Official Match Thread Season 37 - Round 5 - Dragons FFC v Roys FFC at Ljp86's Lair

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Well, that was a really important win for us, but for it to be so emphatic, makes me proud of the team! The kicking at goal was commonly atrocious, but we controlled almost all the play. Still, I was surprised to see the margin be as big as it actually was. Felt like a 40 point win. Everyone pulled their weight, and everyone supported each other. The teamwork and intuitive spotting of fellow teammates was a delight to watch. Well done all, and special props to _Mike_ SpecialBruce and Pure Grunt who absolutely dominated. royboy2 also dug in under the packs and kept the ball flowing down the flowchart.

The Dragons had a big week and I thought we might have been up against something borderline unassailable today, but it seems they cou'dn't translate their fervour onto the field, and seemed generally off. They're a much better team than they showed today and I fear for the vengeance they will want to wreak next time. Greenery and Pie 4 Life battled hard and it did feel a lot as though Bonz was minutes from opening a can of the proverbial on us in the 2nd half after a quiet first 2 quarters. Aristotle Pickett did communicate this to me at half time so we switched windyhill on the Dragons forward, who fortunately was able to keep him mostly under wraps. In the limelight today was league legend Ljp86 who I had to watch him closely all game. Regardless the result, it should be a day of celebration for this magnificent milestone, something even I have not achieved.

The match was a lot of fun to experience (it helps when we win well) and the thread was really enjoyable - it felt like we were invited to something special this week. And we were. But you'd be pissed if we didn't try to win the game. Very enjoyable mob over on the island and can't wait until our next meeting!

Thanks to the league for managing a successful conclusion to another match. Thanks to the Dragons for hosting us today and welcoming us all week. Let's catch up again in the finals, mmk?

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Someone racking up 600 games over approx 20 years in this little text sim I conceived 32 years ago is kind of overwhelming btw.

View attachment ljp600_excerpt.mp4

Full road trip video [here]
Mike 12 12 0 17 4 1 2 2 1 106

I think that has to be my best output in the entire time Ive been dragged through the SFA!

Shit.. now I need to post more to stay in the ruck!


Official Match Thread Season 37 - Round 5 - Dragons FFC v Roys FFC at Ljp86's Lair

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