Wrestlemania27 Discussion: CAUTION! High *SPOILERS* Content

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alberto del rio vs edge

was really annoyed at the outcome of the del rio v edge match...seems like such a waste building him up like they did just to squash it all like that.
the bit that annoyed me the most was how del rio hit the armbar and it was a struggle for so long til it was reversed......his finisher was a brutal insta tap and now it's just like anything else :thumbsdown:

cody rhodes vs rey mysterio

STOKED that rhodes got the win! really liked the match and hope that codys star continues to rise.
also rey looked like a tool.

corre vs big show, kane, santino and late replacement kofi

why did they bother with this? entrances lasted longer than the match ffs....
slaters selling of the cobra and knockout punch was fantastic though :thumbsu:

orton vs cm punk

solid match, decent finisher but would've preferred the punk win.
punk needs to win the title imo....he's so talented all round.
it just doesn't look like it can happen though if he can't even beat a half crippled orton :(
then again i don't even think superman and batman combined could anymore. :rolleyes:

lawler vs cole

yawn....i really like cole but please never wrestle again.
the only reason the crowd didn't go nuts bagging it was in respect to lawler and austin imo. (small boring chant but didn't last long and was quite soft)

hhh vs taker

was a decent match with a few great moments but the whole match was basically spent with them too puffed to move on the mat.....still was decent viewing.

ziggler and lay cool vs morrison, trish and snooki

extremely short but michelle and trish was some of the best diva wrestling i've seen in the wwe in a LONNGGGG time. (never mind that i usually fast forward my recorded iq2 right pass the diva segments normally :eek:)
snooki was surprisingly decent :thumbsu:
wish it wish just jomo vs ziggler though.

miz vs cena

not a bad match at the start then a few botches and the worst ending possible....
if they are both going to be knocked out for a double count out at wrestlemania of all places (why would you have a double count out in the main event of WM ffs! :|) at least make it falling from the top of a titontron or something outrageous like that.....as if cena couldn't have gotten up from what he did.... seriously.

also as much as i love the rock that ending was disappointing and i havn't loved his return like i should've.... the only thing i got super pumped about was his original come back promo

cody winning was the highlight for me :D
5 or so years is just a rough guess. It was definately a while ago, couldnt pin point an exact year though. There was a period where one week theyd be brothers and the next just friends, then brothers again, then friends... you get the idea.

Just poor writing on WWEs part, just say theyre brothers, They did it with Kane and Taker, leave it at that.

The point where the "friends" angle became the go-to explanation with absolutely no mention of the brothers thing is at the latest christians return from TNA.
I know that things evolve in wrestling quite often (you're a heel, a face, a heel, a face) or wrestlers change characters, but it seems massively disrespectful to fans who have been around for a long time to have two wrestlers with a long history together and just dismiss most of it.

Even when they fueded with each other, they were still brothers. Now they are just good mates. It's just wrong.
I know that things evolve in wrestling quite often (you're a heel, a face, a heel, a face) or wrestlers change characters, but it seems massively disrespectful to fans who have been around for a long time to have two wrestlers with a long history together and just dismiss most of it.

Even when they fueded with each other, they were still brothers. Now they are just good mates. It's just wrong.

Spot on.

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Did anyone else see Morrison yelling at ziggler then turn to snooki and tried to discretely say "slap him" but was pretty obvious haha
I like the Miz, think he is improving as a wrestler and is fantastic on the mic... but they did him no favors making him win that way in a wrestlemania match...
Apparently there were tears in the eyes of the Miz as he made his way to the ring for the main event.

These are the kind of people that you want in the industry, those who have wanted to be there since they were young and who it means the world to them to finally reach those dreams they had.
Way to kill a guy's momentum (Del Rio).
Thrilled with Cody winning, good on Rey Rey for putting him over.
I for one, was pissed Sheamus/Bryan was cut. Seriously, did Lawler/Cole really need 13 minutes?
And soooo many video packages!
Taker/HHH was off the chain.
Dead crowd for WM, didn't help anything.
The one thing needed for Undertaker v HHH was colour

This no blading rule is for the birds when it comes to a match like that one

I don't want every tom dick and santino blading, but for the taker HHH it would have made so much sense, and would have sold everything better
Apart from JR's commentary, Miz kicking out of the AA and Cena not winning, Rhodes getting put over, HHH/Taker (minus the out of place finish), Snooki's surprise effort...by far the worst WM.

Regardless of whether it results in a future match with Rock, a WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT should not be used to build a feud down the line. Rock should be pretty dirty with himself that it sorta pisses on the entire roster by closing the show. And TBH, he was awesome his first night since then, but he's been boring as batshit with the one liners ever since.

Gotta feeling they'll do away with the Rumble eventually if that's the way they book the winner. Can understand the reasoning you might not make a guy champ in his first Mania match, but to have it as the opening match and essentially bury him post match was mind boggling. He should have at least walked away giving Edge a beat down.

Very TNA-esque.

Oh and Sunny is still smokin', would love to put her in the figure four.

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I still think Undertaker was legitimately injured hence why he probably whispered to HHH to tap out. After HHH hit him with the chair I was expecting the classic "rise up" from Undertaker culminating in a tombstone to win the match.
Yeah very level headed response from orton. The guesses doing the rounds at the moment is that Angle will claim his twitter was hacked (after he sobers up).

Nice to see youre still providing money for WWE by buying their PPVs kurt.

aaannnddd Kurt claims his twitter was hacked :rolleyes::p

* To anyone I upset, I am sorry. I didn’t watch W-mania last night. I DID get a lot of tweets during Show. About Orton, Swagger,etc.Who cares?

* I think the whole thing is Halarious. How I upset all of U amazes me.I don’t read dirt sheets,but u heard they r upset.They’re ‘dirt’ sheets

* I Hope that W-mania was entertaining for all of You, especially ‘The Rock’. Oh, and Orton-relax, I won’t beat ur ass. You can use my move:)

* 2 Randy Orton’s credit, I Heard He had the best match of the night. Good for You! Btw,I Never used Shamrock’s finish while he still wrestled

* There’s a big difference to using a Finish somebody did b4 U, and is doing while U still Wrestle. The fact is, I don’t care. Sorry everybody

* Lastly,I just found out somebody hacked into my Twitter account.Most of those tweets weren’t from me.I just found out today. I will find out

* Who would do this? I don’t know why somebody would pretend to be me. I apologize for the remarks. I’m not a twitter guy so I rarely use it.
I've seen better.
Bryan Sheamus would have been the best match of the night. I remember Bryan and DiBiase had a great, great match on NXT not long ago
Watched last night.

Taker / HHH = a wrestling EPIC !!!!!!!

Fair dinkum lost my shit when Taker kicked out of the tombstone...i truly thought he was done :eek:

Chills up the spine when H pushed himself backwards with a look of complete horror on his face......
Also -

**** YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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