What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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This is good, apparently Andrew Giles is at fault for Dutton's lack of detail on nuclear power.
When pushed on a further breakdown of the party's nuclear energy policy the morning after his speech, Mr Dutton said he hadn't released details on it because of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles. He noted recent immigration issues, that have recently plagued the government.

"To be honest, one of [the] big problems has been Andrew Giles," he said.

"One of the golden rules in politics is to not get in the way of your opponent when they're making a complete fool of themself, and there hasn't been much free air, I've got to say, over the last couple of weeks."

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Seems to me that Gina's narcissistic rants over the past week or so has done exponentially more for the public awareness and support for the National Gallery of Australia than the tens of thousands of dollars she transfers over to them every year.

I'm still struggling to work out which one is a painting and which one is real... so kudos to the artist for capturing her... um... ah... arrogance.

Seems to me that Gina's narcissistic rants over the past week or so has done exponentially more for the public awareness and support for the National Gallery of Australia than the tens of thousands of dollars she transfers over to them every year.

The other portrait Gina Rhinehart wants removed from the NGA

Agree - and next in line is Sussan Ley or Angus (well done Angus) Taylor.

Worse again.
Angus taylor aint worse. I used to work with him before he became a politician. He would be one of the smartest LNP politicians (even if that aint saying much). He is more moderate then he lets on but had a falling out with turnball when he first became a politician so had to switch to the right wing of the LNP to have any future in the party. But he would become more moderate again if he was in charge. Dutton on the other hand is no different then the US MAGAs.
Angus taylor aint worse. I used to work with him before he became a politician. He would be one of the smartest LNP politicians (even if that aint saying much). He is more moderate then he lets on but had a falling out with turnball when he first became a politician so had to switch to the right wing of the LNP to have any future in the party. But he would become more moderate again if he was in charge. Dutton on the other hand is no different then the US MAGAs.
Not really a ringing endorsement of Taylor. A man who gave up all his morals and convictions in order to further his own political gain. He's been shown time and time again to be woefully out of his depth as shadow Treasurer not to mention all the dodgy stuff he's pulled in the past.
Not really a ringing endorsement of Taylor. A man who gave up all his morals and convictions in order to further his own political gain. He's been shown time and time again to be woefully out of his depth as shadow Treasurer not to mention all the dodgy stuff he's pulled in the past.
I still think the elephant in the room in the lead up to the election is the NACC. The Libs have been rushing around in opposition like the Morrison government never even existed and the NACC may well offer them a chance to be reminded that it did.
I still think the elephant in the room in the lead up to the election is the NACC. The Libs have been rushing around in opposition like the Morrison government never even existed and the NACC may well offer them a chance to be reminded that it did.
Well, so far all there has been from the NACC is "crickets" Gough.

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Not really a ringing endorsement of Taylor. A man who gave up all his morals and convictions in order to further his own political gain. He's been shown time and time again to be woefully out of his depth as shadow Treasurer not to mention all the dodgy stuff he's pulled in the past.
Agree its not. But most politicians are like that. Look at pilbersek granting coal licenses or how Wong was against gay marriage. Im pretty comfident as leader taylor wouodnt embrace Maga ideology cos he strongly disagrees with it.
Agree its not. But most politicians are like that. Look at pilbersek granting coal licenses or how Wong was against gay marriage. Im pretty comfident as leader taylor wouodnt embrace Maga ideology cos he strongly disagrees with it.
Didn't work out real good for Malcolm. Unless you embrace the IPA/Sky/CultureWar/FarRightEverything stance you are pretty much screwed in the Libs these days. Murdoch puts a target on your back and you're a dead man walking.
Didn't work out real good for Malcolm. Unless you embrace the IPA/Sky/CultureWar/FarRightEverything stance you are pretty much screwed in the Libs these days. Murdoch puts a target on your back and you're a dead man walking.
Ironucally he probably would be similar to turnball.

But the liberal party can get a lot lot worse. Just look at the US republicans. Which is where dutton will take it.
Ironucally he probably would be similar to turnball.

But the liberal party can get a lot lot worse. Just look at the US republicans. Which is where dutton will take it.
I don't doubt it. I'm just not sure they're redeemable at this point. Like the GOP. I mean what are they going to do if Trump loses again or dies? Will just be a gigantic power vacuum with all the rats fighting each other.

The libs here already seem to stand for practically nothing except culture war idiocy. They (or the electorate) has purged them of all the supposed moderates. Unless Australia goes full RW which is hopefully not happening I'm not sure what they have left and how long it will take them to get back to some kind of basic sanity as a political party.
Even with all the current woes of the present Govt, Dutton is an even more unpalatable alternative to the electorate. His days seem numbered, but will the party have the balls to find someone,anyone, who can be an electoral positive, as a leader and for the party ?...Oh who am I kidding.

Even with all the current woes of the present Govt, Dutton is an even more unpalatable alternative to the electorate. His days seem numbered, but will the party have the balls to find someone,anyone, who can be an electoral positive, as a leader and for the party ?...Oh who am I kidding.

I said this before and I’ll say it again

Opinion polls mean jack ****ing shit. Those who are asked questions in poll often give deliberately garbage answers to troll pollsters (my own activity) and laugh at the pathetic politicians and pundits pretending the opinion polls have meaning.
I said this before and I’ll say it again

Opinion polls mean jack ******* s**t. Those who are asked questions in poll often give deliberately garbage answers to troll pollsters (my own activity) and laugh at the pathetic politicians and pundits pretending the opinion polls have meaning.
All the anecdotal evidence amongst my work colleagues, family and friends, points to Dutton being an incredibly disliked individual, who is nether fit to be party leader or Prime Minister. All these garbage polls ,as you put it, only confirms what most already know and believe .
He's a dead man walking in my belief, but while he still holds favor with the likes of his rich loyalists , party heavy weights and media darlings, he will remain leader.
I said this before and I’ll say it again

Opinion polls mean jack ******* s**t. Those who are asked questions in poll often give deliberately garbage answers to troll pollsters (my own activity) and laugh at the pathetic politicians and pundits pretending the opinion polls have meaning.
Outside of one election period, polls have generally been very close to the result (and even in 2019, the polls were within the margins of error). There is no concerted campaign to falsify polls and they are as reliable an indicator as we have. It's all a bit 'post truth' to suggest we can't believe them.

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