Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack?

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So it's acceptable for me to bash you and your beliefs because I think they are wrong?

If you use evidence and a logical argument feel free bash away! As a non-believer I'm happy for my world view to be challenged (unlike most religious people).

Oh look the typical athiest douchebaggery of cherry picking what suits their argument..that is when they aren't outright lying.

Cherry picking? Like you do with beloved bible?

Good to know because I'll eventually start posting to simply offend you and I hope you don't start crying to the mods like a typical athiest coward.

Go for it! I need a good laugh.

I was dragged along to church .... I wasn't even in the church for the services ...

So you think indoctrination requires being preached at in church? Your parents set the precedent regardless of whether you attended service. They normalised your ridiculous belief system (tantamount to child abuse IMO).
Mate, my background is Greek..trust me I know the dangers posed by Islam. There's a little thing called the Ottoman occupation.

And yes I do have muslim friends..even Turkish muslim friends.
People who are just as appalled by what happened in Paris as we all are.

And this is what I mean about free will.
What's stopping them from being let's say radicals?
Free will.
Knowing right from wrong.
Because if they didn't tell you they were muslim you wouldn't know it. Just like you wouldn't know what my religion was unless I told you.

Some of you make out that the negatives of a religion are the only aspect of that religion.
Because portraying something in a negative light when you are attacking something works best.
There's no doubt there are plenty of good Muslims. Especially the smaller city ones that have learnt how to earn respect and assimilate without the insular communities.

Great white sharks have free will to eat humans but most are 'good Sharks'. This doesn't mean great white sharks are man killers and instinctively devour whatever's in their path.

You'd find media or people fighting to the death to protect man eating sharks stating its a rogue or two. The issue is great whites. Remove the surfers or the sharks or the issue will remain.

The problem is Islam. A microcosm of Muslims may show signs of 'Christian values' but the problem is still Islam and Muslims.

If great whites are born with a killer instinct, the way Islam is written is exactly the same and why people who neither believe in a 2nd coming or a holy war are growing more and more intolerant of these slayings.

The powers of Islam support the killings silently in the same way most westerners will support a wiping out of Isis, even if they whinge about it.
We could all argue religion/God, or lack of, for days on end, and get nowhere. I think most of us agree though, that the problem may not be all religion, but one specific religion, that preaches hate and violence towards non believers.

The problem I have, is there is never enough noise from Muslim leaders, and when there is is, they somehow put the blame back on us, because we aren't accepting enough of their beliefs and way of life. News flash, you're in a country that has a completely different way of life, and a very large percentage of those people would be of completely faith, if any at all, so it's not up to us to change to accomidate them.

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wah, wah, wah...it's ALWAYS the followers and never the religion itself...FFS!!

Thanks George, thanks a lot God.

Pretty sure that all of the above had a major influence on most of the shit happening today.

Of course Da'esh are also following 'Gods' word and command.

Pardon me as I feel sick in the guts when Theists blame man and not their ridiculous religions.

Nuke the lot of you.
Yeah, that is it. Blame God. Not the idiots who carry out a false agenda in what they believe to be in the name of God!
The ones in the top photo haven't been pushed by decades of foreign intervention into arming themselves - They've grown up in different social circumstances... hell, just a couple of boats arriving and some refugees sends them crazy, what the hell would they do if there was actually a foreign military landing here and dropping bombs..

just actually think about it once -

How about you think about it.

The Australian population has been disarmed on the whole by the Government. So maybe they'll throw rocks at someone.

If your scenario were the only scenario then the indigenous Australians would be suicide bombing Coles as we speak.
We could all argue religion/God, or lack of, for days on end, and get nowhere. I think most of us agree though, that the problem may not be all religion, but one specific religion, that preaches hate and violence towards non believers.

The problem I have, is there is never enough noise from Muslim leaders, and when there is is, they somehow put the blame back on us, because we aren't accepting enough of their beliefs and way of life. News flash, you're in a country that has a completely different way of life, and a very large percentage of those people would be of completely faith, if any at all, so it's not up to us to change to accomidate them.
There is never enough noise from Muslim leaders- how do you know this? Do tell.
So why exactly did we hand undemocratic powers to the security service?



He was due to be on trial for a violent crime, had history of violence and sexual abuse, had declared radical politics and then even contacted the AG directly about speaking to IS, on top of the security services being told he was a threat.

The whole thing is rotten, and suggests either a near criminal degree of incompetence or something sinister, given leaving him to his own craziness, allowed the gov to push through horrid security state laws.
As is often the case, more powers aren't the answer. The systems in place are grossly inefficient and the competence of those implementing them is often questionable.
There is never enough noise from Muslim leaders- how do you know this? Do tell.

As is often the case, more powers aren't the answer. The systems in place are grossly inefficient and the competence of those implementing them is often questionable.

I've heard from the Grand pubar, or whoever the hell he is, through his translater, and all he did was blame the west for Islamaphobia, and not accepting them. Oh and I heard from that guy on the Project, I assume he's pretty high up in the Muslim world??
I've heard from the Grand pubar, or whoever the hell he is, through his translater, and all he did was blame the west for Islamaphobia, and not accepting them. Oh and I heard from that guy on the Project, I assume he's pretty high up in the Muslim world??

Might just be possible that the MSM outside of the Guardian has only reported bits and pieces using selective quoting and not the statements in full. Just a thought.
Might just be possible that the MSM outside of the Guardian has only reported bits and pieces using selective quoting and not the statements in full. Just a thought.

Also true. He did come out yesterday and confirm that he was agains the attacks, but then, again, tried to point the blame on us.

The main question I have, is that if you are a practicing Muslim, do you also believe what is written in the Quran?? If not, are you a hypocrite, as is written?? That's where the grey area for me is, violence against non believers is encouraged throughout, so how many Muslim's, deep down, actually think non Muslim's should be wiped out?
Also true. He did come out yesterday and confirm that he was agains the attacks, but then, again, tried to point the blame on us.

The main question I have, is that if you are a practicing Muslim, do you also believe what is written in the Quran?? If not, are you a hypocrite, as is written?? That's where the grey area for me is, violence against non believers is encouraged throughout, so how many Muslim's, deep down, actually think non Muslim's should be wiped out?

That is your and the mainstream intrepretation of the Qu'Ran. The reality is it could be a lot different.

Best ask a Muslim that question..how about Waleed Aly.
Also, I've heard people say, "why should they have to come out and defend their religion, and explain themselves" because it's an issue within their community, just like catholic priests come out and condem the acts of child molesters and the likes, because it's seen as an issue within their religion/community.

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You're making out as if these attacks happened on Australian soil. Paris is in France, in Europe, and despite both being Western countries are inherently different countries.

Yes of course. And because we are so different lets do exactly the same thing as France and hope for a different outcome. Because it wont happen here.
The thing is the Muslims already in Australia...have assimilated.

Look at small business as a starting point. Wouldn't be too many milk bars, fish shops, kebab sops or pizza joints in outer suburbs that aren't Muslim operated for start!

Volunteer organisations are embracing Muslim contributions on an ever growing scale.

These 12000 refugees from Syria coming out..they will too. This doesn't get reported by the mainstream media as it doesn't fit their narrative...but, a little bit of research shows the reality.
There's no doubt there are plenty of good Muslims. Especially the smaller city ones that have learnt how to earn respect and assimilate without the insular communities.

Great white sharks have free will to eat humans but most are 'good Sharks'. This doesn't mean great white sharks are man killers and instinctively devour whatever's in their path.

You'd find media or people fighting to the death to protect man eating sharks stating its a rogue or two. The issue is great whites. Remove the surfers or the sharks or the issue will remain.

The problem is Islam. A microcosm of Muslims may show signs of 'Christian values' but the problem is still Islam and Muslims.

If great whites are born with a killer instinct, the way Islam is written is exactly the same and why people who neither believe in a 2nd coming or a holy war are growing more and more intolerant of these slayings.

The powers of Islam support the killings silently in the same way most westerners will support a wiping out of Isis, even if they whinge about it.

I don't see the point of your shark analogy. By going into the water we are putting out selves in another species domain and that species happens to be a predator in its domain. You can't blame sharks for attacking people like you are trying to put the blame on all muslims for the actions of a few and inaction or lack of condemnation of their leaders.

But like you said there are many good honest decent muslims who are no different to the rest of us who aren't terrorists or sympathizers. I'm not arguing about what Islam teaches or how it's interpreted and taught. I've been saying it's a choice it's a matter of free will.

If a person wants to be a good person if they want to do the right thing, the difference between right and wrong, they can because we all have free will.

That's the bottom line. We've all seen good Muslims, good people...and we've all seen bad people bad muslims on TV.

If my muslim friends are also all for Isis being wiped off the face of the earth like I am, be it by Russia or by the West when they get their priorities and shit together, how is the problem all muslims? Clearly not all muslims support or agree with the radicals and terrorism.
If a person wants to be a good person if they want to do the right thing, the difference between right and wrong, they can because we all have free will.

What about if your religion deems the slaughter of apostates as the right thing?

The fact is Islam has a different view on what's considered right and wrong.
I've heard from the Grand pubar, or whoever the hell he is, through his translater, and all he did was blame the west for Islamaphobia, and not accepting them. Oh and I heard from that guy on the Project, I assume he's pretty high up in the Muslim world??

What about if your religion deems the slaughter of apostates as the right thing?

The fact is Islam has a different view on what's considered right and wrong.

It seems that certain parts of Islam teach violence. Like with Christianity, it has certain sects which read the same text differently to others. Teaching kids is where the problem of recognition of right & wrong, or the moral compass, becomes corrupted.
Yes of course. And because we are so different lets do exactly the same thing as France and hope for a different outcome. Because it wont happen here.

I'm not trying to suggest that it won't happen here. Our terror alert is on high for a reason so think we'll be attacked in some way, shape or form, although, I'll back ASIO and the like to do their job well. My issue is with people using the Paris attacks to push their anti-Islam agendas and fear-mongering in Australia. The Paris attacks would have happened regardless of the Syrian refugee crisis and I think if Da'esh truly have any plans for Australia they'll try to carry them out regardless of other countries they're targeting.
I'm not trying to suggest that it won't happen here. Our terror alert is on high for a reason so think we'll be attacked in some way, shape or form, although, I'll back ASIO and the like to do their job well. My issue is with people using the Paris attacks to push their anti-Islam agendas and fear-mongering in Australia. The Paris attacks would have happened regardless of the Syrian refugee crisis and I think if Da'esh truly have any plans for Australia they'll try to carry them out regardless of other countries they're targeting.


The 2 situations are not linked in reality.
I wonder how many of those arguing with me are regulars at Reclaim Australia rallies.

I've seen some absurd assumptions in my time, but this one takes the cake.

You're having a massive hissy fit because people are calling you out on your religious beliefs and you're blaming Islam for everything, without accepting the fact that Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan because 'GOD TOLD HIM TO'.

I'm a humanist, a pacifist and a realist and the fact is that both sides of this argument is dominated by one thing. Power. And there is no greater power over people than religion.

You can blame people all you goddamn well like, but the fact remains that religion on both sides is prevalent.

How many US soldiers have we seen interviewed in Iraq and Afghanistan who truly believe that they are 'there doing THE LORDS' work.

Da'esh foot soldiers are no different.

Religion, BOTH SIDES OF IT, is the root cause of all the problems we are facing today.
I'm not trying to suggest that it won't happen here. Our terror alert is on high for a reason so think we'll be attacked in some way, shape or form, although, I'll back ASIO and the like to do their job well. My issue is with people using the Paris attacks to push their anti-Islam agendas and fear-mongering in Australia. The Paris attacks would have happened regardless of the Syrian refugee crisis and I think if Da'esh truly have any plans for Australia they'll try to carry them out regardless of other countries they're targeting.

No agenda here just common sense. I know not all followers of Islam are terrorists, but equally most terrorists active in the west are. Its not racist, islamaphobic or bigotted to point that out. How is it racist, islamaphobic or bigotted to question why do we now have this threat, in the context of our historically low incidences of terrorism that has risen expedentially off the back of recent immigration/refugee programs?
No agenda here just common sense. I know not all followers of Islam are terrorists, but equally most terrorists active in the west are. Its not racist, islamaphobic or bigotted to point that out. How is it racist, islamaphobic or bigotted to question why do we now have this threat, in the context of our historically low incidences of terrorism that has risen expedentially off the back of recent immigration/refugee programs?

There is no causal link between immigration and terrorism. Think about it for a minute. What are the refugee numbers sitting at currently worldwide? What are the numbers of terrorists?

If we want to talk about why the threat exists, we need history lessons.

You can start with France and their colonial rule over Algeria for one.
The Iran Contra affair.
The arming of Iraq.
The removal of Saddam amongst others.
The lack of support for a Palestinian State, preferencing Israel and basically backing of occupation in the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights.

The West, read the US, has a lot to answer for, as does France, Britain, Germany, Russia as do ourselves for backing them.
I've seen some absurd assumptions in my time, but this one takes the cake.

You're having a massive hissy fit because people are calling you out on your religious beliefs and you're blaming Islam for everything, without accepting the fact that Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan because 'GOD TOLD HIM TO'.

I'm a humanist, a pacifist and a realist and the fact is that both sides of this argument is dominated by one thing. Power. And there is no greater power over people than religion.

You can blame people all you goddamn well like, but the fact remains that religion on both sides is prevalent.

How many US soldiers have we seen interviewed in Iraq and Afghanistan who truly believe that they are 'there doing THE LORDS' work.

Da'esh foot soldiers are no different.

Religion, BOTH SIDES OF IT, is the root cause of all the problems we are facing today.

You are an even bigger moron then that wc2022 weirdo.

Calling me out on what exactly?
Do you even know what I'm saying and what you are arguing with me about?

I mean, at one point you bring up George Bush and then when I reply to that you react as if I'm the one who brought it up.

In sitting here saying everyone has free will, and blaming an entire religion and over a billion followers of it is stupid.

What exactly some of you Reclaim Australia losers (not yours to reclaim) are babbling on about and why, well who the **** knows and who the **** cares anymore.

Go take your medication or go rant and rave o storm front about the big bad muslim immigrants stealing your country and how your government isn't doing anything to protect you.

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