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  1. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Rate my team Part III

    backs: cornes, fisher, drummond, malceski, henderson, kennely, ladson (maguire, blight) mids: bartel, goodes, thompson, burgoyne, kerr, martin (shuey, hall) rucks: cox, hille (trengove, gawn) forwards: riewoldt, o'keefe, brown, franklin, ziebell, hall, dangerfield (rockliff, taylor) what do...
  2. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Beau Waters

    guys just wanted to know how beau waters is looking for this year...i know he had an elbow is he travelling?
  3. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Luke Shuey

    whats the go with him guys...a few mates played school footy and oakleigh charges with him any chance of starting round 1 for the eagles and how do u guys rate him..cheers!
  4. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Dream Team and Supercoach questions

    Nathan Krakouer guys just wanted to know how long nathan krakouer was out for, cheers!
  5. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    what is wrong with Lids??

    he is a midfielder!!! pure and simple!!! he was drafted as the best midfielder in the country and that ******** wallace plays him off halfback!
  6. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Richard Tambling???

    you are ****ing dillusional my friend...end of story ****!
  7. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Richard Tambling???

    i cant settle for that off a guy who went pick 4 in a strong draft!
  8. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Richard Tambling???

    are we ever going to see this kid step up, year after year he promises so much and delivers jack shit! I for one am getting a little fed up with this bloke and im sure i share the opinion of many angry richmond supporters!
  9. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Rate My Dream Team

    ive been doing a lot of fine tuning over the last week...just wanna get your thoughts on my side cheers! BACKS: goddard bock drummond houlihan ryder hurn raines (reserves: rance, garner) MIDS: ablett thompson k.cornes gibbs foley hasleby (reserves: beams, m.robinson)...
  10. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    When will JON play?

    Hopefully Never Again!
  11. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Tambling is a dud

    i am absolutely sick and tired of watching this bloke who has obvious talent (but will never live up to it) put in insipid performance after insipid performance week in week out...wallace said he was going to start axing players no matter who they are...i reckon he should start with...
  12. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Clayton Collard

    lets hope he does string a couple of good games together in the vfl because he is a gifter player!
  13. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Clayton Collard

    whats the story with him guys? i was absolutely rapt when we picked him up in the pre season draft but haven't really heard anything about him over the pre season...
  14. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Defender under 244k

    michael pettigrew from port...absolute steal at 208k!!!
  15. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    big question mark over tonights game

  16. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Pre-Season Training

    anybody got any pre-season training times and would be much appreciated
  17. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Your ideal 2007 Draft.

    COTCHIN..enough said!
  18. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trent Cotchin Petition

    stocky..EXACTLY pav always had the size needed to hold down a key position..morton will always be a wirey type phisique
  19. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trent Cotchin Petition

    he is not a kpp nor will he ever be one
  20. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trent Cotchin Petition

    he is a midfielder pal...if you'd have seen him play this year you would know
  21. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trent Cotchin Petition

    MANY times mate...your point?
  22. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trent Cotchin Petition

    Write in here if you want cotchin ahead of morton (hopefully the brains trust at richmond read this)...because i definately know that i do...the guy will be an absolute gun...touted as one of the best ever players at TAC cup level along with chris judd
  23. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Leigh Matthews attacked by Pitbull !!!!!

    it is rumoured that lethal bit back at the dog with his spanking new chompers!!!
  24. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Before you critisise any trades that eventuate......

    all well and good benny with regards to moran and brennan but i will not be pleased AT ALL if we pick up hooper in the PSD for 500k over 3 years...not for a player who wanted to give up footy at the start of the year!
  25. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Rhan Hooper

    160k a year is not ok when its for a guy that didnt even want to play footy at the start of i said the club can go and get stuffed if they agree to that deal!
  26. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Rhan Hooper

    not for 500k over 3 years...the club can go and get stuffed if they agree to that!!!
  27. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Footballer plunges to his death on Gold Coast footy trip!!!

    very sad news...only 19 years of age...condolensces go out to his family
  28. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Footballer plunges to his death on Gold Coast footy trip!!!

    yes it is for real...i couldnt believe it when i heard was on one of those channel 7 news preview commercials and it didnt specifically say either current or past footballer...all it said was "a footballer has plunged to his death on the gold coast" or something along those lines
  29. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Footballer plunges to his death on Gold Coast footy trip!!!

    not sure as to who the player is...but i just heard it on seven news...its set to be announced at 6pm on channel 7...if anyone has any insight as to who it might be or which clubs are on the gold coast at this present time it would be much appreciated...
  30. R.I.P Jack Dyer

    Trade Week

    starts monday