Major expansion of the school chaplaincy program

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Abbott is a lying,self promoting, **** sucker who cannot govern and is using his 15 minutes of fame to feather the nest of his cult.
Hope his head explodes.
I'm still laughing at the fact that this country elected his party to government, knowing Abbott would be PM.

Just amazing. It shows how dysfunctional Labor had become.
I'm still laughing at the fact that this country elected his party to government, knowing Abbott would be PM.

Just amazing. It shows how dysfunctional Labor had become.
Reality is nearly 31% of all Australians are absolute and utter morons and 20 percent vote which ever way their cult tells them to.
Every now and then either 1 or 2 % of the morons vote incorrectly or 1 or 2% of the cult followers get jack of the child molesting and vote against Pell and his morally bankrupt pals and we get a Labor Government.
Though if it were not for the "coalition" system the morons and the cult followers would never be able to even challenge Labor in their own right.
Basically we are at the mercy of a mob of total ****ing idiots and mob of delusional sheep.

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