Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

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I live in NSW and would give my right aggot to have had Dan Andrews instead of Genghis Binchicken through this crisis.

bloody hell out of the frying pan into the fire for one aggot .... the mind fairly boggles:

'Victoria is set to miss the first target on its vaccination road map, with Victorians set to wait an extra two or three days before they can enjoy an extremely modest easing of restrictions.
Under the road map announced on Sunday, contactless outdoor recreation such as golf and tennis will be permitted once 80 per cent of Victorians aged 16 and over have had a first dose of vaccine.

The road map forecast that the threshold would be reached this Sunday, September 26.

However, as of Thursday, 76.2 per cent had received a first dose, with the state on a trajectory to achieve 80 per cent by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Health Minister Martin Foley confirmed on Friday that the restrictions will not be eased until the threshold is met.'
You and your classic anger issues, it was just a tongue in cheek joke, calm down.

I'm enjoying football a lot without dealing with drama queens like you so I'm winning

Wait til you're posting about stringing people up on the Westgate Bridge again like a psychopath
Not angry at all. Just have a low tolerance for stupid. Which is most of the #istandwithdan crowd.

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Brett telling it as it is. Best CHO and by a distance.

CHO on protests: they think that everything will be solved by taking a horse deworming tablet that gives you the runs and puts some in hospital. They are literally living in a fantasy world. Let’s not pretend these are rational individuals - they are absolutely wacky.

Of that I have no doubt
I recall you posting that protesters should be shot. On that basis alone, my morals shit all over yours.

Am I a better person than you? Indisputable.

I wish the best for you, your partner, and your kid to be, and hope the lot of you move to China/NK/Afghanistan so you can find comfort in the authoritarianism you love so much.
I recall you posting that protesters should be shot. On that basis alone, my morals sh*t all over yours.

Am I a better person than you? Indisputable.

I wish the best for you, your partner, and your kid to be, and hope the lot of you move to China/NK/Afghanistan so you can find comfort in the authoritarianism you love so much.

I never said they should be shot. I said they should be sarin-ed.
In essence it's a bunch of people who are simply angry they've been left behind.
The nutjobs come along and give them a means of channelling their anger. Not the first time not something like this has happened and won't be the last.
Arrant nonsense. The overwhelming majority are dipsticks who get their propaganda from US extreme rightist websites. Your version is little more than the Murdoch version, the very people who give comfort to and incite these knuckle draggers. As well as Stoker, Christensen, Canavan, Allen, Finn and a conga line of other reactionaries.
bloody hell out of the frying pan into the fire for one aggot .... the mind fairly boggles:

'Victoria is set to miss the first target on its vaccination road map, with Victorians set to wait an extra two or three days before they can enjoy an extremely modest easing of restrictions.
Under the road map announced on Sunday, contactless outdoor recreation such as golf and tennis will be permitted once 80 per cent of Victorians aged 16 and over have had a first dose of vaccine.

The road map forecast that the threshold would be reached this Sunday, September 26.

However, as of Thursday, 76.2 per cent had received a first dose, with the state on a trajectory to achieve 80 per cent by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Health Minister Martin Foley confirmed on Friday that the restrictions will not be eased until the threshold is met.'

closing some clinics in the city for a few days because of bogans rioting can’t have helped

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Are you really judging others?

A liverpool fan so cowardly he won’t post on the main football board section? Hiding away in the ‘jurg’ love in.

Scott Pendlebury has been a stand up citizen of football for over a decade. Asks a question on Twitter and cops that from you. A bit bloody rich.
Hi Scott.
They’ve dropped the tradie pretence I see.

Any of our defenders of freedom backing the assault of the family in Slater Reserve today?
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