News Luke Beveridge meltdown in post game press conference, launches an extraordinary tirade at Tom Morris, apologises

Should Luke Beveridge be suspended?

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"Hey, just letting you know someone at the club is giving me inside info"...

Should the police call criminals to let them know they have a snitch now before arresting them because arresting them first is 'unethical'?

Don't false equivalence this. Police and journalists have two very different codes of ethics.
I can see the reasons why he did but he went about it so wrong.

Might have been better done in the rooms , in front of the Sheedy did.

’This man is no friend of the Essendon FC’. - Powerful statement.

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It is not, it is the Bulldogs problem. But how is it Beveridge’s problem if Morris or others are upset because Beveridge publicly and fairly criticised Morris’s professional ethics?
Dude you need to wake up and smell the Coffee if you think Beveridge acted fairly...fairly idiotic is more like it..he embarrassed himself and his club.
No statement of fact. Beavo effectly terminated the press conference because Morris did not leave. It was power play to effetcivelty shut Morris out form doing his legimate job.

He tried to bully Morris out of being abl to perform his job.
Let's be honest even if the press conference continued we would get the usual football cliches.

With everyone media trained that's all that gets answered these days
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Can we stop frivolously throwing around comments like “He’s not ok”? It’s not the first time in this thread you’ve attempted to suggest Bevo has some sort of mental issue. It’s piss poor posting.
Is it poor form to suggest it?
Sorry I dont agree with this. This is where have gone wrong in the past. Hushed tones, taboos, silence, and marking people.

The more we accept that mental health issues are very common and transitory in nature. Totally normal part of life. The more normalised it is and the better it becomes for everyone.

You are the one projecting that this is negative - not me. I am saying its certainly a possibility and its NOT a negative and NOT a character slur.

If you want to continue the old fashioned myth that a transitory mental health issue is some kind of character flaw or weakness then that's your business.
There's no denying there must be a rat inside the club sending this stuff out, Bevo calling it out might put a quick stop to that or maybe not.

Disagree with your first point though, immediate communication to a player is not always possible and the club had the right to let him know first, in reasonable time, rather than have it plastered all over the news first - which I believe was behind Bevo's point about health and wellbeing of players.
I disagree. Players only finding out they're not in the team after match-selection shouldn't really be happening, as coaches should be honest about a player's chances of getting a game and being dropped before the team is selected. Players who are very much on the fringe would know that it's likely they won't get named, so I'm really not sure why Beveridge made such an issue of it.

Playing the mental health card over a player who's unsure of his place in the 22 was pretty pathetic. If Hunter that mentally fragile, then he should take an indefinite break to address his issues.

Like it or not, players who pursue a public career in AFL should have enough mental fortitude to deal with not being named in the side and if an announcement such as this is blind-siding them, then they clearly lack awareness of their value to the team.
I still don’t get how people don’t think stuff like this - Caroline Wilson lashes Luke Beveridge over 'disgraceful' press conference - isn’t equally as poor.

Insinuating that someone has mental health issues, isn’t fit to do their job etc.

What Beveridge did last night was poor, and embarrassed me as a Bulldogs supporter, but the media seem to think that they can criticise with complete impunity.
With the added context that Morris did exactly the same thing before the Bulldogs' last game, and in doing so then announced to the world that a player had been dropped for a Grand Final before the player even knew about it himself.

Yeah, sounds like Bevo needs to find the person who's leaking info to the media, and not fly off the handle at a press conference and make personal attacks on a journo who has an inside source lol
Dude you need to wake up and smell the Coffee if you think Beveridge acted fairly...fairly idiotic is more like it..he embarrassed himself and his club.

Whether what Beveridge did was fair or not is subjective so I am fine if you think it was unfair, but you should accept that some of us think it was perfectly fair.

Nobody should behave disrespectfully towards people then expect respect in return.

Beveridge clearly said other journalists call up the club with unconfirmed information prior to publishing. That is called precedence.

I'd suggest he knows more than you do.

Now stop quoting me before you read posts.
Just because they do, doesn't mean they have to.

Didn't see Adam Simpson blow his top after Rita Panahi dropped the Daniel Chick interview 3 days before the 2015 grand final. I highly doubt she called the club to announce her intentions beforehand and she is a Hawthorn supporter.

Just shows how susceptible Beveridge is to outside noise.
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Just because they do, doesn't mean they have to.

Didn't see Adam Simpson blow his top after Rita Panahi dropped the Daniel Chick interview 3 days before the 2025 grand final. I highly doubt she called the club to announce her intentions beforehand and she is a Hawthorn supporter.

Just shows how susceptible Beveridge is to outside noise.
I look forward to reading this one in three and a bit years’ time.
I disagree. Players only finding out they're not in the team after match-selection shouldn't really be happening, as coaches should be honest about a player's chances of getting a game and being dropped before the team is selected. Players who are very much on the fringe would know that it's likely they won't get named, so I'm really not sure why Beveridge made such an issue of it.

Playing the mental health card over a player who's unsure of his place in the 22 was pretty pathetic. If Hunter that mentally fragile, then he should take an indefinite break to address his issues.

Like it or not, players who pursue a public career in AFL should have enough mental fortitude to deal with not being named in the side and if an announcement such as this is blind-siding them, then they clearly lack awareness of their value to the team.
Huh? It's one thing to know your spot might be on the line, it's another for that to be confirmed, which is exactly what is decided at match selection. How could a player know before that happens?
It wasn't fair, it was an attack on his character and professionalism in a public forum and he tried to denigrate him in front of his peers. It was bullying behaviour from someone in a position of authority in the AFL who seems to suffer from some form of small man syndrome.
Was anything he said untrue though?

Gutter Journalism - "A derogatory term for media which use sensational reporting without concern for the harm it will do individuals"

It's quite clear that the journo has reported the team without concern for the harm it does to the club players and staff, especially in the case of Ryan Gardner finding out from the media that he had been dropped so that's quite clearly an accurate sentiment.

Conflict of interest - while not really relevant - technically has a grain of truth. Reporters who are supporters should stay away from reporting on games played by their own teams.

Muckraker - "A sensationalist, scandal-mongering journalist, one who is not driven by any social principles."
Perhaps this is a bit harsh but Beveridge did back it up with the argument that other journos always report leaks to the club, and Tom Morris is an outlier by not following this practice.

Embarrasment - Well that's Bevo's opinion which he is entitled to have.
I dont like bevo.. think he comes across a a complete knob..

But theres something worse in the AFL than him.. something that is currently very rotten..

and thats the gutter “so called journalist” parasites like Caro, “the scoop”, kane, morris, browne and most of croc-a-shit media and their constant gossipy garbage and desperate cries for relevance and attention..

These toads aren’t journalists.. they are biased, nasty and vindictive opinionista’s..
The footy world would be far better off without them.

Even though Bevo probably chose the wrong occasion to do it… I Wish more of the coaches would call their crap out and torch them at pressers.
No, the friction and mistrust is due to there being a leak in the organisation. The reporting of it by Morris is just a symptom of that.

I agree with your second part, if that is the usual MO of journos then Morris probably should have rung the club so they could get on the front foot internally before it was made public. But he didn't communicate that effectively last night and came across like someone who was completely unhinged.

I'm not going to defend Beveridge's outburst, obviously coming off the way he did isn't a good look. But the fact that Tom Morris has done this now for a 3rd time in a row, without speaking to the club (which he probably should have in hindsight after the third time it happened), goes to show that he doesn't respect the Dogs as an organisation or he's worried about losing his source.
Just because they do, doesn't mean they have to.

Didn't see Adam Simpson blow his top after Rita Panahi dropped the Daniel Chick interview 3 days before the 2025 grand final. I highly doubt she called the club to announce her intentions beforehand and she is a Hawthorn supporter.

Just shows how susceptible Beveridge is to outside noise.


No one says TM has to do anything, what he chooses to do is on his own accord, though if he chooses not to do the right thing by the clubs he will get burned. Which is what occurred, and likely he will now be cut off entirely from the club.

Up to him, but when you poke the bear, don't be surprised with the result..