Training 8.12.08

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Club Legend
Jan 2, 2008
AFL Club
Headed down to Latrobe early this morning to see the guys in action and thought I might right up a little report on it.

This was my first time at a training session so my thoughts will be a bit scattered and not really in depth.

They started with some different types of 20m sprints, such as running in-between the guide poles ect, but from were i was sitting it was difficult to spot out different players.

They then moved on to do handball drills in a star figure. Lots of talk and all the guys seemed really upbeat. Then did the same but with kicking.

They then move over to the side of the oval were i was sitting so i got a much better look into the rest of the drills.

They spilt up into two groups, both on different forward flanks, the group which faced me did basic kicking drills that the included putting pressure onto the player that you just kicked it to, some really good pin point passing and Lloyd looked good. Neagle looked still slow and sluggish. Pears Gumbleton and Hocking all looked really good, lots of talk and good skills and Hocking in particular really pushed himself when running.

The next drill was focused on handballing under pressure, it was basically 3 on 3 and the ball would be rolled in then players would dish of their team mates in a tight space, Lloyd put some really good tackles on Gumbleton.

The group on the other flank were doing some kind of handballing drills were one player would loop a handball over the top off someone applying pressure to another team mate who was under the same pressure.

The new recruits sat out these two drills and looked on.

Laycock and another play ( Can’t remember sorry) ran laps and dished off some handballs to those doing the drills.

Couldn't see from my position who was in the modified group but Riemers was in there.

Winderlich also ran laps and talked to some of the fitness staff.

Knights and Lucas talked for abit then ran a lap or two together but everything seemed fine.

Nash left within the first 20 mins and didn’t take part in any drills. Prismal also left about 2 thirds of the way through.

A few guys hung around for abit playing kick to kick and I think Myers was with one of the trainers working on pin point passes.

There was a press conference afterwards were they interview all the new recruits, they all spoke well and were all upbeat.

Knights added that he was very happy with how Winderlichs progress was coming along very well after his second operation and said he was moving a lot more freely.

He also then added out the PSD that the club had added alot of young guys over the past ear or so and have let alot of experience go so they were looking to add to their experience, basically leaving the door slightly open for Couisns but mainly for Skipworth.

There is stuff hat i have missed and if it comes to me i will post them.

I also took some photos, they are not the best but i will post them up soon when i can.

If you have any questions feel free to ask I will do my best to answer them.

Good stuff Hirdy, top effort. :thumbsu:

How's McPhee coming along in particular?

Could really blossom this year, should feel at home in the forward 50 now I would imagine.

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Good stuff Hirdy, top effort. :thumbsu:

How's McPhee coming along in particular?

Could really blossom this year, should feel at home in the forward 50 now I would imagine.

Mcphee IIRC didn't participate in any of the last few drills, and i think Knights mentioned him in the press release. But he walked past me and he is looking realy fit and strong in the legs.
Thanks for it. Did you manage to have a look at Houli, Longergan and some of the other young midfielders. Did they do extra running drills/skills drills after sprinting?

Sorry mate, from my end of the ground couldn't see much of te running but after the run throughs they would dish of a handball or two. But both of the player you mentioned look in fantastic shape and Lonergan in particular really put in 100% into each drill they did.


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Lloydy came off a little early, but came back. I think he has hamstring tightness. Hille came off early too, followed by the doctor. Didn't seem to be too inconvenienced but I wouldn't be that surprised if he's got a niggle.

The guys in the modified group are Winders, Spike, T Slattery, Laycock, Reimers, Prismall and D Daniher. Laycock expects to go back to full training pretty soon.

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Training 8.12.08

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