Moved Thread Should the AFL have a full pride round?

Should the AFL have a LGBTQIA+ pride round?

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Depending on your definition of transitioning, between 3% and 0.15% of people who transition regret transitioning.

I acknowledge that this still leaves a subset of the population that regrets their transition, but 3% of what is already a small percentage of the population (39 from 10,000 individuals) is much lower than the binary you're proposing as equal.

That examples exist does not entail that those examples are representative of a wider population.

Thanks for the link, I'll have a read.
What’s funny about anything if it doesn’t hit a certain point of your psyche?

What’s funny about taking a dump in a hardware store display toilet? Very little I’d imagine to most people yet I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I did in Jackass when Dave England looked at the bemused store assistant and said ‘oh I’m almost done.’

There is nothing offensive about the scene from Horrible Bosses 2 where Jason Bateman thinks he’s in an AA meeting and says ‘I’ve been hitting it hard with the guys, sometimes two [beers] at a time, you know - double fisting, just ending up face down sometimes.’ But it’s hilarious because he’s very heterosexual and has unwittingly convinced a group of strangers - because it’s actually a sex addicts meeting - that he’s into male on male group sex.

It’s not denigrating to anyone it’s just funny and there is going to come a point where almost every kind of humour will disappear because there is going to be a subsection of society who can’t differentiate between genuine denigration and humour. Ironically the one group that is going to be immune from this sanitisation will be religious people. Which may be karma for many of them, who knows.

Right-o. There is nothing funny about denigration. If you are that sort of person who gets your kicks from that, don't be surprised when people tell you to shut up. Don't engage in victim blaming when they do because they were offended - it's not their fault you acted like an arseh*le. And don't claim it is an infringement on your free speech rights, because we don't have the ability to vilify other people in this country.
Bluntly put, one of the fundamental tenets of modern, democratic Australia is (or, at least, should be) that people are treated the same regardless of their sexuality, their gender, their race and who they worship.
They are, any of them can play AFL football and can enter this multicultural society called Australia.
IMO whatever treatment we give straight relationships, we should also give to non-straight relationships.
They can get married now, they can get divorced, a homosexual woman that bears a child I'd imagine would allow her ex wife visitation rights, the ex I'd imagine would pay child support or risk being accused of being a dead beat mum, what more do you want?

Right-o. There is nothing funny about denigration. If you are that sort of person who gets your kicks from that, don't be surprised when people tell you to shut up. Don't engage in victim blaming when they do because they were offended - it's not their fault you acted like an arseh*le. And don't claim it is an infringement on your free speech rights, because we don't have the ability to vilify other people in this country.

That’s exactly my point. People need to understand there is a difference between denigration and simple humour.

I DONT get my kicks from denigration and if that’s what you took from my post you didn’t comprehend it very well.

It’s not being an arseh*le to make a joke to someone who hates Nickelback by saying ‘what’d you get up to on the weekend, listen to ‘Photograph on repeat?’

That’s not denigrating to Nickelback fans. It’s having a joke with someone about their lack of affection for Nickelback.

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They can get married now, they can get divorced, a homosexual woman that bears a child I'd imagine would allow her ex wife visitation rights, the ex I'd imagine would pay child support or risk being accused of being a dead beat mum, what more do you want?
The context of my comment about treating people the same was made in a retort to someone saying that we shouldn't teach kids about same-sex relationships till roughly middle school.
Look up Ellie and Nel: From She to He and Back again which is a BBC article and another article on Zahra Cooper.

Your predictability of labelling me as a bigot is so predictable but very narrow minded.
It's only predictable because you know you don't have scientific evidence to back it up, which is why you changed the goal posts and then claimed victim status. You probably get called out for it a lot.

What is predictable would be that you wouldn't have evidence to back up your assertions, which were (seeing as you have conveniently forgotten)
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That’s exactly my point. People need to understand there is a difference between denigration and simple humour.

I DONT get my kicks from denigration and if that’s what you took from my post you didn’t comprehend it very well.

It’s not being an arseh*le to make a joke to someone who hates Nickelback by saying ‘what’d you get up to on the weekend, listen to ‘Photograph on repeat?’

That’s not denigrating to Nickelback fans. It’s having a joke with someone about their lack of affection for Nickelback.
It's denigrating gay people whether you call it that or not. I invited you to explain how it is just "humour" and your argument is because you say so. If you want to explain how it isn't denigrating, please do. What is funny about calling someone a homo because they have a pink shirt, or saying something is gay because you don't like it?
I don't have their names, except for maybe Peter Fitzsimons, but you see it often. Being lambasted, ostracised, which was the original complaint, is form of abuse, as well as all the personal verbal attacks on public people who hold the supposedly incorrect religious views.
If it's often surely you can come up with one specific example?
Maybe pride rounds gives some players the courage to come out.

A mate that is gay has told me about gay AFL players that he knows, and he says in some cases the player's team mates know but those players just choose to focus on their footy careers.
A mate that is gay has told me about gay AFL players that he knows, and he says in some cases the player's team mates know but those players just choose to focus on their footy careers.
There's something like 600-plus footballers in the AFL, of course some will be gay. It says something about hte environment that none of them are out in a public sense.
A prime example of what the OP post that was quoted was about

People are sick of politics of life. Sport is that out let. Yet politics is still rammed down the throats of fans. When they complain they want a break from it! It’s post like this from the bots of society that people are fed up with

If you take politics out of sport then there goes many of the great sporting rivalries.
It's denigrating gay people whether you call it that or not. I invited you to explain how it is just "humour" and your argument is because you say so. If you want to explain how it isn't denigrating, please do. What is funny about calling someone a homo because they have a pink shirt, or saying something is gay because you don't like it?


Who has made this example?

Answer me this.

Do you find it offensive to call Kiwis sheepshaggers?

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That’s exactly my point. People need to understand there is a difference between denigration and simple humour.

I DONT get my kicks from denigration and if that’s what you took from my post you didn’t comprehend it very well.

It’s not being an arseh*le to make a joke to someone who hates Nickelback by saying ‘what’d you get up to on the weekend, listen to ‘Photograph on repeat?’

That’s not denigrating to Nickelback fans. It’s having a joke with someone about their lack of affection for Nickelback.
In this example you are using Nickelback as you consider their music to be bad, and you are insinuating that that person has really poor taste in music.

Your earlier example of what you considered a joke, was mocking a heterosexual person by using homosexual slurs, meaning you consider homosexuals as bad. If you can't see how that is offensive there is no help for you.
In this example you are using Nickelback as you consider their music to be bad, and you are insinuating that that person has really poor taste in music.

Your earlier example of what you considered a joke, was mocking a heterosexual person by using homosexual slurs, meaning you consider homosexuals as bad. If you can't see how that is offensive there is no help for you.

No, I’m using Nickelback as an example because the other person IN my example considers their music to be bad.

You haven’t read a skerrick of what I said.

I hate HATE onion with a passion. Whenever I go out for a meal my mates relentlessly give me shit or order me food with onion in it because I’m averse to it.

I don’t hate gay people with a passion I have had suspicions that one of my children may be gay and I love him with all of my heart and I’m not about to try and change him. That doesn’t mean I’m ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for being physically turned off by the idea of ME having sex with a man. As such someone - and my desk buddy at work who IS gay used to love doing this to me - saying to me ‘I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night - bet you wish you came over!!’ I would think is hardly offensive to anyone
As such someone - and my desk buddy at work who IS gay used to love doing this to me - saying to me ‘I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night - bet you wish you came over!!’ I would think is hardly offensive to anyone
I think the key with any dirty or off-colour joke is that humour is in the eye of the audience.

In this example, you can trade banter with each other like that because your buddy knows that you're sufficiently filthy-minded for such a line, and you know that he's not really cracking onto you.

When you're talking about a broader audience, it starts to get a bit murkier IMO.
No, I’m using Nickelback as an example because the other person IN my example considers their music to be bad.

You haven’t read a skerrick of what I said.

I hate HATE onion with a passion. Whenever I go out for a meal my mates relentlessly give me s**t or order me food with onion in it because I’m averse to it.

I don’t hate gay people with a passion I have had suspicions that one of my children may be gay and I love him with all of my heart and I’m not about to try and change him. That doesn’t mean I’m ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for being physically turned off by the idea of ME having sex with a man. As such someone - and my desk buddy at work who IS gay used to love doing this to me - saying to me ‘I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night - bet you wish you came over!!’ I would think is hardly offensive to anyone
What? Are you actually reading what you are typing?

You hate onion with a passion, so your friends pretend you love it. and you're saying it's the same thing with making homophobic slurs - you make them to people because you think they hate gays and will be insulted by it?

Your posts are actually proving the opposite of what you think they are. You need to go and educate yourself.
What? Are you actually reading what you are typing?

You hate onion with a passion, so your friends pretend you love it. and you're saying it's the same thing with making homophobic slurs - you make them to people because you think they hate gays and will be insulted by it?

Your posts are actually proving the opposite of what you think they are. You need to go and educate yourself.

Oh ffs you have to be deliberately trying to be this stupid. It’s not possible to do it accidentally.

I’m not insinuating that people hate GAY PEOPLE, the people in the scenario I am giving, would hate the idea of having sex with another member of the same sex.

I will admit it freely - I hate that idea. I’m a straight male. So I’m not going to like the idea of having sex with a man, am I?

Does me not wanting to have sex with a man, mean somehow that I hate people that do?

Does me not liking volleyball mean I hate people that do?

Stop TRYING to find a reason to be offended or throw out the holier than though garbage and actually read what I’m writing.
I wish more people would appreciate that these are difficult, nuanced issues and that there aren't perfect solutions either way.

For certain kids, early intervention can be life saving and to ignore that reality seems callous. But to pretend that there aren't also cases where unalterable, drastic and life-changing negative consequences for some children appears irresponsible and blinkered for the sake of an ideology rather than concern for welfare.

I have children. If they are in a situation where this kind of intervention was clearly the path to them living a fulfilled life as themselves I would be their greatest advocate. But I also can't ignore the extreme politicisation of gender and the harm it might cause. There are elements of what would call the "far left" have lost any ability to be self-aware.

As is often the case, I wish people could put agendas and partisanship aside and just see this as a human issue.
Depending on your definition of transitioning, between 3% and 0.15% of people who transition regret transitioning.

I acknowledge that this still leaves a subset of the population that regrets their transition, but 3% of what is already a small percentage of the population (39 from 10,000 individuals) is much lower than the binary you're proposing as equal.

That examples exist does not entail that those examples are representative of a wider population.
I think the key with any dirty or off-colour joke is that humour is in the eye of the audience.

In this example, you can trade banter with each other like that because your buddy knows that you're sufficiently filthy-minded for such a line, and you know that he's not really cracking onto you.

When you're talking about a broader audience, it starts to get a bit murkier IMO.

That’s fair and I guess you could apply that to say, a stand up comedian as people in their audience are going to have some idea of what to expect and are there because they don’t have a problem with it
Oh ffs you have to be deliberately trying to be this stupid. It’s not possible to do it accidentally.

I’m not insinuating that people hate GAY PEOPLE, the people in the scenario I am giving, would hate the idea of having sex with another member of the same sex.

I will admit it freely - I hate that idea. I’m a straight male. So I’m not going to like the idea of having sex with a man, am I?

Does me not wanting to have sex with a man, mean somehow that I hate people that do?

Does me not liking volleyball mean I hate people that do?

Stop TRYING to find a reason to be offended or throw out the holier than though garbage and actually read what I’m writing.
You really need to stop and read the shit you are posting.
Hey all,

Seeing as this thread's been moved, it might be a decent idea for those who aren't familiar with the SRP's posting guidelines to have a look:

In particular - seeing as it's coming up - have a look at the final entry:
Please be aware that the tolerance of anti-trans language on BF is at an all-time low. Jokes and insults that are trans-related, as well as anti-trans and bigoted rhetoric will be met with infractions, threadbans etc as required. It's a sensitive (and important) topic, so behave like well-mannered adults when discussing it, PARTICULARLY when disagreeing. This equally applies across the whole site.
Thanks all!