What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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My step brother went through Duntroon in the late eighties and topped himself just before Christmas last year, the army spent a fortune training him and two and six to support him once he'd left them. It was like they'd squeezed what they could out of Simon and chucked him in a bin once they were done.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, it's such a travesty how veterans are treated and both sides are not doing enough. A friend of mine works for the DVA and she's on extended mental health leave due to the stress of processing claims relating to PTSD, many of the people she's trying to help take their lives before the claims are finalised. She has been there for well over a decade but says the situation is getting worse, not better.

HRs solution when she raised the burden was to move her to a team that handles funeral and memorial arrangements for past veterans. I was lost for words.
He's implying retirees are going to fill the skilled labour gaps. A burned out bricky who's body is falling apart isn't going to come back for a few hours a week, nor are they going to lift the rate of houses being built.
Fat chance that's going to happen.

I was talking to the old man who has his A grade. It's due in a couple of years and he's thinking of not renewing it given he will be in his late 60s at that point.
You can't lift numbers in defence without public servants to support them you dunce.

You also can't do a number of the things you claim you want to do without public servants.

Never mind the fact more and more young people don't want to join a defence force that sees its former employees suffering mental health issues and committing suicide at a ridiculously high rate.
My best mate is ex navy. He had a child while he was on the patrol boats in Darwin. Asked to get a transfer back to Melbourne. Gave him Sydney instead.
Throw in that along with him stuffing his back getting in and out of the RIBs along with some of the not so nice stuff he had to perform he decided to leave he called it quits the moment his minimum time was up.

For the entirety of high school he wanted to be in the Navy for what it was worth.

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Is there a greater example of typical LNP bullshit "policy" than his proposed ban on foreign investors?

Like everything they propose, gotta read the fine print. Ban is for two years and for established homes only.

They have no long term vision for the country. It's all about whatever they think will win the next election with whatever headline grabbing sugar hits they can think of.

Sadly I think cutting immigration which looks to be a Coalition policy now will be quite effective with certain parts of the electorate

lol as if the LNP will be cutting immigration. They invented GDP growth via people while implying they were tough on immigration by carrying on about borders.
lol as if the LNP will be cutting immigration. They invented GDP growth via people while implying they were tough on immigration by carrying on about borders.
Don’t forget the downward pressure on wages & cannon fodder for Uber, exploitative NDIS, cleaning & aged care labor firms.
You can't lift numbers in defence without public servants to support them you dunce.

You also can't do a number of the things you claim you want to do without public servants.

Never mind the fact more and more young people don't want to join a defence force that sees its former employees suffering mental health issues and committing suicide at a ridiculously high rate.
If you can't afford a home, can't afford a family and going to war to fight for US interests in some rando place in the world maybe the ADF is not attractive..

Our addiction to real estate is a legit national security crisis.

Nobody is going to fight for landlords, fossil fuel corporations and the libs/nats.
Inspired. Confident. Forward-thinking. Unapologetic. Visionary. And above all else - no waffling or virtue signalling.

Take a good look Albo - THAT is what a leader looks and sounds like. The sooner you and your motley crew of imposters get the federal eviction notice, the better.

God bless Peter Dutton!

Shame he failed to do much when he was a major part of the last government
Is he really proposing a lot of policy?

Maybe the knives are out for him and he’s panicked into showing his hand
No he's saying a lot of words he hopes will appeal to bogans and sky news watchers.
It doesn't have anything to do with what he would do in government (rort the treasury for himself and his mates).

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So the LNP is going to force a recession by decreasing immigration and destroying businesss that can’t get skilled immigrants, then blame Labor.
What a team what a plan.
Hilarious budget reply. So much cannon fodder for Labor it isn't funny. No substance in any proposal just wishy washy fantasies. Cutting immigration to the levels he is implying will be disastrous and only an idiot can't see this. Has taken " Made for Australia" quite literally here.
No he's saying a lot of words he hopes will appeal to bogans and sky news watchers.
It doesn't have anything to do with what he would do in government (rort the treasury for himself and his mates).
And one of my friend’s brother, who fits that description perfectly, is already parroting Dutton’s line on Facebook. He’d consider that a win.
Is there a greater example of typical LNP bullshit "policy" than his proposed ban on foreign investors?

Like everything they propose, gotta read the fine print. Ban is for two years and for established homes only.

They have no long term vision for the country. It's all about whatever they think will win the next election with whatever headline grabbing sugar hits they can think of.

They don't even believe the crap they spout, just put out whatever they think might win them votes. They are a disgrace of a political party - I would even hesitate to call them that, more like a motley crew of power hungry egomaniacs working on behalf of lobbyists.
If you can't afford a home, can't afford a family and going to war to fight for US interests in some rando place in the world maybe the ADF is not attractive..

Our addiction to real estate is a legit national security crisis.

Nobody is going to fight for landlords, fossil fuel corporations and the libs/nats.
Having read the Quarterly Essay on the housing crisis my view is it will never get better. None of the solutions that will work will ever get through due to self interest and none of the solutions that seem workable will have an impact.
Dutton's reply sounded like the email I got from my local MP (LNP). Complained about the inflationary pressure of all this spending, then complained that a bunch of spending options he wanted was not included in spending.

Blamed the immigrants, then suggested retirees are going to take their place. Can't wait to see all these boomers driving Ubers and cleaning toilets.


Why would a Commonwealth opposition talk about poor bail laws in a budget reply speech?

Can't use a phone to make a partner fearful as a Commonwealth offence. That'll work well. Can't see the AFP stuffing that up like they stuff everything else up. (or using it to secure phone records and invade privacy). Bans from digital platforms, that'll also work not at all.

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