Scandal Mark Bomber Thompson Raided By Vic Police (Update pg 66: Charged with possession and trafficking)

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You would still end up with BILLIONS left over.
Yep. Read a while back that its actually cheaper to have a drug user supported by live in rehabilitation staff than the costs of incarcerating them in prison.

One prison is currently be turned into a rehab prison

It’s still a prison howvwer inmates will be given drug treatment as part of the sentance

We need more rehabs

If you work in the industry like I do and have for ages .....we have lost the war on drugs ....

Mate I’m so overloaded with clients .....maxed out....

It’s failed ....
That's what most don't realise. It is something that cannot be won regardless of all the 'great work' our law enforcement and media like to present to us with their record busts, seizures etc.
To win the war on drugs you have to tackle the root cause that lurks in the shadows of everything in today's world.
Coke is a dirty drug that kills. The whole "glamour" thing surrounding coke is bullshit. I have seen people with massive coke habits who completely and utterly screwed their lives, their health, everything.

Also, remember that wave of Baby Boomer icons who all died a few years ago - all had been massive cokeheads for a period in their younger days. Coke does major damage.

Chronic use can cause significant long-term damage to the tissue surrounding the heart, amongst other things.

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I see those propaganda commercials are taking good effect.

What comment do you have to make between the propensity of those scenarios versus the actual usage numbers Australia wide?

I see these scenario on a daily basis (working in an emergency department). Its not propoganda. Been punched by one of the ****ers too. Then when I tried to press charges got off on bullshit "mental heath reasons"

And with another one who was a little more settled (erratic, but not punchy, but had been running onto the road heedless of traffic) I asked the cops if there was any charge similar to "drunk and disorderly" The cops told me that there isn't for being drug affected, it all falls under "mental illness" and therefore it is transport to hospital not charge.

And yes, alcohol harms more people. Except by the time the alcos get to hospital they just want to sleep and aren't punching at me.
How much is xanax etc with and without PBS?
Any doctor who writes xanax scripts should be de funcking registered in my opinion. Shit drug that is highly addictive.
Schedule 11, Part 3 on page 384 of the DPSCA 1981 informs us that between 100 and 500 grams of 3,4 Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a quantity that qualifies as commercial trafficking.

Newspaper reports inform us that Mark Thompson has been charged with trafficking in excess of 100 grams of MDMA:

Former AFL coach Mark ‘Bomber’ Thompson had 135 grams of MDMA
stashed alongside Cats memorabilia inside a hidden, locked room with coded entry from the bedroom of his Port Melbourne apartment, a court has heard.
If 100 to 500 = commercial quantity trafficking

WTF are the boys next door looking at with their meagre 800 gms
Not sure where Mr Backyard Lawyer got the 100g to 500g nonsense... BUT.... I can tell you the following:

small quantity is considered up to 50 grams
traffickable quantity is 250 grams or over up until 25kegs where it becomes commercial then onto 250kegs+ which becomes large commercial.

Suffice to say 250keg+ is max life imprisonment and 25kg-250kg is 25 years max, however these are not relevant here... we are dealing with a "traffickable quantity"

I will point you to s71AC of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 to read further.....

Hope that helps clear some stuff up...

A lot of misinformation in this thread....
Sorry Aramis, have to clear something up.

Did you just cite the small, traffickable, commercial and large commercial threshold quantities for cannabis under Schedule 11 to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 in the context of a discussion about possession and trafficking of MDMA?
Take all the money we currently put into enforcing drug laws and put it into rehabilitation programs, work finding programs and medical treatment.

Treat it as a health issue not a criminal issue.

And in the theoretical example where use is legal, how are the rehab programs etc going to stop those who use being affected and violent while using?
Methadone is some insidious shit and personally I think it is worse than heroin.

There are drugs that can combat the effects of meth, but overdose is rarely an issue with the drug. Amphetamines administered responsibly are rarely an issue for anyone. It's very much a dose dependent issue, which is of course, a result of the current black market status of the drug.

I was using it as an example of how pbs subsidise drug substitution, not specifically endorsing methadone. Can use buprenoprhine etcinstead for the same point.
Modern life is pretty shit and drugs will exist to be sold to those who have an appetite to make life a little less shitty.

Whether it's the commission kid in Kmart trackies half way to Werribee, the bored teenager in country Tasmania, the bloke with four shithead kids and a wife who doesn't work... everyone needs a vice. Only difference is some of us are privileged enough to choose a better one, or adjusted enough to maybe go 'probably too old for this' at some stage.

Legalising drugs, clinics, opiate stations are all redundant notions and not really going to change a whole lot unless you completely restructure the life all of us lead... distribution, jobs, basic happiness. Don't hold your breath (unless you want head spins bra).

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And in the theoretical example where use is legal, how are the rehab programs etc going to stop those who use being affected and violent while using?
Already something medical professionals deal with every day. Put more resources into those programs and they will be better equipped to prevent such scenarios.

I see a lot who smoke pot then chuck up all the time

Beer before grass; you're on your arse.
It saddens me to see how much Bomber has fallen, and I can only hope he gets his life back together for the sake of himself and his family. Not the first footballer to ruin his life with drugs, won't be the last. I guess it's just hard to think a former senior coach would do something like this. Let the bloke have his day in court, then we'll see where the chips fall.
This is an interesting article, not sure if it accurately reflects the Vic law.

The full force of the law kicks in when a person possesses a trafficable quantity' of a prohibited drug. For MDMA a 'trafficable quantity' is 0.75 grams. This is not a great deal and 5 standard pills would constitute a 'trafficable quantity'. Once again there is an apparent disparity with other drugs. The trafficable quantity of the arguably more noxious drug, methylamphetamine (Ice) is 3 grams. The possession of a trafficable quantity of a prohibited drug places a person in the situation where he or she can be charged with deemed supply. This is a serious offence that carries a maximum of up to 10 years imprisonment. A person charged with deemed supply has a real risk of going to gaol. Persons found guilty of deemed supplier in possession of say 10 to 15 pills are routinely sentenced to terms of imprisonment. There is a defence of personal use but you still have to admit to possession and if you admit to giving a few pills to another person in the eyes of the law you are a supplier.
PBS is around the $6 for most items, isn't it?

Street prices are reported at ~ $20/pill
So... you’d be happy with mood altering drugs to be available for $6, meanwhile my sister fighting cancer needs to have two vials of a drug every month to keep her alive... cost is $2,010 per vial. Should I just put her on the mood altering drugs? There are many, many drugs that aren’t on the PBS that people need just to live. Yet you’d be happy for drug addled bozo’s to get their fix for $6?
I don't think it's inherently good kids from essentially decent families, it's people with nothing to lose in the first place.

Oh wow, you're deeply naive.

The two people I know who got the most stuffed on heroin came from "essentially decent" eastern suburbs families.

The guy went to Trinity, the girl to MLC.

He ODd and died in the living room of his parents nice house in Burwood. I'm pretty sure it was suicide because he couldn't face going back to jail and had an impending court hearing where he knew he was being locked up again. On dole day went to Russsell Street and bought as much as he could and put it all in one shot.

The girl's family put her through rehab after rehab but she couldn't get over it and last I heard was turning tricks.

At the same time I know lots of people who had severe issues but got medical help are now fine, got jobs and families and if you met them you'd never suspect they'd been serious heroin addicts.

Talk to any cop above the rank of local shitkicker, or a judge and they'll tell you all prison does is give people better scoring contacts. And usually traumatise them even further so the need for the gear is even higher.[/QUOTE]
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Any doctor who writes xanax scripts should be de funcking registered in my opinion. Shit drug that is highly addictive.

Can only be prescribed by clinical psychs now, for exactly that reason.

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