, is it? That was my interpretation as opposed to the previous allegations which were that babies heads were being hacked off by Hamas terrorists.
Actual beheaded and burnt Palestinian children. The scenes from Rafah are horrifying. They BOMBED refugee tents, burned them to death and blown them to pieces! After the ICJ ordered them to cease military operations.

ANYONE that supports Zionists or even does the both sides thing WITHOUT exception is ****ed up. It sickens me that I'm travelling and going to work and likely encountering and speaking to Zionist shits everyday without knowing. The hypocrisy of western leaders is astounding.
I'm simply calling out that people are running with this decapitation stuff, before it has been verified by any type of trusted journalistic source. Which was exactly what people didn't want in this very thread 7 months ago when Hamas were alleged to have done it in the Kibbutz.

Why does it need to be verified for Hamas when they are accused, but not for Israel when they are accused? Maybe Israel did do it? But doesn't mean it shouldn't be verified first. Seems to me a fair question. But then again maybe I'm just way out of line.
A trusted journalistic source? What independent journalists are allowed in Gaza? They don't allow them to report what's happening for a reason. We've had people like Bisan, Plestia and Moataz who reported and showed us what was happening because the Israeli government don't allow press into Gaza to report what's happening. The people of Gaza are showing us themselves.

Surely you can't be this out of touch. Do you have eyes? You think Palestinians in Rafah are going to stage a DECAPITATED child in the middle of being carpet bombed? What's to gain from it? You can see it with your own eyes.

The whole street is filled with burnt children blown to pieces. They carpet bombed refugee tents. And you want to talk about verifying what we've all seen. Then you wonder why you're called an apologist for basically implying that it could be propaganda and equating it to actual Israeli lies of decapitated babies.
There is nothing the Israeli government accused Hamas of that they didn't do themselves and thousands of times worse. Rape?
Here are IDF soldiers admitting to raping Palestinian women and rape culture in the IDF.

Beheaded babies? There's evidence of this. Where is the condemnation from the US, UK, Canada, Australia? At least Norway, Ireland, Spain and now France are publicly standing against them though I say it came very late.

But some people claim we just need to wait for white journalists to verify what we see and hear ourselves.
I generally avoid graphic stuff on the internet, but have seen a couple of vids and images of the things people here have mentioned on twitter. Stomach turning stuff.

IDF are acting like they don't have to face any consequences and sadly they will probably be right. They have free rein and they know it save for a sternly worded call from a half-dead Biden and ilk.
There is nothing the Israeli government accused Hamas of that they didn't do themselves and thousands of times worse. Rape?
Here are IDF soldiers admitting to raping Palestinian women and rape culture in the IDF.

Beheaded babies? There's evidence of this. Where is the condemnation from the US, UK, Canada, Australia? At least Norway, Ireland, Spain and now France are publicly standing against them though I say it came very late.

But some people claim we just need to wait for white journalists to verify what we see and hear ourselves.

Good grief that's disgusting. And these people had the hide to claim only Hamas rape?
Good grief that's disgusting. And these people had the hide to claim only Hamas rape?
And notice the dates. It was way before Oct 7 for all those that claim everything started on Oct 7. They just want Palestinians to be subjected to this type of brutality with no repercussions or consequences.

Oct 7 didn't happen in vacuum plain and simple.
The entire political leadership of the exclusionary Zionist Cancer needs to be liquidated. And yes, the same goes for Hamas. There can be NO FUTURE for the region while those who will not respect universal human rights nor share in the land hold political power over their respective communities.

There cannot be any compromise. Eradicate all ethno-religious supremacists.

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And notice the dates. It was way before Oct 7 for all those that claim everything started on Oct 7. They just want Palestinians to be subjected to this type of brutality with no repercussions or consequences.

Oct 7 didn't happen in vacuum plain and simple.

Here is the lead up to it all . Conflicts involving Israel . All in someone’s life time.

1948 Arab–Israeli War (November 1947 – July 1949) – Started as 6 months of civil war between Jewish and Arab militias when the mandate period in Palestine was ending and turned into a regular war after the establishment of Israel and the intervention of several Arab armies. In its conclusion, a set of agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, called the 1949 Armistice Agreements, which established the armistice lines between Israel and its neighbours, also known as the Green Line.

Palestinian Fedayeen insurgency (1950s–1960s) – Palestinian attacks and reprisal operations carried out by the Israel Defense Forces during the 1950s and 1960s. These actions were in response to constant fedayeen incursions during which Arab guerrillas infiltrated from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan into Israel to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers. The policy of the reprisal operations was exceptional due to Israel's declared aim of getting a high 'blood cost' among the enemy side which was believed to be necessary in order to deter them from committing future attacks.

Suez Crisis (October 1956) – A military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel, beginning on 29 October 1956, with the intention to occupy the Sinai Peninsula and to take over the Suez Canal. The attack followed Egypt's decision of 26 July 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the United States to fund the building of the Aswan Dam. Although the Israeli invasion of the Sinai was successful, the United States and USSR forced it to retreat. Even so, Israel managed to re-open the Straits of Tiran and pacified its southern border.

Six-Day War (June 1967) – Fought between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria, and others also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. Following the war, the territory held by Israel expanded significantly ("The Purple Line") : The West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from Jordan, Golan Heights from Syria, Sinai and Gaza from Egypt.

War of Attrition (1967–1970) – A limited war fought between the Israeli military and forces of the Egyptian Republic, the USSR, Jordan, Syria, and the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1967 to 1970. It was initiated by the Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis, who had been in control of the territory since the mid-1967 Six-Day War. The hostilities ended with a ceasefire signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began.

Yom Kippur War (October 1973) – Fought from 6 to 26 October 1973 by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel as a way of recapturing part of the territories which they lost to the Israelis back in the Six-Day War. The war began with a surprise joint attack by Egypt and Syria on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Egypt and Syria crossed the cease-fire lines in the Sinai and Golan Heights, respectively. Eventually Arab forces were defeated by Israel and there were no significant territorial changes.

Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon (1971–1982) – The PLO relocated to South Lebanon from Jordan, staged attacks on the Galilee, and used South Lebanon as a base for international operations. In 1978, Israel launches Operation Litani – the first Israeli large-scale invasion of Lebanon, which was carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in order to expel PLO forces from the territory. Continuing ground and rocket attacks, and Israeli retaliations, eventually escalate into the 1982 War.

1982 Lebanon War (1982) – Began on 6 June 1982, when the Israel Defense Forces invaded southern Lebanon to expel the PLO from the territory. The Government of Israel ordered the invasion as a response to the assassination attempt against Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov, by the Abu Nidal Organization and due to the constant terror attacks on northern Israel made by the Palestinian guerrilla organizations which resided in Lebanon. The war resulted in the expulsion of the PLO from Lebanon and created an Israeli Security Zone in southern Lebanon.

South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000) – Nearly 15 years of warfare between the Israel Defense Forces and its Lebanese Christian proxy militias against Lebanese Muslim guerrilla, led by Iranian-backed Hezbollah, within what was defined by Israelis as the "Security Zone" in South Lebanon.

First Intifada (1987–1993) – First large-scale Palestinian uprising against Israel in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Second Intifada (2000–2005) – Second Palestinian uprising, a period of intensified violence, which began in late September 2000.

2006 Lebanon War (summer 2006) – Began as a military operation in response to the abduction of two Israeli reserve soldiers by the Hezbollah. The operation gradually strengthened, to become a wider confrontation. The principal participants were Hezbollah paramilitary forces and the Israeli military. The conflict started on 12 July 2006 and continued until a United Nations-brokered ceasefire went into effect on 14 August 2006, though it formally ended on 8 September 2006, when Israel lifted its naval blockade of Lebanon. The war resulted in a stalemate.

Gaza War or Operation Cast Lead (December 2008 – January 2009) – Three-week armed conflict between Israel and Hamas during the winter of 2008–2009. In an escalation of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Israel responded to ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip with military force in an action titled "Operation Cast Lead". Israel opened the attack with a surprise air strike on 27 December 2008. Israel's stated aim was to stop such rocket fire from and the import of arms into Gaza. Israeli forces attacked military and civilian targets, police stations, and government buildings in the opening assault. Israel declared an end to the conflict on 18 January and completed its withdrawal on 21 January 2009.

2012 Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip or Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012) – Military offensive on the Gaza Strip.[1]

2014 Gaza War or Operation Protective Edge (July–August 2014) – Military offensive on the Gaza Strip as a response to the collapse of American-sponsored peace talks, attempts by rival Palestinian factions to form a coalition government, the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, the subsequent kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teenager, and increased rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas militants.[2]

Syrian Civil War and the Iran–Israel conflict during the Syrian civil war.

2021 Israel–Palestine crisis or Operation Guardian of the Walls (May 2021) – Riots between Jews and Arabs in Israeli cities. Hamas fired rockets into Israel, with Iron Dome intercepting the most dangerous projectiles. Israel began airstrikes in Gaza.

Israel–Hamas war (October 2023- ). Operation Swords of Iron
A trusted journalistic source? What independent journalists are allowed in Gaza? They don't allow them to report what's happening for a reason. We've had people like Bisan, Plestia and Moataz who reported and showed us what was happening because the Israeli government don't allow press into Gaza to report what's happening. The people of Gaza are showing us themselves.

Surely you can't be this out of touch. Do you have eyes? You think Palestinians in Rafah are going to stage a DECAPITATED child in the middle of being carpet bombed? What's to gain from it? You can see it with your own eyes.

The whole street is filled with burnt children blown to pieces. They carpet bombed refugee tents. And you want to talk about verifying what we've all seen. Then you wonder why you're called an apologist for basically implying that it could be propaganda and equating it to actual Israeli lies of decapitated babies.

Misusing the term apologist for saying both sources if information for both sides is your problem. Information of the same graphic nature that came out last year that turned out to be false which i myself was fooled by. It's entirely OK to want the same type of info verified. I didn't say IDF didn't do what is claimed, simply saying id wait for confirmation.

In any case Palestinians in Rafah? no.

At terrorist organisation like Hamas in Rafah? yes. Considering what they have done previously, i wouldn't put it passed them.
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Are you for real?

Here are some quotes from you from October…

Now the shoe’s on the other foot, and you’re yelling from the hilltops “produce the evidence!!!!!!!”

And you expect people to take you seriously?

Thats exactly right? i jumped the gun in October based on it based on unverified media reports, like many others which then floundered and were not verified.

Exactly the same with when everyone assumed reports were correct when Israel allegedly bombed a hospital which was then debunked when it was analysez properly and turned out to be likely Hamas rocket failure.

Hence my point of now waiting for verification.

One thing i have learned from October is trust no one's view on anything.
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Thats exactly right? i jumped the gun in October based on it based on unverified media reports, like many others which then floundered and were not verified.

Exactly the same with when everyone assumed reports were correct when Israel allegedly bombed a hospital which was then debunked when it was analysez properly and turned out to be likely Hamas rocket failure.

Hence my point of now waiting for verification.

One thing i have learned from October is trust no one's view on anything.
How many of the 30k+ civilians (including 10k+ children) murdered by Israel do you think have been staged? Do you think it is unbelievable that any of them had their heads removed from their bodies? Is that better or worse than having their bodies blown to smithereens?
How many of the 30k+ civilians (including 10k+ children) murdered by Israel do you think have been staged? Do you think it is unbelievable that any of them had their heads removed from their bodies? Is that better or worse than having their bodies blown to smithereens?

Pretty long bow to draw to suggest me wanting to wait for the verification of babies being decapitated is somehow also me saying the entire war is somehow staged.....

I have never said nor implied that any of it was wholistically staged. I was only referring to the specific calls of decapitation of babies in recent days. Thats it.

I have not defended the IDF killing thousands of people in fact i have even said I'd be quite happy for the IDF and Israels government to be investigated for war crimes under the relevant laws and then prosecuted where they have been found guilty
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Pretty long bow to draw to suggest me wanting to wait for the verification of babies being decapitated is somehow also me saying the entire war is somehow staged.....

I have never said nor implied that any of it was wholistically staged. I was only referring to the specific calls of decapitation of babies in recent days. Thats it.

I have not defended the IDF killing thousands of people in fact i have even said I'd be quite happy for the IDF and Israels government to be investigated for war crimes under the relevant laws and then prosecuted where they have been found guilty
Were the recent allegations of babies being decapitated that their heads were cut off by soldiers or that their heads were blown off by bombs dropped on them? I had assumed it was by bombs being dropped but maybe I was incorrect. If it was soldiers cutting their heads off I agree, I would await further confirmation. If it was due to bombs blowing their heads off I think it is safe to say that would be extremely likely.
The war criminals have struck again. I wonder what the modern day Nazi sympathisers on this thread will do to justify it this time?
Also, I think we're at the point where having an Israeli flag in your avatar is no better than a swastika.

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