Training 25.01.10

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Norm Smith Medallist
Aug 5, 2005
AFL Club
The guys were out on the track this morning for a solid session that lasted around two hours. Missing in action were our senior players namely Goodwin, McLeod, Edwards, Doughty, Burton, Bock, S.Thompson, Reilly, Rutten and Johncock.

In the restricted group today was Martin, Donnelly, L.Thompson, Porplyzia, Otten, Maric and Danger were back and forth, van Berlo, Symes and Moran. I was excited to see Andy out there in nothing more than a knee bandage although he is still walking with a considerable limp and can't straighten his left leg.

The first warm up drills were the stock standard rotating groups as seen all summer. One group would work on handballs, another kicking, one attempting to 'shut down' the player with the ball, goal kicking and some sprints. Despite Danger not participating in some of the other drills he was right into the one where a player would run in and apply a tackle on the guy with the ball. He managed to wrap his arms around Griffin and would show frustration when he missed a tackle.

Next up the squad broke into two separate teams, yellow v blue, and played a bit of scratch match. Griffin was up again Craig in the ruck and did a considerably good job. Craig appeared to be keeping his weight low and trying to move Griffin away from the path of the ball but big Griff was able to get first hands to the ball the majority of the time.

The ball was thrown up on either wing before being quickly worked out by the likes of Sloane, Dmack and Shaw on the wing who impressed me.

The forwards and defenders at either end switched teams from yellow to blue on a few occasions but stayed in their respective arcs. Some early match ups I spotted were Sellar (b) v Hart (y), Young (b) v Shaw (y), Armstrong (b) v Petrenko (y) and Davis (b) playing as the spare man. Down the other end was Walker (y) v Douglas (b), Talia (b) v Tippett (y) and Knights was down there too.

Tippett kicked a goal and Knights had a couple of shots in his typical play on sweeping style but other than that I don't think there were many chances for goal.

While this was going on Danger, van Berlo, Symes and Wright were off doing what looked to be a small kicking/leading type drill, and Maric and Porplyzia were running.

The next drill was a game style drill although it was executed with a lot more structure. Three or four players would run down the wing, having received the ball from a trainer, where they would handball between themselves before one player sent the ball to a trio who were running towards them. This group would then run in the opposite direction the first three were running and deliver the ball to a forward running back into space within the 50. About three forwards would vie for space against each other and their defenders.

Dougie impressed me the most in this one. He was running hard, showed clean hands and just generally looked really confident. Also at this point Brodie had moved on to some kicking and you really couldn't tell that he had a knee recon four-five months ago.

The following drill was similar in that there seemed to be a clear objective with structures and the like. One player would receive the ball in defence and kick long down the wing to a leading player who would then look inside to try to switch the ball to the other side of the ground. Once that was achieved the player with the ball would kick, most of the time, to a forward running back with the flight of the ball.

This drill didn't appear to be executed all that well with N.Craig giving the players a bit of a verbal spray at one point. It seemed to be working it was just when the ball was kicked to a forward where they would struggle to mark it as the kick was mostly poorly executed. Knights needed to be sitting outside the 50 so he could just bang it home. Also Young limped off with that appeared to be a right leg injury, it was hard to tell just what he had injured, or whether he was carrying it before I'm not sure as I didn't see a specific incident.

The group then moved onto a few warm down tasks including a zig zag type handball one and just some general kicking to watch other. They finished as usual with some shots on goal.

I definitely liked the look of Dougie out there today. With the senior players absent his performance appeared to go up another gear. Dmack was as good as always and Sloane showed some nous in clearing the ball. Cook, who hasn't really stood out to me that much over summer, looked really put together today and moved very well. Out of our new draftees Shaw used the ball really well down the wing and had no fear in backing himself in. Craig's kicking looked alright over short distances but again struggled over a greater length. Oh and Aiden Riley is apparently nicknamed 'Ros' if I heard correctly.
Training 25-01-10

I ventured down to training today.

The boys had already done there warm up lap and were stretching as I rocked up. The 1st thing I noticed was Porps out there with the injured group which also consisted of Otten, Donelley, VB, Maric, Martin, Moran and L Thompson. Ivan and Porps done alot of running and Brodie was doing a bit os straight line sprinting which was good to see.

I didn't pay much attention at first but I realised alot of players were missing on the track. I managed to over hear a trainer say all the players with 8 years service have the week off, So today was an eye to the future.
Due to the lack of seasoned players out there you could see which players were stepping up in terms of encouragement and voice. One player stood out and I see Captain next to his name in the future, Patrick Dangerfield. The machine was back out today and with the main group for most of the drills. His voice and leadership shone above all else out there today. I could easily hear him giving encouragement and guidence to his peers.
Another couple that also caught my eye doing this was Pup and Smack.

The only slight injury concern I noticed today was to Will Young. In a game-like drill, a brilliant well waited kick coming into the forward line to Tippo looked to be a great play. Youngy however managed to somehow cut across with a big thumping fist sending the ball out of bounds but landed arkwardly on his leg. He stayed out there for another 20 odd minutes but ended up coming off saying he needed to ice it. I assume it is only a slight knock as he walked back to the rooms with a very slight limp.

Rory Sloane showed today his kicking over short distances is very good. Watching him in front of me kick the ball alot of times over about 30 metres to a team mate. The ball kept hitting him on the chest with the ball barely going over 2 metres high.

The session was a fairly quick one today and went no longer then 2 hours

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Re: Training 25-01-10

Thank you as well.

Don't you just love Patty. The Machine works, although any correlation with Sasha Vujacic must be avoided.
Thanks CG and CC. Really enjoyed the read. Good write up as always. Only 19 days to go but whose counting!
Some pictures:


Andy Otten


Porplyzia, Donnelly, Otten and L.Thompson


The squad


Petrenko, SMACK, Shaw


Talia, Craig and Sellar


Shaw and Jacky


Young, Davis, Danger, Symes and Griff


Cook and Griff


Young and VB


VB and Davis


Gunston, Tippett and Knights


Tippett, Wright and Knights



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Cheers CG and CC.

Is it just me or does Dmac look like the weights room has no effect on him?

He just has a small frame. That combined with the fact that he probably struggles putting on weight. We know he's never going to be a Dangerfield like extractor. I dare say they would just be trying to get him as strong as possible through the core.
He just has a small frame. That combined with the fact that he probably struggles putting on weight. We know he's never going to be a Dangerfield like extractor. I dare say they would just be trying to get him as strong as possible through the core.
Ben Hart was never huge either, but was strong with pure muscle.

With Mackay's pace & clean skills, he will rarely get caught any way!

Thanks for the training news. :thumbsu:
Yeah Mackay is always going to be slender. His strengths are his speed, cleanness by hand and punishing foot skills; they'll look to optimise his core strength as someone else said so he can keep his feet reasonably well and get the hands free when tackled, but it'll be all about providing that option on the outside who can cut you up with quality disposal.
I'm stuck in an office all this week long, day and night, and I'm overseas next week, right as preseason is coming up to a boiling point :( I'm missing watching the boys run around so thank you both for the report :thumbsu:

How good is it that we have one of the former premier defenders in the league in Hart who, even after retirement, is able to line up on our forwards and teach them a thing or two about beating a seriously intelligent defender. He's not just coaching with words and inspiration, he's getting himself down and dirty :thumbsu: Fantastic stuff!

Sad to hear about Youngy, but the fact that he stayed out there for another 20 minutes is probably a good sign. (Mind you, I said the same about Martin last season :() The club is pretty hot on making sure injured players immediately stop working this preseason so I have high hopes that he was just sore and will take a week or so off.

No surprise at all to hear that Cooky stood out to you CG - in the gameday drills he's just looked a real class act the handfull of times I've seen him. It will be interesting to see if his kicking holds up under pressure in the NAB Cup but if it does, he's well worthy of a place in the side and did his apprenticeship last year. For my money he's the one potential cog in the works for Sloane's ambitions of being in the best 22 come round 1.

I love hearing that Danger and Martin are out there looking good, and seriously, VB is a damn machine. How he could possibly look that good while injured I'll never know. Frightening.

Thanks again both of you :thumbsu: A bright spot in a difficult week for me here :)
Many thanks to CG and Chief Crow for their training reports plus a special big gold star to CG for her excellent pics. :thumbsu::thumbsu:

A couple of things stood out to me, particularly from the pics,but also the reports:

- van Berlo looks like he's carved out of granite - he is genuinely hard and cut at the moment. He looks even more defined than my love child Chrissy Knights.

- Jonathon Griffin. Maybe, just maybe, he might be the player this year that he was starting to be 2 years ago.

- James Sellar looks like he could wrestle a bull .... and beat it.

- the good reports on Shaw don't surprise me. I'm confident that this lad will be a good player for us in time.

- Gunston is rather twig like in build. Has a lot of work to do in the Gym if he's going to make it, which I'm sure he will.

- very pleasing comments on Sloane and Cook continue. These are two lads who will push hard for spots this year.

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