Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

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So in a 3 day window, people who broke the rules went and got tested as they developed symptoms in that period. Contact tracers who are already flat out, were able to then link and contact these 500 people to illegal house visits, who all became positive in this short period. Which means plenty were honest and handed in their friends/family details to tracers.
And some of whom, as Jeroen stated yesterday, wanted “payback”.

You people are too nice.
we have had quite a few present to hospital with many days of symptoms (5 - 7) untested while living with family with COVID. Or whole families with symptoms who are afraid to/ too sick to get tested (and if getting tested means waiting in a car for hours at some of the busier testing centers in the HUme area I can see how there is discouragement, as well as denial "it I don't get a positive test I don't have to face reality")
If you live with a positive case you are better off getting the diagnosis yourself as you will be able to 1) access health care when needed (for now, at least) and 2) get your clearance earlier - as otherwise you are treated as a tier 1 contact starting from the date your family member is deemed covid clear.
So in a 3 day window, people who broke the rules went and got tested as they developed symptoms in that period. Contact tracers who are already flat out, were able to then link and contact these 500 people to illegal house visits, who all become positive in this short period. Which means plenty were honest and handed in their friends/family details to tracers.
And some of whom, as Jeroen stated yesterday, wanted “payback”.

You people are too nice.

Staggering really that people are buying this one.

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Back at the start people in home quarantine were allowed out for exercise.
this did change though. Its almost like Dan tried non lockdown type settings early aimed at virus suppression not elimination
Then got a big outbreak caused by HQ **** ups
Then was forced into elimination strategy due to every other state arsing their way into elimination.
Sure, he could have quit/ been sacked at time of HQ, but this would not have avoided LD2 (as the cases are already out). Or we are having a scenario where Victoria was cut off from the rest of australia.
I thought outdoor recreation (non contact) was approved, thought cricket was in that.
Professional sport sits in different category as they have own covid safe plans

Training only, no playing in regional.
Can catch up with 4 other fully vaccinated people for unofficial training in Metro, can resume official training at 70% DD.

Both can only start playing at 80%DD.
So in a 3 day window, people who broke the rules went and got tested as they developed symptoms in that period. Contact tracers who are already flat out, were able to then link and contact these 500 people to illegal house visits, who all became positive in this short period. Which means plenty were honest and handed in their friends/family details to tracers.
And some of whom, as Jeroen stated yesterday, wanted “payback”.

You people are too nice.
They pinged the Traralgon GF party that infected 19 households earlier than yesterdays announcement
I think you can believe these stats. They would have been absolutely gagging to point the blame at the CMFEU protests, and would have double and triple checked before saying it was due to anything else

How disappointed must Dans social media team be that they spent all morning hammering the message that it was the protests and Dan ignored them?

All those hours of propaganda and Dan said they were wrong…He’d prefer to blame the majority of Victorians than focus on a very small minority which is smaller than his social media team.

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For those that want to get out of lockdown for awhile. Now you just have to find a place that will allow you to go there

Thats great.
You will have to apply for leave at lates notice if you have a job.
You will have to pay minimum $2.5k for air ticket.
Then you will have to test negative pre departure.
You will have to quarantine upon arrival at destination for at least 3 days.
Then you will have to pay for your quarantine for one week upon arriving home.
All up a taxing and exhausting 'holiday' where you would have needed to remorgage your home, im waiting til april/may next year im glad the government is pushing ahead though
How disappointed must Dans social media team be that they spent all morning hammering the message that it was the protests and Dan ignored them?

All those hours of propaganda and Dan said they were wrong…He’d prefer to blame the majority of Victorians than focus on a very small minority which is smaller than his social media team.
Or perhaps an instance of telling truth rather than spin
Thats great.
You will have to apply for leave at lates notice if you have a job.
You will have to pay minimum $2.5k for air ticket.
Then you will have to test negative pre departure.
You will have to quarantine upon arrival at destination for at least 3 days.
Then you will have to pay for your quarantine for one week upon arriving home.
All up a taxing and exhausting 'holiday' where you would have needed to remorgage your home, im waiting til april/may next year im glad the government is pushing ahead though
Real excitement machine

PropagandaGuy17 searched twitter seeking coherence and logic, but didn't find it? Stop the presses.

Then appears to conclude that if people don't appreciate the fine job that Dan is doing, there's something wrong with people?

Might be time for Dan's social media team to clear the cache !!
I still call bullshit. They can tell us people had a long weekend in India and flew back.

What is the average incubation period for Delta strain? On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days. Yet 500 people presented with symptoms after 3-4 days?
You didn't answer what cartwright asked.
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