Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 7

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gas supply charges alone will be couple of hundred dollars

beyond that who knows

our biggest gas cost is heating in winter or biggest electricity cost is cooling in summer

solar is much better at offsetting summer costs than winter

reverse cycle systems are cheaper to run than gas heaters but generally cost more to buy

we have a high reliance on gas for heating because it costs less up front

and we can't offset gas usage like we can electricity

it makes sense to draw a line in the sand on new installations, should have been done years ago
I heard on the radio that 2M+ homes currently rely on gas. Once gas goes, demand for electricity will rise. Its inevitable. 65% of our electricity comes from coal (the balance from solar and gas). Does that mean more coal will be needed?
kyle sandilands has come out swinging against victorias gas ban labelling it policy for woke losers

in unrelated news (cough) ..... there were recent reports sandilands wanted to bring his sydney shock jock radio show to melbourne - wonder what audience they will be pitching it at :drunk:

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My last rent increase was $5 a week, I got very lucky! Now I've moved out they've put it up another $20 a week for the new tenant. But looking at the sales history, it's either missing or the same person has owned it a long time so it's likely not got a mortgage and therefore affected by rate rises.

To put it in context it's just bringing our rent up to market rate, just a shame that the landlord (a large developer who I doubt are struggling for cash) chose to do it in one hit.
kyle sandilands has come out swinging against victorias gas ban labelling it policy for woke losers

in unrelated news (cough) ..... there were recent reports sandilands wanted to bring his sydney shock jock radio show to melbourne - wonder what audience they will be pitching it at :drunk:
Any decent radio exec knows Sydney shit doesn't work in Melbourne
Nervous laughter HurleyHepsHird. As expected from someone with your intellect.
You are joking right?

A quick google search can confirm the definition.

Why do you think the distinction is made between absolute or true majority and majority. Majority and plurality are synonyms within the context of a poll or election where there are a plurality of choices. Are you an idiot?
Why wouldn't Labor want to risk a spill against Pesutto? Do they think there is someone in the Liberal Party Room more likely to win in 2026? Any alternative to Pesutto would be from his right, which IMO would be better for Labor. Pesutto wouldn't survive losing Warrandtye.

Also, the forces inside the party room against Pesutto have managed to scare people away since December 2022. Pesutto won the leadership by one vote but the motion to expel Deeming by six. Considering he's lost Kim Wells, that's about four people moving the other way (IMO its Luu, Hermanns, Guy and one other).

I can see the reward if they run and win, but can't see the risk unless they have internal polling which shows them about to get creamed in Warrandyte, which would be contrary to every other bit of information we have. Even the better Morgan poll from last week has it only 2% better on 2PP than it was last year at the election - hardly a disaster for Labor if they lose the by-election with a 2% swing against. They have money - they just ran in Fadden for pete's sake. I just don't understand why their not running.
I'd imagine a party divided is still a better enemy than a party united.

But I'm not inclined to think they are playing 4D chess, there just doesn't seem to be great political capital to be gained from almost winning.
kyle sandilands has come out swinging against victorias gas ban labelling it policy for woke losers

in unrelated news (cough) ..... there were recent reports sandilands wanted to bring his sydney shock jock radio show to melbourne - wonder what audience they will be pitching it at :drunk:
I like this policy even more after learning that it upsets that flog.
Banning gas supplies into homes in Victoria from new builds next year 😂🤦‍♂️

What could possibly go wrong….

Does he also realise inadvertently how many jobs he’s just cut?
How many?

It's good policy. Gas cookers are an unhealthy carbon monoxide emiter within homes and gas prices are outrageous.

Reducing consumer demand pressures will plausibly influence wholesale prices which could benefit Victorian industry.
Banning gas supplies into homes in Victoria from new builds next year 😂🤦‍♂️

What could possibly go wrong….

Does he also realise inadvertently how many jobs he’s just cut?

What could go wrong ?
What is the cost of electricity when ALL costs (including interest & capital) are paid back in US dollars.

See here:Energy data and modellinggencost

When I see any mention of 'creative accounting' I shudder, & it is in use by the CSIRO no less.

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I’d like to see how they worked this out also, and now. Down the track, if they don’t reduce, there’s no accountability.
We switched from using our central heating (gas fired) to using the heater in our air conditioning unit.

It's one data point, but we've saved hundreds in bills. Literally one of the main reasons we did it. Plus you can easily clean and replace HEPA filters on units yourself, whereas having floor ducted central heating cleaned as often as you should, is expensive.
I like this policy even more after learning that it upsets that flog.
There is more than a bit of irony in Sandilands being upset at a gas ban in domestic home settings....

Banning gas to homes will shave off $1000 a year in household energy bills, according to the government. I'd love to see the analysis that came up with that nice round figure. Probably the same people who costed the Commonwealth Games?
Anyone who uses gas central heating will save at least this vs using split systems.

And builders shove these systems in every house they build.

Gas sucks.
They should be designing a smart solar cooling heating package tailored to Victorian conditions, possibly using weather predictions as an input

Then I might consider it. As it is, changing something like that is like running past a pack of bandits with a fistful of dollars
And no Games
Yep the triple **** you

And still rebuilding from the fires from 3 years ago some people are still in caravan parks
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