Oppo Camp Round 8 vs. Richmond - The Banter Thread

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Oh and also why didn't we delist stanton!?

I never 'booed' any Don, including Dyson & Davey!!!!! (Stanton & Salmon etc etc!!!!!)

But Hird has them playing team football, With SKILL; Bomber our hardness; & the WEAPON our STRENGTH!!!!!

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Actually there is a lot wrong with that, we need to dominate you!!!!! Our rucks should win the ball to our Mids, so our Defence isn't required, and OUR Forwards feast on your Your Dirty Balls!!!!!''

Freudian slip there Ryder. The upcoming Richmond game brings thoughts of domination to the normally upstanding Bomber membership. The long submerged desire to have the Tiger handle you roughly leaving claw marks on your pristine bumbler rumps rises to the surface. Like a tabby cat you yearn for the dismissive whish of the Great beasts tail as he leaves you to feast elsewhere.
They are but mere mortals.

Unlike this man.


Im curious, why was the kick he did after the don't argue omitted from this gif. Surely he drilled it onto a leading Richmond forwards chest?
Im curious, why was the kick he did after the don't argue omitted from this gif. Surely he drilled it onto a leading Richmond forwards chest?

LOL I'd like to know the same thing. :D

In addition, if this is the best don't argue you can show, where the person he fends off is running in the same direction and is not close enough to make a great tackle attempt, then that is embarrassing. :eek:

Truth is, there are much better examples for Martin and he can fend off quite well at times. Pity that the majority of the time by maintaining possession of the ball longer than he should then fending off he puts himself under unnecessary pressure and often butchers the following disposal or simply bombs it long blindly. He would be far better off disposing the ball earlier to a free team mate than making it all about him and how tough he is. :rolleyes:
You're the only one who's mentioned 2010, or anything about 2010!! Don't talk to me about confusing years! :D
Oh, it's confusing all right! :p

Let's be honest, Richmond have been rebuilding for longer.

Richmond started in 2005 when they hired Terry Wallet and got a million top 20 draft picks.

At this point in time Sheeds was still trying to convince us we were a genuine chance with the existing cattle plus recycled hacks. Our rebuild started in 2008 when Knights took over. Love him or hate him, Knights did make some tough list choices which we are now reaping the benefit from (though his game plan was crap and player management was supposedly worse).

We can therefore say without doubt that Richmond are 3 years ahead of us with their rebuild. Should we defeat this slumbering powerhouse it'll be the biggest H&A upset the AFL has seen in recent memory.
This is not quite right. We should have been rebuilding under Wallet but instead won 7 of his first 10 as coach (before Brown broke his leg) and finished - yep - 9th in 2006. This meant Wallet's ego took over and he traded away the future for the now. We were last in 2007 but did he learn? Nope, back to 9th in 08 and 'locked and loaded' for finals, trading away a valuable pick for spud Adam Thomson and wasting another one on spud Hislop. That ****er and Greg Miller set us back 5 years so that when they left after 09 we were worse off than when they joined us. It was only when Hardwick arrived and was given the green light by Gale that we properly gutted the list and rebuilt from the ground up. </rationalfootytalk>

Good to see Richmond's one coherent supporter has decided to grace the thread, I was afraid we were all going to drown in spittle for a while there.
Hey! I'm coherent, just too good at needling for you Verucas to appreciate me.;)

Also any suggestion Alex Rance is or will be AA Fullback is fanciful to say the very least. Cant wait to see him howl it up when the pressure is on this weekend.
No it's not. He's a gun. Watch him run your FF ragged.

That's incisive. The team who's a couple of percentage points off top spot is near its peak. :thumbsu:
I didn't say it was incisive. I thought it was perfectly obvious that Essendon has little to no improvement left in it. :D

Seriously, I'm having fun with this. Some take it too much to heart. Of course I'm going to needle and talk down your mob, that's part of the fun. That's why you blokes respond with "OMFGZ!! Richmondz iz lyk the shittezt team evaz!!!" (*quote may be exaggerated for effect, so don't quote me on it)

85-90,000 at the G on Saturday night & I'll be there with my Veruca Salt brother-in-law, elbowing each other in the ribs all night, as we shout each other beers. Can't wait. Hope we win, not too fussed if we lose because I know our clubs are set for many more important clashes than this one in the next few years.

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LOL I'd like to know the same thing. :D

In addition, if this is the best don't argue you can show, where the person he fends off is running in the same direction and is not close enough to make a great tackle attempt, then that is embarrassing. :eek:

Truth is, there are much better examples for Martin and he can fend off quite well at times. Pity that the majority of the time by maintaining possession of the ball longer than he should then fending off he puts himself under unnecessary pressure and often butchers the following disposal or simply bombs it long blindly. He would be far better off disposing the ball earlier to a free team mate than making it all about him and how tough he is. :rolleyes:

There is a better one from the same, game, his kicking was off against sydney but he can fix that, toughness he is born with.

You say 'don't argues' get us into trouble? sometimes maybe (still worth it though), but often enough the opposition is so ready for a turnover they forget to look behind them and see us running away :) that or dusty just runs to the 50 and bombs it in...to the goals.
There is a better one from the same, game, his kicking was off against sydney but he can fix that, toughness he is born with.

You say 'don't argues' get us into trouble? sometimes maybe (still worth it though), but often enough the opposition is so ready for a turnover they forget to look behind them and see us running away :) that or dusty just runs to the 50 and bombs it in...to the goals.

Agreed, wouldn't want him to stop, the more he gets you guys into trouble unnecessarily the better. :D
reads thread

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what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You have a post occupying a spot on your list.
A bit of respect: A Post.

You guys are shit and you're kidding yourselves if you think you can win a flag with that pack of donkeys.

works both ways i guess...
Atta lad.

reads thread

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what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

I canz rip off quotez too.
No it's not. He's a gun. Watch him run your FF ragged.

You mean Crameri. The guy who's so fit, only the fittest bloke in the league is fitter than him at the club.

Good luck with that.:thumbsu:
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